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Herbal XTC and an attention deficit disorder.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mysticwarrior
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mysticwarrior a dit:
Alright, maybe it helps AD(H)D people to calm down, but still i can't imagine that it is healthy or useful in anyway.

Oh it does that. Unfortunately it does it in the same way high-dose Valium would; It robs you of all personal thought or feeling. I was put on it when I was about 10, and my thoughts the first week I was taking it are the exact same as they are now when I look back: "It's making me a robot". Thankfully I was taken off of it about 5 years later. I never once took that pill willingly.

It's not that it makes you focus better, so much as that it robs you of all will to resist what you're told to do. When a teacher tells a child to study for the test, they choose to do it or not. If you give that child Ritalin, the choice is MUCH harder to make on your own.

I too am a very sensitive person, and Ritalin was honestly the worst thing I have ever taken.

That said, if you're interested, you should try to design a quantitative test to see if you can focus better on the Herbal XTC stuff.
We still have to determine if the herbal XTC pill is truely herbal...

To get your body to relax you first have to give it whole foods, then you have to regulate your ejaculation frequency (for men) and your orgasm frequency (for woman) since there is LOTS of hormones involved there.

Next if your body had been depleted, I would get on supplements ; here they even publicise the DHA-EPA fatty acids as being remedies for ADHD directly in the shops.

It does work , but combined with a good ph buffered bio-available magnesium, some kava kava, some beta blocker in very small doses , like yohimbe (I stress very small doses) then you are starting to get a holistic effect to relax you without making you sleepy.

Thats my job, I could tell you many things, but nothing replace the actual person to person diagnosis as everyone is different. If you posted a picture of your tongue spreading to the furthest you can reach and your iris, I would already have much more information to give you.

I can definately cure ADHD, I did it before, I'm not tragetting any particuar drugs here, I'm just saying any stimulant will give you attention but not concentration and focus, nor the transe that truely is the reward for those.

Once you taste the trance, you don't ever want to go back to stimulants !
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
We still have to determine if the herbal XTC pill is truely herbal...

I have asked the guy from the smartshop what substance there was in these pills. He told me that there was something like catononine in it(i don't know how to write the word.). But till now i couldn't find any information about it. I don't have much time atm, but tommorow i going to write a reply. Because everything you said, sounds quiet interesting to me.
"to have true transe focus your heart needs to beat each .8 1 second"

Please proove that .
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
It is very simple, to have true transe focus your heart needs to beat each .8 1 second, to allow the "resting potential to unfold like the lotus" or "song of the heart" and this is simply imposible for a stressed person or one on stimulants.

Attention is according to the classical definition :

It is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought. Focalization, concentration, of consciousness are of its essence. It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others, and is a condition which has a real opposite in the confused, dazed, scatterbrained state which in French is called distraction, and Zerstreutheit in German.

So we can see how attention is not Focalization, concentration and consciousness, even if a little bit of each is essential to attention.

We know dopamine creates attention ; but it also creates a pleasurable feeling like we get after accomplishing an arduous task. Instead of people fixing the root problem (nutrition and parental guidance) they give the children drugs to stimulate their dopamine centers, effectively conditioning them on more levels than they can imagine.

We now know by the study of endocrynology that substances we ingest modify our genes, not our genes exactly but their enzymatic expression which in turn leads to a transformation of the physical appearance.

You can see how deep the repercussions of such drugging of the youth merely by studying the biology, and as those kids become sexual an enormous schism in society has appeared, we only see the tip of the iceberg on those matters.

Dopamine creates attention? where'd you get that from? what's conditioning got to do with it? did you realize the medication works instantly and doens't derive from a learning method such as conditioning?

I laughed my balls off . What an apt word . Das beschreibt alles zum punkt genau...........
Hey Dervish , have you got a link to more information about "fructus agni casti" and how it works , what it contains please ?
It sounds interesting to me . After reading a bit about its modern and traditional history of use and then what you say one starts to think about the physiological reasons for ADS and similar conditions . Could "sex" hormones have anything to do with it ? Another hint being that maybe it has something to do with hormones is that the majority of people who have those conditions are children in / before puberty ? Exactly when their hormones are making the biggest changes to their bodys and minds .

( I shall award myself a T.H.C.O.T.P.M.K.K.K.S.C.L. nobel prize for that............ ) .
GOD a dit:
It sounds interesting to me . After reading a bit about its modern and traditional history of use and then what you say one starts to think about the physiological reasons for ADS and similar conditions . Could "sex" hormones have anything to do with it ? Another hint being that maybe it has something to do with hormones is that the majority of people who have those conditions are children in / before puberty ? Exactly when their hormones are making the biggest changes to their bodys and minds .

( I shall award myself a T.H.C.O.T.P.M.K.K.K.S.C.L. nobel prize for that............ ) .

And it seems that in a lot of cases that AD(H)D fades away. It didn't happen in my situation, i am 24 and know it only since a year... :)
I saw a documentry where they had people in their 50s that had those problems .............Since their childhood .

So , with older people maybe their problems are / could be also learnt . They lernt that thats their behaviour and now it is their behavior .
GOD a dit:
I saw a documentry where they had people in their 50s that had those problems .............Since their childhood .

So , with older people maybe their problems are / could be also learnt . They lernt that thats their behaviour and now it is their behavior .

Hmmm i am not so sure about that. A lot of kids who are diagnosed with AD(H)D just seem to cure when they reach the age of 18. Still there are enough kids, who not get cured. Maybe it has something to do with the hormones.

I just know recently that i have ADD, they tell it could be a genetic problem. In my case it could be true, because my dad recently found out that he also has it, he is 47. And know my little brother and older sister are also getting diagnosed. They probably also have it We never learned it(maybe from each other, but not conscious), I believe we just had it. When we where still young there was never really a problem, i my self had problably AD(H)D because i have some psychological reports that said that i was restless and had a problem with my concentration. I was then only 6 years old. But no one ever thought or suggested that maybe i had AD(H)D and should do something about it. I think that this is because in these years it wasn't not an popular disorder as it had become the last 10 years.

The last year i read a lot about AD(H)D and i recognise every single story i have read about it. But i still don't know if i have to call it a disorder. Like i said before, i do think AD(H)D becomes a problem if you want to function properly in our society's where we live nowadays. I believe that it could be possible that the people who are diagnosed with it, just use there brains in a different way.

Take a look at the image below and check the differences.


The red spots on the normal brain displays the dopamines and the blue color of the AD(H)D brains show a lack of dopamines and do show theta waves.

But then the next question is, why does someone with AD(H)D use there brains in a different way, why do they have a lack of dopamines. Is it because they have a lack of vitamins and fatty acids, or have they learned this behaviour on there self`s or is it a genetic thing? Or has it something to do with the hormones? These are question which i can't answer yet, but i do believe they are really important. And if someone can't answer this, i would be thankfully to him/her. ;)
It's interesting, I don't think that I have ADD (never went to see a doc about it though), but I do have some concentration issues when it comes to do something I'm not "addicted" to (I consider myself to be lightly addicted to the internet and learning stuff about music).

If there was a nice, as harmless as possible herbal (or not) supplement that could help a bit with this, I'd be happy to give it a try.
mysticwarrior a dit:

The red spots on the normal brain displays the dopamines and the blue color of the AD(H)D brains show a lack of dopamines and do show theta waves.
him/her. ;)

fMRI pictures do not show dopamines. They only show activity (increased oxygen usage)
"They only show activity (increased oxygen usage)"

That means the brain on the right there is less activity inspite of having AD(H)D allthough one would think it would be the other way round .
Actually, looking at the url of the picture, its a pet-scan. This shows the amount of blood flowing into parts of the brain, thus reflecting it's activity. Still, it shows no neurotransmitters.

I'm not sure about your question God. I guess being more active doesn't mean your brain is more active aswell. Lack of attention probably means your brain is less active in certain area's.

There's alot of scepsis about these images though. They look like they're completely objective 'truths' while in fact they're not. There's alot of calculating and decision making being done before one of those images comes about.

They're also not comparing the image of a person with ADHD to a person without ADHD. It's more likely to be a mean of lots of ADHD persons against non-ADHD persons. There's actually not a big difference in individual scans.
I've seen brainscans of people after smoking nicotine that were much more "cool" than that...

Having a cool brain (no activity) does not necessarly mean you can't have attention, it means your brain is conditioned on dopamine and you need a rush to have a long attention span on something that dosen't interest you naturally.

Where did I find this ?! did you even take one second of your precious time to actually do a google search , there is hundreds of reference, and anyways they wouldn't give dopamine potentiating drugs to fix it if it had nothing to do with it.

In the frontal lobes, dopamine controls the flow of information from other areas of the brain. Dopamine disorders in this region of the brain can cause a decline in neurocognitive functions, especially memory, attention, and problem-solving. Reduced dopamine concentrations in the prefrontal cortex are thought to contribute to attention deficit disorder. It has been found that D1 receptors are responsible for the cognitive-enhancing effects of dopamine.

source : Heijtz RD, Kolb B, Forssberg H (2007). "Motor inhibitory role of dopamine D1 receptors: implications for ADHD" (PDF). Physiol Behav 92 (1-2): 155–160. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2007.05.024. PMID 175859

But don't tell me you cannot smell an atrocious, I mean completely schismed out, and devilish plot here.

There is a difference in giving the brain a precursor to have more available dopamine, than conditioning a brain to answer to chemicals and carve new pathways because of dopamine flooding due to exitatory response...

They already use l-dopa (the aminoacid precursor) for parkinson and they get very impressive results in eliminating the shakes and anxiety, and they're very stubborn about using the natural l-dopa which has been proven to work even better, big clue here.

The old ayurvedic herb can't be patented... the synthetic l-dopa can. Just like the stimulant drugs, heck when the weaker ones don't work they give meth to the children !?

Yes they do !

And about the resting potential of the heart, you'd have to study how our body produces electricity first, or my explanation wouldn't make any sense, and I think if you studied that, you'd be able to read between the lines and get to the same conclusion I did. The same electric phenomenon happens during orgasm, and you are right it has to do with sex hormones, I understood that a long time ago, sorry for your nobel prize ; well if you get it I'll be happy for you anyways :P
You probably have no idea what conditioning actually is. Same goes for a resting potential.

I'm not sure if it was pointed towards me but I don't need to take a few minutes of my precious time to do a google search. I already take lots and lots of hours of my precious time to study psychology.
No pun intended...

but honestly... keep at it ! :lol:

My precscciiousssss...
No pun intended? I can't even discover any pun... could be just me though.

Out of curiosity, what is your occupation?
Chinese and ayurvedic and native medicine practitionner... I diagnose and guide people through any kind of illness.

I also study in biology and endocrinology :)