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Falling In Love?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion MissDarling
  • Date de début Date de début
Love for me is more than the first few months when the couple can only see each other and have loads of sex. When both the people in the relationship are still together after really getting to know each other, and don't take each other for granted is when true love occurs. Such a relationship is like a synchronisation between two people. It goes beyond psychological, physical needs. Both the people become one. Even when they are doing their own work seperately they are 'together'. When i say 'relationship' i don't mean your everyday 'relationship' where everything is really dead and both partners take each other for granted.
Look forward to a long and personal post in this thread from me in the next few days...
Well, i dont think that this Love between two partners is that biological after all!
People have been gay, people have been making love AND also just loving several people at the same time throughout history!
I strongly believe now, that this love between two humans is purely cultural!
Even though i find that one person i could deeply love, why stop there?
I couldnt go through with this without getting it accepted by my partner ofcourse!
Thats just me though!

Anyway, Love feels great i guess!
Havent had it in a while though!
I'm married to being present in life, I was single before I was born.

Since I became aware of this attachment, I don't think I'll ever cheat untill death.
Who said my thoughts were a reference to your post?
yeah man, cheating just hurts poeple-not worth it. but i do beleive in free love. i love everyone and as long as it doesnt hurt anyone and its consentual i think free love is really beautiful. im in love right now tho, i have a boyfriend who is so beautiful and wer so in love but wer still cool with being in the moment and following ones bliss beucase we are so in love being open wouldnt change anything. love is not just about sex (ever thought its a nice way to show ones love) but its much more of a deep emotive feeling. ive never been married and i dont plan to, i think marriage is nice to show that you are comiteed to loving someone, but i dont think you need marriage to do it-i read freud a bit too much some years past and thought marriage was a way for society to control love-which is the ultimate rebellion. if two poeple are right for eachother, a platos symposium kinda deal, they woudlnt need marriage to rectify that , so marriage seems more a way to keep peopel togeather to create stability for children.

i think for two poeple to be aboslutely in love they have to love themselves compeltely and accept who they are, beucase then they are not using the other to substitute what they feel they lack, and in turn love the other completely for themselves. peace and love everybody! :D
Psyolopher a dit:
Well, i dont think that this Love between two partners is that biological after all!
People have been gay, people have been making love AND also just loving several people at the same time throughout history!
I strongly believe now, that this love between two humans is purely cultural!
Even though i find that one person i could deeply love, why stop there?
I couldnt go through with this without getting it accepted by my partner ofcourse!
Thats just me though!

Anyway, Love feels great i guess!
Havent had it in a while though!

I am in love with life.
By singing an laughing I make love to her.
I am servant and slave.

I feel love for a lot of people.
I feel love for animals, Jet I don't have sex with them.

culture plays a role in the whole sex thing.
There is always discussion inside society on sexuality.

Take phedhophilia, for example. Most people agree that this is wrong.
Jet in some cultures it is considered normal.

I don't agree that love between to people is a cultural manufactured.
The way we think about love and sex maybe cultural manufactured, but not love itself.
Love is a transcendental force. A force culture cannot control.

The world is full of love.
Sex is just a aspect of love.

If you focus on sex, everything is sex. If you focus on music everything, is music.
If you focus on love, everything is love.
restin a dit:
partner-love is an ultimate (evolutionary) effect. During hunter-gatherer times, males had to be sure that the children their females bearing were theirs and to bring structure for a tribe. So, through "love", males could be sure that their "wives" wouldn't copulate and females could be sure that males wouldn't go on "adventures" (as females were gatherers and males hunters).

If you think that's too old, remember that the kiss had also a practical reason when we were apes...

If you think it isn't romantic enough or that I did never feel love:

You don't have to believe in God to feel divinity...

Males have a better chance of having offspring when they do have adventures though, that's why 'we're' usually not very faithful ;).
"In muslim world, love is regarded as an immoral act."

No it isnt . Sex without mariage is regarded as an imoral act . Where did you get that propoganda from ?

Lets get this straight . Love and sex are not the same and dont have to have anything to do with each other . I think some people here have their......opinions......because they have never experienced real partner love . If you love you are faithfull , thats part of love , if it isnt part of what you call love you havent experienced love . Other than for your self , or your hands . Love has nothing to do with imprisoning people and making sure that they have your kids either .

" that's why 'we're' usually not very faithful"

Who are you talking for ? Why are you saying that ?......Because you havent been in love .

I think what you all are talking about is ego , self love , vanity .
Love is one of the great drugs without a doubt, like any drug though if you act as though it's all that matters in life it can easily ruin that life.
restin a dit:
partner-love is an ultimate (evolutionary) effect. During hunter-gatherer times, males had to be sure that the children their females bearing were theirs and to bring structure for a tribe. So, through "love", males could be sure that their "wives" wouldn't copulate and females could be sure that males wouldn't go on "adventures" (as females were gatherers and males hunters).
that's bullshit, doesn't make any sense
why did hunter-gatherers have to be sure a child was theirs?
wouldn't it be to the benefit of the tribe to not know, and thus raise the child as a community?
stop trying to rationalize monogamy
ok, it makes sense for population control
ok, it makes sense if you want to prolong the unnatural feeling of jealousy and ownership over a nother human that gets passed off as innate by a society used to conditioning and subtle forms of mind control
fuck this
that being said, i am VERY fond of the chemical firing caused by new love
i definitely felt this on my one and only LSD trip, though, as others have mentioned, undirected and generalized
Oh, I guess it makes sense.

As an individual, our biological goal is to reproduce. But to know if your "goals" is archieved, you need to know whose child you are raising.

stop trying to rationalize monogamy

??stop trying to romantisize monogamy??

by a society used to conditioning and subtle forms of mind control

You sound childish... I mean, are you one of those who say "ooooh society is soooo bad I'd rather go to a forest and die"? Conditioning is part of the evolution. It is very natural. As a parent you want to give your knowledge, the knowledge and insight of your culture further. You teach the child what is good or bad, not because you are an evil devil...but because you give your insight further. It is part of the education.
chemical or not, there are few things more powerful than the love of a mother for her child.

the love of a parent for the child is absolutely unconditional. it is a trip in itself that reaches into deep, forgotten places in the psyche.

if you have felt it, or even seen it, you know what i mean

and how difficult it is for parents to let go later in life, but if they really love their child, they actually have to do this, then find something to fill in the overwhelming void left by the child's departure.
the love of a parent for the child is absolutely unconditional.

unconditional doesn't mean unbiological/inevolutionary...

...but ok, I see you don't like to think like that.
restin a dit:
the love of a parent for the child is absolutely unconditional.

unconditional doesn't mean unbiological/inevolutionary...

...but ok, I see you don't like to think like that.

I'm not sure what led you to that assumption... ? The entire process of birth is an incredibly immense experience physically and emotionally. You could even use the word trip, as I did..