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How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
  • Date de début Date de début
yea i dont see how you can "fail"

if its yellowish nasty shit, rinse it in naptha and recrystallize.
Not given up on the tek just giving up on extractions. I'll let my friend do the extractions.

I like this tek because it is the simplest tek of all the ones I've read. Every other tek I've read has the same basic steps as this to get the dmt from the bark into the naptha/solvent, all the rest is just various washes to purify the product. I've never tried dmt so I'm prepared to deal with some residuals and a harsher smoke in the short term.

EE: there were no crystals visible at all. On my clear pyrex dish it just looked like some salt water had evoprated from the dish and left a whiteish stain. When I scraped this substance together it was a very distinct yellow waxlike substance.

I will one day find the spirit molecule and I fervently hope it will show me what I've been searching for.

Lastly I've read a lot on these type forums where people advocate the use of acaccia madenii but in my research it seems that acaccia podalyriifolia has the highest reported dmt content.
2 possible conclusion to no crystals
and btw that white stain you scrape up often times fans blow it into a white stain

but you will get crystals

you didn't add quite enough lye/water or didnt do all of this while the solution was warm
itsscience a dit:
EE: there were no crystals visible at all. On my clear pyrex dish it just looked like some salt water had evoprated from the dish and left a whiteish stain. When I scraped this substance together it was a very distinct yellow waxlike substance.

Ok so EndlessEndtity is probably right! make shure your adding @ least 5g of lye to ratio of 200ml of water

And make shure when you give it water baths the water is reasonably warm/hot! also are you using a decent freezer? This tek or any A/B STB for that matter using the method of freeze precip calls for a freezer that gets down to around -20c

(aka 4 star freezer) 8)
I canne do it Captain, I need more power (in my freezer).

I definitely think I didn't add enough NaOH to the distilled water. My freezer is cheap and I seriously doubt it gets anywhere near -20c but from what I've read the DMT should start falling out of solution even at room temp so I should still be getting some crystals even if my freezer only gets to -5c - or am I wrong on that.

Anyway my friend is collecting some fresh accacia (going to persevere with the podalyrifolia) and hopefully I'll have something to report in a few days time (although still trying to find a ph metre)
itsscience a dit:
I canne do it Captain, I need more power (in my freezer).

I definitely think I didn't add enough NaOH to the distilled water. My freezer is cheap and I seriously doubt it gets anywhere near -20c but from what I've read the DMT should start falling out of solution even at room temp so I should still be getting some crystals even if my freezer only gets to -5c - or am I wrong on that.

Anyway my friend is collecting some fresh accacia (going to persevere with the podalyrifolia) and hopefully I'll have something to report in a few days time (although still trying to find a ph metre)

HA! nice reference............

Yerr never hesitate to add more lye! even if u add twice the amount intended to your solution it will still be ok!

(oviosuly dont take the piss, some numbty from nexus once told me to add 1 coffee cup full and me being niev when i did'nt know much i did and ruined 20g MHRB, i did slag nexus off 4 a bit, but then i did take advise from a spirit user and nexus is actually one of the best ''educational'' sites on enthegens out there, hint hint)

Yes you can do a room temp extraction, a common method i have heard of is splitting it 50/50 (1/2 room temp 1/2 freeze precip) but i have never needed to use that method

Also u should go out and buy a old freezer if u serious, i recently bruoght a 2nd hand 4star freezer (only £30) freexes ice in 1hour maximum :D

Good luck on the tek itsscience................
I have a question.

Does the warm water bath realy needs to be that long?
I did a warm water bath before but never that long.
DaZeD a dit:
I have a question.

Does the warm water bath realy needs to be that long?
I did a warm water bath before but never that long.

No it does'nt if you have been doing this tek (or anyone else viewing) you see the solvent has seperated into the 2 layers after about 1 hour, just go 4 it syphon it out into your container

through on my last wash i always leave it overnight so the solvent collects more dmt from the mimosa soup :)
I don't know what tek i'm using, i kinda improvised between a few i guess, it's not much different then what you do, only i use Naphta and i gently roll the jar in all directions for 5 minutes, then let it rest for 1 minute and i then repeat this 2 more times, then i extract my first pull, and then i repeat the steps 2 more times.
DaZeD a dit:
only i use Naphta and i gently roll the jar in all directions for 5 minutes, then let it rest for 1 minute and i then repeat this 2 more times, then i extract my first pull, and then i repeat the steps 2 more times.

dito, i roll aswell but lightly shake, as long as your not getting to much bubbly head on top of your mixture, your fine :D

then just waterbath for little bit, ect...............

what kind of yeild are you getting with ya tek ? i got it upto 2.5g with 200g mexican mimosa bark (smug face, lol)
Bah, not me, i can be happy if i made 0.8 from 100gr. Mimosa Hostilis.
I do 3 pulls, but i probably left some in the solution, but i'm kinda lazy sometimes, and making DMT isn't that much of a fun job imo, so at 3 pulls i stop, also because the 3th pull makes the lowest amount.

I still have like 1.4kg. of pre powdered root bark, do you think it will get less potent if i just leave it like that for a while?
I have it like 6 months or so, i've put it in the freezer to try and minimize the potency loss.
don't mean to interrupt. i felt i should add this thread to my posts so i can find it easily later.

thanks for ironing out the finer points for me(noob) guys. i've skimmed it pretty well and it looks like together you've covered most of the bases. ill holler if i see any issues
Allusion a dit:
thanks for ironing out the finer points for me. i've skimmed it pretty well and it looks like together you've covered most of the bases. ill holler if i see any issues

Yeah i have tried to simply things as much as poss while tryna get best result, any questions you have i'm here to help :rolleyes:
i have a question:

when we prepare the ayahuasca, we put in recipient mimosa hostilis and in other peganum harmala, the item that have dmt is only mimosa hostilis.
for prepare the drink of mimosa hostilis we should take the root bark and should put in boiled water it, and wait 30 - 40 minutes...
later we use a filter for separe the root bark of liquid... and later we drink the liquid, and it have the dmt of root bark. it's ok?
if liquid contein the dmt for to have psichedelic effects, i think that if we to do all this procediment, and later don't drink the liquid, but we put on fire the metallic conteiner, and we wait that all water vaporized...
when all water is vaporized do we think that in base of conteiner we are will find the dmt?

tank you for answears and sorry me for bad english
jike a dit:
i have a question:

when we prepare the ayahuasca, we put in recipient mimosa hostilis and in other peganum harmala, the item that have dmt is only mimosa hostilis.
for prepare the drink of mimosa hostilis we should take the root bark and should put in boiled water it, and wait 30 - 40 minutes

This tek is not made to produce ayahuasca, it is made to produce dmt freebase made for smoking. thruogh i can assure there are many teks out there to make aya, peace and godspeed............
Can anyone help me simplify these 2 paragraphs on madprossers tek please these 2 paragraphs are really confusing to me????
is there a better way to pour off the Naptha and what do I extract 3 more times with the Naptha ?????

let the NaOH digest the powdered rootbark about 15-30 minutes, shaking the can every 15 minutes. then add 1 liter naptha. turn the can end-over-end, stopping occasionally to loosen the cap and vent pressure. there should be some pressure to vent, otherwise the solution is not hot enough and you will get crap yields. turn it end-over-end 100 times.

put the can on the water bath and wait 30 to 60 minutes. pour off approximately 800ml of naptha into a quart jar. extract 2-3 more times with another 800ml naptha. to you hot naptha extract add 1-2 tablespoons MgSO4 and seal the jar for 30 minutes. Filter the Epsom’s and put the naptha in quart (or gallon) jars in the freezer for at least 24 hours to precipitate the dmt. don't mix the different extractions together, precipitate them separately.
you have your basic root water (with the NaOH in it).

Pour naptha in with it. You will get to layers. Shake em up.

Wait for the layers to form, and take off the top (naptha) layer; pour it into another or something.

Go back to the purple/black NaOH water with root bark in it. Add more naptha.

Shake it up.

Wait for it to separate, and pour off the top (naptha layer), combine this naptha with the old naptha.

One more time add naptha.


Remove naptha and add to the other 2 extracted naptha liquids.

all your DMT is in the naptha so evaporate it a little bit (let it sit by a window for a day) then freeze it in a freeze and filter out the crystals.
in the spin off version with pics of "DMT for Masses" is says mix and boil with water how much water should i boil the bark with? and how long?

• Mimosa Hostilis
bark, or alternative organic material
containing DMT such as phalaris grass.
• Lye (NaOH)
• Petroleum Ether
• Protective glasses, gloves
• Conical Erlenmeyer Flask (Image 1) narrow mouth 1 or 2 liter
• Conical Separatory flask 1 or 2 liter (depending on quantity)
Preparation step by step:
An extraction can be made by boiling finely ground Mimosa Hostilis finely in water. Boil
only briefly since high temperatures will destroy DMT
. Add lemon to the solution to get it
to Ph3. Store for a couple of days and shake every day until the solution becomes dark red
(like red wine) Mimosa Hostilis can be added to the solution to increase its potency. DMT
levels in organic material vary considerably so there is no point in trying to measure material at this stage.
-To 50 ml H2O (Water) add 4 grams NaOH (Lye)
-Add part of this solution to 200 ml mimosa Hostilis liquid solution (filtered to remove
solid matter) at pH3 until it reaches approximately pH 10-11, then stir.
-Pour the resulting solution into a separation flask. (See image 2 next page)
In the spin off version of "DMT for Masses" the first paragraph says to boil the Bark powder in water. How much water should i boil the bark in???? and how much bark to begin with for this recipe???? please help me ????

Preparation step by step:

An extraction can be made by boiling finely ground Mimosa Hostilis finely in water. Boil only briefly since high temperatures will destroy DMT. Add lemon to the solution to get it to Ph3.

Store for a couple of days and shake every day until the solution becomes dark red (like red wine) Mimosa Hostilis can be added to the solution to increase its potency. DMT levels in organic material vary considerably so there is no point in trying to measure material at this stage.
-To 50 ml H2O (Water) add 4 grams NaOH (Lye)
-Add part of this solution to 200 ml mimosa Hostilis liquid solution (filtered to remove solid matter) at pH3 until it reaches approximately pH 10-11, then stir.
-Pour the resulting solution into a separation flask. (See image 2 next page)
can anyone give or fine me a good tek for about 300g to 400g of powdered mimosa tree bark please