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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Jelleb
  • Date de début Date de début
"The flowers of female weed are never at the nodia"

well, thats just not true. did you mean always? the pre-flowers start at the node male or female. "

Mr.Smith is right , and when i look at the part of the picture he was talking about it looks like hes right about that to .
Mr.Smith a dit:
GOD a dit:
"The flowers of female weed are never at the nodia"

well, thats just not true. did you mean always? the pre-flowers start at the node male or female. "

Mr.Smith is right , and when i look at the part of the picture he was talking about it looks like hes right about that to .

you can see the two "hairs" on the flower behind the node.

ive seen flowers with two hairs and a male "banana" in the same pre-flower. its usualy worth waiting till there are a few more before deciding to slaughter it

those two hairs (stipules) you see at the nodia are present with male and female weeds...

The preflowering of female plants can indeed be seen at the nodia too.. But preflowering happens a few weeks/months before the plant makes real buds. And the preflowers only lasts for a few days and then disappears... Myself, i've never spotted preflowers at my weeds, although i water them like almost every day...

If it is preflowering (which i don't think so, i think it's an upcomming male bud) then it is also male, as female preflowers have a totally different shape..


source: http://www.marijuana-seeds.net/
I can tell the diference between stipules and female flowers , so can Mr.Smith because we both have years of hands on experience . You obviously havent .

Since the 4 years i'm growing weed myself, I had a male plant few times, and the shape of male flowers look similar to the ones on the pictures... I also don't see any pistils on the pic, which you obviously would see in case it was female preflowering.