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How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
  • Date de début Date de début
google it
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
What bout vapors from dmt/naphta mix when it is freezes for 24 hours? How much evaporate? Cause my mum would kill me if hers meat get solvent odor! Does it happen or maybe solvent evaporates?

about 2 years ago I put a cookie pan of naptha in the freezer. (WAY more than ever needed) - the freezer smelled like cancer for a week.

don't do this if you live with ur mum.
IJesusChrist a dit:
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
What bout vapors from dmt/naphta mix when it is freezes for 24 hours? How much evaporate? Cause my mum would kill me if hers meat get solvent odor! Does it happen or maybe solvent evaporates?

about 2 years ago I put a cookie pan of naptha in the freezer. (WAY more than ever needed) - the freezer smelled like cancer for a week.

don't do this if you live with ur mum.

Jesus, thanx :)
Hello, i am new here.
I know nothing about chemistry (so thanks for publishing this wonderful tutorial)
However i have one question.
Currently i live in Taiwan. in this weird country you can buy cheap unlimited amounts of the most potent DMT plant (acacia confusa) but it is impossible to buy naphta. I only found Petroleum Ether (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum_ether). Can it be used as a substitute for naphta?

Thanks for feedback.
Is naphta only way to extract dmt? NO!!!! Use goggle and find other ways how to extrac dmt. Or discover is naphta polar or non polar solvent. Cause any other can be sufficient substitute. Similar bout making home made MDMA...one way will give you more yield and second less but more faster and easier it goes. U can't believe how easy is to make MDMA! If U have safrol or iso-safrol. Sorry bout missing the topic.
Gday all, I know this is an old post and I apologise for the noob questions but I am far from a chemist lol. With all the comments made after the origional post Im a little unsure of correct procedure after step 13. As in do we use caustic soda or not? a bi-carb bath is done exactly how? Basically could I get someone to repost from step 13 please. I have always been intrigued by the shamanc rituals I have read abiut etc but have decided not to participate until I can get the mist "pure" experience.
Thankyou in advance and ince again imy apologies about the " noobiness" of my questiins.I also apologise abiut my spelling but this is typed on my phone lol.....
Could someone please clarify what "python out" means?
(i.e. in step 19)
Sorry I'm new to this and that term is very unfamiliar.
Hi guys i have a question if any one would be so kind enough to answer .
After the freezing process of 24 hours and the drying process starts. how long will it be before the crystals are dry enough to scrape up.
this is my first journey in to xtracting and its been a happy one and very positive experience. i followed the tek given on this site to the letter and i am worried because i am doing it in stages using 20grams of acacia confusa which doesnt produce to much product so dont want to loose any.
thanks guys

happy journies
Peace, Love, Unity:heart:
What tek are you using ? Please post more information if you want proper help ;)
Anyway using only 20g of acacia will not give you enough to build a big crytal using the freezing process ( use freese precipitation for amount of minimum 100g )
i would recommand to only do the drying.
You can take your cold naphta and make it dry with fan, don't scratch it until you got no naphta left
hi sorry to be so vauge i am using the extraction 20.0 recipe that vibrancy put on this site in 2009 if that helps.
i am a newbie at this but want to master it and am willing to try no matter how long it takes.
im using acacia confusa root bark causti soda and ronson lighter fuel.
or are there more up to date extraction methods i could use using the acacia root bark
thanks for your help really appreciated
So you are using a STB tek ( straight to base ) but unfortunatly for acacia root bark you must use a A/B tek ( acide to base )
I have done the same mistake first time i get acacia.
The good news is you can always go with A/B with your acacia.

Take the mix Naoh/water out of the bark the more you can, save it and then wash the most you can your bark with pure water.
After that let the bark dried and mix it with 10% alcohol vinegar.

Then you can either make it boil and reduce, take the vinegar in a glass, do that 3-4 time, then remove the bark and reduce your vinegar/alcaloid like 1/3 of the volume.
Or let the bark in vinegar for few days and mix a bit everyday.
This wil convert the alkaloid into a salt.

Then put the vinegar in a jar you can close, and add your NaoH to vinegar, like the same amount or a bit more ( if necessery do moe basic water )
Mix it well , be really carefully when you mix NaoH and vinegar , this will cause an exodermique reaction
This will make the dmt freebase
When you have mix it for 20 minute, you can add your naphta, pour it and make it dry with a fan (fan will make it dry way faster ).

Normally it's better to use pure naphta i recommend you to try drying a little bit of your liquid fluid to see if its clean.

here's a helpfull link : hxxp://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Category:Extraction_Tek

Have a nice time fellow :)
Logic tells one it would most likely mean syphon...as in remove the layer from the other layer...with the pipette..
SWIM is getting his tek ready for his first ever Acacia Confusa Root Bark extraction. He likes this tek on page one but would like to know if this process and tek has been updated again since the original post. It was mentioned that this tek was work in progress and SWIM was wondering if its been improved upon. Noted by SWIM are the comments on page 1 for some extra Lye. But what at the end of the process for better cleaning the Lye away for smoking, can someone give some detailed final wash steps. SWIM kinda understands that some final washing might be needed, the the first post does not mention this. With this tek can SWIM get a good quality DMT with clean smoke possible considering its harsh anyways by all accounts.

An update to the tek and process and any final washing in detail would be so gratefully appreciated.

Smoking wise, SWIM has a couple of options for vaporizing and has started by created a nice clear light bulb with long-ish tube for vaporizing at lower temps, since SWIM is on a tight budget.


This SWIM has been gearing up for his first time Acacia Confusa Root Bark extraction by following Vibrancy3's 2010/2011 post here which is a sticky on this swection of the forum.

Using the tek for Acacia Confusa Root Bark. Is this tek A/B then? This (UK) SWIM is a little confused now after reading your suggestions above.

A detailed update to this tek with final wash would be gratefully appreciated thank you if you can spare the time to help a first timer.
Yea you are talking about the same tek and no it is a STB tek because you only use water, naoh and naphta.
So you just turn the dmt in freebase with the naoh and extract it with the naphta.
Normally STB is working for mimosa root bark only, i don't know why
Instead A/B is working for either and usually give a better yield

For the washing part , normally if you separe the solvent and the basic water without a split , your spice will have a nice white color.
If some of the basic water still in your spice is gonna be more yellow/brown color. If that happens, take your spice and wash it with only naphta, the impurties will go on the bottom, separe it from naphta and dry it again.

In A/B tek you must first use acid with PH 4 ( vinegar, sulphuric acid+water, wathever...) to turn dmt in salt and then use NaoH to turn it in freebase.
look at the tek in the dmt-nexus and compare A/B and STB
If you still need help you can ask here i pass by pretty much everyday ;)
Thanks for your prompt reply. SWIM has read some of the nexus tek now for STB and A/B, thanks for pointing out difference.

So the tek Vibrancy3 posted and process used shoudlnt work or does not work? SWIM is unsure now, should SWIM try his method. SWIM had just finished getting everything listed and was ready to proceed. Can this tek process be used but the first steps with plain water not be used in favor of A/B.

Washing: Understood with regard to washing again. Thank you.
As i say i use STB for acacia before and i only get a very little amount of red sticky oil who was i guess jimjam spice ( it was not a dmt trip for sure )

And yes A/B and STB only the first step is different, after that you can follow the vibrancy3
I understand now, thank you for your help.
SWIM thought he was clear, but with further reading SWIM is not. Sorry to be Dumb. SWIM finds some of those guides on Nexus confusing to follow for the basic beginner. SWIM has read most of the teks there including Lektek's A/B

Being setup for STB Vibrancy3's tek, but with your advice about not using just a water soak for the first step but the A/B acid method.

Can you just outline in steps the first stage (Acid cook or soak) and then show at which step to enter Vibrancy3's process at. SWIM is unsure if its step 7 to enter at or step 12. Step 7 would be defat stage. Is defat needed if the bark powder is soaked in distilled water+1 part white vinegar overnight.. or the simmer and reduce method on a hob.

Once this acid cook stage has completed, at which stage (No#) in Vibrancy3's process should SWIM then continue from is SWIM's question. SWIM thinks either 7 if defat is needed, or 12 if no defat is required.

*Should the acid cook just be distilled water + white vinegar (all one can obtain in UK so far)

*SWIM does have a digital pH meter to read the first stage pH 4 (distilled water+ white vinegar)

As all guides state, read and understand the stages. SWIM is almost at a basic understanding and wouldn't want to proceed without further understanding.

Thank you for you time and understanding.