Our mathematical heritage is based on the Aritmetic schema, which says that 1+1 = 2 that is true if applied to the material physical world where you take a quantity (ex 1g MJ, 1 leaf, 1 sheep) and you add to another, different, quantity of the same type (1g MJ, 1 leaf, 1 sheep) and you get 2 quantities of the same type (2 g MJ, 2 leafs, 2 sheep) ok?
Now...if you bring this equation to theoretical thinking it still has sense but is not allway true...i mean that you can theoretically still take 2 grams of MJ and add it to two grams of MG resulting in 4 g of MJ...but it is not material anymore, is in your mind (this still makes it real though not physically proovable) taking it to a spiritual level if you take 1 individual and add another individual you end up with 1+1= i (=infinity) because the combinations are immense due to the potential that a human mind has. however 1+1=3 is the one that makes more sense (and is more simple for the human mind to understand) because in the 3 you have 1 individual, the second individual and their union which makes 1 complete individual...the reason why i said that it is infinity is because once you take the complete individual in the 3 this individual is made of the union of 1+1+1(where this is again itself the new individual resulting of the union of the two individuals so tjis is = 3) it's circular logic
the equation could be written 1+1= {1+1+[1+1+(1+1+i)]} now i wrote "i" otherwise it takes lots of parenthesis and invinite pages
and this equation can be projected into reality to fit with the model of the sacred family or the soulmates it does not work for human families because the child is a fourth individual...the child is a product of the union of two individuals in One individual
now to explain how 1+1=1 but this is even more simplistic than 1+1=3 because not allways this is true
again this is true only in hypotetical thinking 1+1 =1 if you think of liquid or fluid entities
if you take a drop of water and you add another drop of never will get two drops of only get 1
so 1+1=1 in this case is true :wink:
I hope it is clear enough to actually make sense

don't be afraid to point out mistakes, stupid sentences and nonsensicle writing....i didn't proofread :bear: