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Getting our evolution back in hands! But how?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Demahdi
  • Date de début Date de début
zezt a dit:
This is why I have been shocked at the taboo from the psychedelic community when trying to talk about the occult stuff behind 9/11 etc etc because in MY experience psychedelics help us see behind the false facades.

To be honest I see no point in being a detective to investigate what happened in the object oriented world and I couldn't care less about what happened 9/11. I wasn't there and lost no one I knew. What would one be interested in caring? What if comes out that the elites knocked down the buildings? *Shrugs* to me.

Try to think about your dinner the entire day Zezt rather than trying to work with information.
Demahdi a dit:
Is that what Europe stands for after all its history?

If you're talking about demographic proportions we've made a mistake. But what do you do if the collective believed we should have welcomed these people?
Zezt, you see both in what they show, what they show is created to veil what they don't want you to know. Trust me honey, if you are stuck on this 911 thing for the last decade, you're mind is being controlled. You don't understand why the psychedelic culture isn't into it? I think most were, but time moves on. You can't make a change if you keep stuck to the past. There has to be something new, there has to be other ways.

What I don't understand is how you keep talking about the patriarchal, shouts at the one who was and is most willing to make changes in benefit of the people running it, but uplift the one that has always been known to take extreme measures against individuals standing up against it.
If the same rules would apply here as there, honey you'd be dead by now… I think you shouldn't mirror things to other cultures… And if you do, could you please open your perspective a bit more to what it's about?
We didn't, SOCIALISTS did :)
Welcoming them wasn't the problem; creating apartheid was.
The boys seemed to co op in our system very well. They got hooked at western standards right away.
Girls not that much though. .... And those are the bright ones. The testosterone factories rarely finish school and rarely get a significant diploma.
Most girls aren't allowed to get a diploma for they are married off.... A boy can marry a Christian girl, because islam is above Christianity according to Islam. But a muslim girl can not marry a none muslim boy. They are sealed off in their clothes, habbits, everything from what Western standards is about and the routine repeats in the next generation...
Brugmansia a dit:
To be honest I see no point in being a detective to investigate what happened in the object oriented world and I couldn't care less about what happened 9/11. I wasn't there and lost no one I knew. What would one be interested in caring? What if comes out that the elites knocked down the buildings? *Shrugs* to me.

Try to think about your dinner the entire day Zezt rather than trying to work with information.

One thing we agree with is we both won't use smartphones

But your apathy about 9/11--an event that has caused SO much unimaginable misery and death for over a millions of innocent men, women, children, all species and the land, and people are generally losing more and more liberties, and the only response you can give is a couldn't-care-less shrug is SHAME-FULL!

Well I and others very much do, passionately, care and want justice, so stop out of the way of our investigation and speaking out against what has been a major global crime which continues escalating and the real suspects are still walking about freely.
Demahdi a dit:
Zezt, you see both in what they show, what they show is created to veil what they don't want you to know. Trust me honey, if you are stuck on this 911 thing for the last decade, you're mind is being controlled. You don't understand why the psychedelic culture isn't into it? I think most were, but time moves on. You can't make a change if you keep stuck to the past. There has to be something new, there has to be other ways.

What I don't understand is how you keep talking about the patriarchal, shouts at the one who was and is most willing to make changes in benefit of the people running it, but uplift the one that has always been known to take extreme measures against individuals standing up against it.
If the same rules would apply here as there, honey you'd be dead by now… I think you shouldn't mirror things to other cultures… And if you do, could you please open your perspective a bit more to what it's about?

I am a bit confused why you are calling me honey etc?

Your views tend to frighten me a bit. All this talk of how your gonna 'save Europe'. I am sure you know of that other person who supposedly felt like this (there is evidence this was psy op also) Anders Behring Breivik. I truly hope your not planning any thing like that?

Also do not patronize me. I am strong in my feelings and someone telling me to get over it just pisses me off. If you don't agree that is fine

Orwell said in his book 1984, 'those who control the past control the future'.l That is HOW they control people---they push their myths down the children's throats, and then they are made to think that their thinking is their own thinking--suppressing history etc. So it is vitally important to always be aware of what they do. I see you as blindly trying to solve a problem but have a very superficial understanding and so will make things worse, as usually happens

"those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
He want to save Europe and the European race. Wouaaah. We don't want any saviour like you.

If I follow your kind of view, druggies are mostly jobless people getting high and living on social care. It's the same kind of bullshit you're invading us with. Please just refrain from that. Would you just get all Muslim to extermination camps like your ancestors did (same kind as you), we would be in the same fucked up society.

I beg the pardon for all Muslims reading this forum. This guy is not representative of the forum.
If you care about justice Zezt why not get educated in it, get a degree or diploma and do something about it??? The choices being made now lead NOWHERE. Why not join the system and change it from inside?
The people that care about justice do not restrict themselfs to online exposing alone
Ostrich you are too dumb to read what is there. Obviously I care about the jobless. Humans need not apply and how many humans are there today and 50 years ago? I strongly suggest you start putting it in context and also read between lines.
Demahdi a dit:
If you care about justice Zezt why not get educated in it, get a degree or diploma and do something about it??? The choices being made now lead NOWHERE. Why not join the system and change it from inside?
The people that care about justice do not restrict themselfs to online exposing alone

Because so-called 'education' is a central form OF their social control. You should yourself use the internet--for get school, you now have access to info that previously was hidden from you in the schools etc--that is one good thing about it! Google John Taylor Gatto, and learn about how the 'education' system was established, by whom, and for what purpose. he was a teacher so knows from experience

What I do is fruitful whether you think it not or whatever. I encourage all people to do whatever they can do however small to speak their truth though of course they must themselves accept questioning IF they see the questions relevant and broadening their understanding
I have learnt lots from communicating with people online, even those I don't agree with. An example is 9/11 debunkers. They encourage you to be sharper, and re-research and do new research, check facts and so on. Communication is fruitful. We are all communities and it is US who will have to be facing the problems, and not depending on 'experts' like we are led to believe we NEED. Sometimes I will lose patience with people and put them on ignore like I have for the first time with another member here, but that is my freedom to do so. I would not want them banned from the forum
Try to look at things from a grey perspective. If you and so many people are aware of the problems, why can't they beat it or have anything else to offer? Instead, why not let's use what's there and change it from the inside out. Look at schools 50 years ago and look at them today… Especially European schools, so much has changed and a lot is still changing. Of course it needs to be better, but making it worse isn't helping either. There are still a lot of cultures and groups actively debating 911. But all I'm asking what has it achieved? It's like talking about how bad one whine is and purposefully drown the whole basement for one bad whine, while there were lots of shelves with extremely potently good whines.

I am reading between lines and it is not fruitful on your personal psyche. We all jump in extremes now and then… but a decade? That's just over the top…
And if it gets you in between with your fellow wo/man, than it is not being fruitful at all.
Trust me, I have strong spidersenses on these things ;) Try read mine, what do you find? :snakeman:
zezt a dit:
I am a bit confused why you are calling me honey etc?

"those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Because I wanted to...
Secondly, what happenend in history? Why is the future pushed by a lie out of the past? What is concealed?
Look. you don't seem to understand what I understand so, we must agree to differ/
Translation : This is getting pretty boring.
Isn't that a convenient answer?
Please do elaborate what I might not understand. Where did I say I didn't agree with you?
All I am pointing out is, it is not my priority.
zezt has put me on ignore because i did not agree on his conspiranoid views and because i do not like to speculate on terror attacks.
I think this is not the place for speculation about 911 or terror attacks. This forum is about psychonautics, not about conspiracy talk.

Why do we need this conspiracy cum all over the tits of this forum?. I would like him to fck off and go spread his conspiranoid propaganda somewhere else.

Zezt started to speculate about the paris and denmark terror attacks. According to him it is a conspiracy.
Zezt did not have any evidence to backup his claims. I told zezt that he was writing nonsense so he ignored me.
I was hoping to find some answers today... Or something to read... But it seems I will have to get back at it later .
What I fail to understand is this attack against the patriarchy but human rights are skipped that lightly. Religion has a brutal past and one has no problem annunciating it, until you mention islam. Once one starts talking about islam he should be careful what he says. When one is making one accusation after the other about jews there is no problem going on. It's even more ironic a gay standing up for these matters. Not to be personal, just an open chat ad rem. Then I got silenced by this moderator that has not the slighets clue of what is going on in Europe. He says: “I have no problem with Islam, only sharia.” :roll: The irony is blasting through the roof where one may loses his cool very easily.
This sharia IS spreading through Europe and the lawsystems are already made comform with islamists. Banks too.
Read how Tariq Modood changes “crisis for a secuarlism” to a moderate one. He brings up a “moderate secularism”. Though he should not make any illusions, we are not thriving for a moderate secularism. The elephant isn't a potbellied pig and we need to say things just as they are. Individual human rights are harassed in an Islamic culture and the law should change drastically so Europe isn't an open harbour for religious groups to flush out the autochthones.
All our social benefits have been sucked out single headedly and a lot of them don't even bother to adapt or to get to know our culture… In stead they want their culture as original European culture. They took a huge step back last years after we spoke up and get extremely loud… and you know what??? Anyone defending a religion that he does not understand, should take a step back too. Because why are the muslims quiet about Charlie Hebdo? Why are they quiet about 911? Why are they quiet about the attacks in London? Why are they quite when sharia is taking over entire hoods??? And those who did speak, what did they say? Ask teachers in a school where there are a lot of muslims.

Has one actually talked to a muslim since this topic? Did one ask about sharia laws? :)

By making this video the author got dead threats .

And don't forget this one, UK girls sent home for what they wear and a gay being called dirty just walking the Streets. How can one from the UK be quiet about this and defend a culture that is infecting its very own soil ancestors died and fought for?
How can you Zezt??? They are individuals speaking from the point of view of the islamic state in your country. The Caliphate is in your country, taking over and you put your head where????