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Getting our evolution back in hands! But how?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Demahdi
  • Date de début Date de début
You putting so much energy trying to light shadow enemies, where the real domination is invisible to the eye. It's the way we interact with each other, and how is organized our societies. They are dominants, and dominated. There is capital some people are gathering and putting others into poverty and misery.

This is Marx work, Bourdieu sociology. Even if you were to find and kill the secret people behind the scene or the war lords Obama and Netanyahu, others would rise. We all have to gain consciousness on how people dominate or are dominated, how people have 5 houses and cars, where others can't even claim access to an abandoned building without being kicked out by police.

I think looking for a secret plot is dangerous because it keeps you away from free yourself of this domination paradigm and fight against it to help others. This is an everyday fight which touch housing, nutrition, clothing, work, frontiers, and could be resumed as capitalism and authoritarianism.

Kropotkine suggested real alternatives to how we could organize society, but the capitalists, politics, army, police, justice don't want any alternative, they're protecting the system as it is.

Thank you so much for your esteem. It's hard sometimes fighting for this. It seems like most people just want to embrace this domination process and judge, kill, put to jail, punish, etc. We can do the other way, many people fight and endanger themselves everyday of their life for this ideal.
don't come out of the blue if one acts upon what the field is generating!
I'm passed looking into myself, I'm breaching the field! if we would all just act on who we are instead of hugging our nation to death. You were pagans, vikings, kelts, SPARTA... now look at you! Bunch of treehuggers :) And I mean that in a good way, I remember being pampered myself... Now I'm homeless, lost everything and I can't be that much with the ones I love.. I have no roads to walk other than my destiny. Even if that means tempering with forces I am not fully understanding yet. But it needs to be done. Or I am just losing my mind... whatever it is, I am doing this for those who are next to come. And what I do is because I see dark clouds forming over our heads which the mass is totally oblivious for.

zezt a dit:
Demahdi you are either consciously or unconsciously revealing where your at through the avatar you choose to represent yourself. It is the typical skull and bones and this symbol actually represents our REAL enemies, and no it is not Islam. I don't know how many times I have to repeat to try and get through to you that--there is a SHADOW government of this world that WANTS people spouting what you are ranting about here. it WANTS a 'clash of civilization' the 'West' versus 'Islam' so it can increase it's New World order, which in reality is an Old Word order, but they want more and more control. And they do this by their old tactic of DIVIDE AND CONTROL

So again you point at one but you ignore the most extreme...

The Charlie hebdo was a blatant staged attack specifically designed to be the European 9/11. It was not 'Islamic terrorists' but was an Israeli false flag. You should always ask yourself when you have this massive mediarized events pushed on you by the Zionist-controlled media CUI BONO --meaning WHO DOES IT BENEFIT?
Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev's Trial: Cui bono?

FYI There has happened way more in France than just Charlie Hebdo. There has happened way more over entire Europe.
There is a problem and yes some politicians are in words as extreme as a muslim terrorist act, but that's why we are in need of a middle. Apartheid is not a solution, it's putting things in boxes. If you want I will put out all the youtube videos in a row what Europe is going through and been through.
Don't look at the false flags, look at what is behind the curtain of it all... You keep looking one way, but there are Always 3 stories behind something of this value, yours theirs and the truth.

Just look away from all those false flags and try to look forward in time, how is Europe going to look like within 100 years? Try to imagine this vividly.

I mean look at the propaganda of it. You saw all the fukin war criminals all there linking arms--l the media ying they were marching with 'the people' 'Je Suis Charlie' (which REALLy means 'we are fools') when it was just a phony photo shoot propaganda stunt (and one of them edited the woman leader out!). They were all there and look who got to be centre stage, the ultra-psycho leader of Zionist Israel Netanyahu---what an evil piece of shit! So yes, like 9/11, 'Charlie Hebdo was all staged and designed to further the globalist agenda (and you can include other staged events also, like Copenhagen)

Fuck them, think of yourself and Europe. And your future European.

Like said in sum up--what you are contributing to is ex-actly what the 'reality-managers' are trying to conjure

I'm offering a debate that may lead up to a solution. A secularism.
What are you doing in life other then exposing?

I am not trying to 'derail' this thread into this more exotic investigation, just to say that this shit goes deeper then you think and very much does not point to 'ISlamic terrorists' but rather to a puppet masters agenda to maintain an sbured 'war on terror' which in effect can NEVER be 'won' and THAT is the point!

Sludge: I am enjoying your posts!

I never spoke about terrorism like that, ... I said the problem is that freedom does not match sharia...
And I think too many people died just to give that away WITH OPEN HANDS!

And I am not letting you either... I will derail a whole lot more and if I am setteled in life again, I will take this to a whole new level one has never experienced before.
You are making up your own points in between of points I never stated. I ask myself if one has atually read what my intentions are?

My avatar is representing a symbol for anarchy and I never even considered comparing it with skulls and bones.
I am not into clubs, I go solo with a soulmate in life and what I saw is what I want to change.
Putting much energy into something? How little have you achieved in life to call this much energy ? I do this with my eyes closed.
And remember, you got personal on me ;) I am just not being friendly now… which is my own free and individual right.
Where does this poverty and misery come from? SOCIALISM! And the problem with socialism is, you can't keep giving someone elses money away. You are making someone else poor and eventually you have only poor. So if we did not adopt all this freaky habits for cheap workforces we would not be in this mess. So yes I am not blind to the fact politicians have put us in this misery. I thought Zezt is from UK, but obviously he never inherited that much of his roots to understand what it is to take a stand.

Fuck Obama, fuck Netanyahu, I am discussing EUROPE. Which is in need of referenda, a secularism and an open democracy.
Even if the plot is serious, I'm choosing this venomous plot because it has fought so hard over the rights for an individual. Zezt and FinarFin are speaking of slaves before, do you know which culture was the first to give slaves free right? They live and work in America and Europe. Can you point another nation where this applies? Again, just to give you a vision of moral standards … which you fuck…. But you defend a more worse one and that's just fucking hypocritical. And if you are in fact a true European genetically… I hope you may find the shame one day to realize what that meant.

All these systems are changing systems, unless religious systems…. They are a paradigm of thousands of years old where wo/men were not as evolved as today. But if I may look at what has been going on here, …. Oh nevermind!

You keep fighting for whatever you want….but it does not move me anywhere other then where I was already going….
I stopped at
Where does this poverty and misery come from? SOCIALISM!
You're stupid. Period.
come one guy! quiet.. quiet.. in these days we talk about beautifuls things, keep calm and stay tuned :rock:
Sludge a dit:
I stopped at
You're stupid. Period.

What is creating poverty in the West than?
Wars are a profit current Days.
So what is eating our social benefits these Days oh You wise man

But it isn't socialism though ... It is the ones abusing it. Who might that be in European "ghetto's"?

Racist junk, racist junk everywhere.

You don't know what you are talking about. I don't even know why you are on Psychonaut and not drinking cheap wine in a bar looking at mainstream news on TV. Social inequalities come from capitalism and globalization. Companies steal a lot more money than any poor will ever do. And poor people do not choose to be poor. They don't have a job because of capitalism, globalization, robotisation. In fact, without the social care, poor people would be decapitating all rich people and politics. Because they're poor because of capitalism, not because they deserve it or some bullshit. They're dominated and don't have any control about their lives.
My totem for you, sludge, is “Ostrich”

This is indeed general psychonautics that is ruled by a moderator that is not taking the time to read in my information. One that smells more of a troll then a psychonaut. But yeah I should not generalize human beings as items in a religion. There's more to it. Though there is a GIGANTIC new movement moving through Europe, and if you put that in ultra psychonaut perspective on fast forward… we are fucked. As a matter of a fact, it doesn't takes a genius at all to visualize where it is going if we are just going to sit back and watch the show. We should co op writing the show. Am I not offering a peaceful solution than? And do you think I'm the first and the last??? Rambling on about mind control, 911, elite dreams etc is not getting us anywhere last decades I checked…. I always felt there is something wrong, and that's something been stolen from us. But to get it all back… we need to be who we are. So if one has ever taken a significant dose truly looked into these things and says we aren't heading for a collision, please do elaborate… And if you think apartheid is going to save the day, watch history again.

I don't want to get political, but I don't think druggies are creating poverty. The druggies are very small population in our society. Well the problem cases that is lol.
But let me say this, socialism was once a good thing, but now is in great danger and in fact encouraged poorness in my country. It's like feeding the poor who create more poor, it's like giving an uncivilized a fish in stead of a fishing line, … So in stead of keeping them poor and willing to vote for a system that sucks out the wealth of another, make them willing to co op to society. Society is great, … look at what Sweden had in mind… Look at Sweden within 20 years… And I hope we would have the chat :) You can see the marks of it now…
Google how Islamist gangs made fun in a society that gives them more then 1500 euros per month for doing nothing…
This system is awesome, but it only takes a mole not to see it's not being abused…
Cause and what is the effect: all needs to work extra years, all need to pay more taxes, your children loses more social benefits, if they want to contribute to society they are punished.

You still have not answered my question: Where are you at in Europe and are you genetically European?
This thread made me laugh. I'd say don't bother with keeping information aloft people.
If you are sent to a meeting to talk about a subject, wouldn't you like to be informed what the subject is about? :)

I know it takes still a whole lot of perspective, consensus and context to put it into knowledge...

But if we look at our future to come, there is nothing to look forward to really... I am not talking about me personal, I'm talking about general.
Abej^a G. a dit:
come one guy! quiet.. quiet.. in these days we talk about beautifuls things, keep calm and stay tuned :rock:

Next time you should actually put a song with it ;)
Demahdi a dit:
But if we look at our future to come, there is nothing to look forward to really... I am not talking about me personal, I'm talking about general.

That's exactly how I feel. But this is as good as it gets.
No, it's gonna get worse if we don't take action.
And this pirate flag is a better poison then a Jihad flag that is fighting for a sharia law system.
Name me one group, movement or indivual in history that has ever made a change that we seek. And I'm curious who you are refering at with we to take action.

This is as good as it gets, Demahdi.
Jesus and Mohammed? Lol
I will give more names later. Because that is an interesting question.
Jesus and Mohammed merely programmed many individuals with what they left. I'm not impressed.
I was just laughing at those names, seems they are in the top 10 of the 100.

People who changed the world

1. Jesus Christ (c.5BC – 30AD) Spiritual Teacher, central figure of Christianity.

2. Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826) 3rd President of US. Principle author of Declaration of Independence

3. Mikhail Gorbachev (1931 – ) Leader of Soviet Union. Oversaw transition from Communism in Eastern Europe.

4. Lord Buddha (c 563 – 483 BC) Spiritual Teacher and founder of Buddhism.

5. Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965) Prime Minister of Great Britain during Second World War.

6. William Shakespeare (1564- 1616) English poet and playwright.

7. Muhammad – (570 – 632) Prophet of Islam

8. Martin Luther King (1929 – 1968) Non-violent civil rights leader.

9. Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865) President of US during civil war, helped end slavery.

10. Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013) Anti-apartheid leader. First President of democratic South Africa in 1994.

100 People who changed the world •Biography Online

And the list shouldn't end... there are many of no value, but quite some with significant value.
We should aim for 101 and that's the wo/man with enough political power -we empowered- that brings individual freedom within all Western societies. A world without religion.

Well the point is Brugmansia, we are cultural engineers too... We must not underestimate the power of change. Change is happening now but not in the direction we worked and aimed at...
Yes. As I see it BOTh the capitalist systen and so-called commun-ism have a centralized power structure and utterly exploit people. Both stem from the patriarchy is why

So we all seem to disagree in our own ways, though I think Sludge is more on my wavelength than Damahdi seems to be. because like said, I was say thinking similar stuff about 'danger if Islam' a few years ago. EVEN though I was also then aware of the patriarchal system which has all these factions stemming from it

So here is where I am at about the problems. I think we should look at the roots of it, and like I say the roots are patriarchal thinking which divides up reality, and thus also uses a tactic known as divide and control/conquer on namy levels, some of which are VERY close. Like they want to divide us from our sensual organism and the sensual environment


because doing so creates in us a vast chasm/emptiness, and THEN they can offer their 'SOLUTION'--in their religion it was/is the promise of heaven, in the sky/and on earth at some future time
in OUR culture which is post' the biblical 'God' it is consumerism. Get us forever thinking we can fill the chasm with products!

And this tactic--their formula for FEAR then SOLUTION
is used in all their toxic shit from advertizing to war propaganda to false flags

So, to begin exploring this and become aware of it is the simultaneous undermining of it. See they depend on us not being aware so that mind-control can be effective. Example--the marketing wet dream is to get people to buy stuff they are not even conscious why they want it! And they achieve that state by subliminally affecting us

This is why I have been shocked at the taboo from the psychedelic community when trying to talk about the occult stuff behind 9/11 etc etc because in MY experience psychedelics help us see behind the false facades. This is how the elite maintain their control through the so-called changing paradigms. To not be interested in this means only to be limited hangout IMO
We need to begin feeling our connection with others,, with the land, and looking into this helps this.
Well the point is Brugmansia, we are cultural engineers too... We must not underestimate the power of change. Change is happening now but not in the direction we worked and aimed at...

Well, it seems the mass is quite susceptible for change but that entire list of people did not made the kind of contributions I could possibly benefit from.

You've made your point Demahdi. We are cultural engineers. But since I have become so much free of desire and my solid inner self has formed itself already so much it very hard to grasp for me what people experience as change.

Steve Jobs recently changed our lifes with giving everyone a smartphone (which I don't want and don't have mind you) but personally nothing changed for me. And I don't have a television at home since I want to keep my mind free from that kind of information that comes from it.
Take a trip to Brussels, take the metro at night, or travel by day and watch all the hoods of Bruxelles and ask yourself this: Is that what Europe stands for after all its history?
One that says "fuck Western standards" may go over it lightly, ... But I will not step aside and let it all slip away by others that have not the slightest intention of joining. Rather I will join those already in action to save our dearly Europe.