What I fail to understand is this attack against the patriarchy but human rights are skipped that lightly. Religion has a brutal past and one has no problem annunciating it, until you mention islam. Once one starts talking about islam he should be careful what he says. When one is making one accusation after the other about jews there is no problem going on. It's even more ironic a gay standing up for these matters. Not to be personal, just an open chat ad rem. Then I got silenced by this moderator that has not the slighets clue of what is going on in Europe. He says:
“I have no problem with Islam, only sharia.” 
The irony is blasting through the roof where one may loses his cool very easily.
This sharia IS spreading through Europe and the lawsystems are already made comform with islamists. Banks too.
Read how Tariq Modood changes “crisis for a secuarlism” to a moderate one. He brings up a “moderate secularism”. Though he should not make any illusions, we are not thriving for a moderate secularism. The elephant isn't a potbellied pig and we need to say things just as they are. Individual human rights are harassed in an Islamic culture and the law should change drastically so Europe isn't an open harbour for religious groups to flush out the autochthones.
All our social benefits have been sucked out single headedly and a lot of them don't even bother to adapt or to get to know our culture… In stead they want their culture as original European culture. They took a huge step back last years after we spoke up and get extremely loud… and you know what??? Anyone defending a religion that he does not understand, should take a step back too. Because why are the muslims quiet about Charlie Hebdo? Why are they quiet about 911? Why are they quiet about the attacks in London? Why are they quite when sharia is taking over entire hoods??? And those who did speak, what did they say? Ask teachers in a school where there are a lot of muslims.
Has one actually talked to a muslim since this topic? Did one ask about sharia laws?
By making this video the author got dead threats .
And don't forget this one, UK girls sent home for what they wear and a gay being called dirty just walking the Streets. How can one from the UK be quiet about this and defend a culture that is infecting its very own soil ancestors died and fought for?
How can you Zezt??? They are individuals speaking from the point of view of the islamic state in your country. The Caliphate is in your country, taking over and you put your head where????