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Drugs in the bibles

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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Dearly beloved ,
I`m interested in drugs in the bibles , koran , thora or any other semitic religeous texts . References , ideas , facts , theorys , discussion , reports , artikels , books , and absolutely anything else you might like to contribute on the subject .

Hahahaha, you're God, you made people write those things to get all screwed up about the meanings in life, so you must know something about the things they wrote about drugs in those books ;)
I still saved an article from this site titled 'was jezus a stoner' ,jamesarthur.net has also a little story on psychidelics and christianity. In my believe early christians used these substances from the beginning and that the romans mixed christianity with pegan traditions and that's where every church has developed from.
Dearly beloved ,

"Hahahaha, you're God, you made people write those things to get all screwed up about the meanings in life, so you must know something about the things they wrote about drugs in those books"

God didnt make anyone anywhere do anything . That would be predetermination , making humans just acters in a repeat of a bad film , over and over again forever . And its ofen the way humanity trys to get out of the responsibility for the things that they have done , blame god . After humans were disshonest god threw them out of the garden of eden and warned them . They took no notice so god sent the flood to wipe them out . After the flood god told them that they were on their own , that they had to take their own responsibility . Thats the reason for judgement day , if everything was gods fault it would not be needed and would not make any sense .

AS far as i am concerned the bibles are one long drug story . The books of moses ( i think that means the first 5 chapters ) of the old testament and the 4 gospels in the new testament are full of drug references .

The bible is supposed to be printed on hemp paper . The pages make real shity papers for rolling joints though , and allthough i`v wiped my bum with it LOADS of times i still have not got anal cancer .

"The bible" does not exist , the last time i looked there were 41 different versions !!! I think that they are the reasons for the differences between all the christian sekts , why they formed and broke off from catholicism and the orthodox churches , because they interpreted it in a different way . They reflect the religeous views of the people who translated them . Wich one can see when one looks at how certain greek , hebrew or aramaic words have been translated . For example luther , in german jung frau translated as jungfrau . = young lady = virgin . = mary wasnt a virgin , it is a false translation . Or onan let his seed fall on the ground . Twisting it to mean that he had had a wank and shouldnt have . It realy says that coitus interuptus is a sinn , exactly the opposite of what the vatican says and tries to force on millions of poor people as contraception !!!

Talking of catholic religeous bigotry , did you know that "the pope" ( meaning the catholic "pope" = ceasar . There are at least 4 popes and the others have a better claim to the title than the roman one ) is a paedophile . He has had a criminal roll in 10s of thousands of cases of sexual abuse of children by catholic priests . Unfortunatly because the catholic "church" is a political entity he has diplomatic imunity . To see the UNDENYABLE FACTS see the BBC documentry and articles in the press on the subject.


Thanx for the web info . I looked at the first one , and yes the book list is VERY good . I also watched the film unfortumatly . Those two people are dickheads , 1+1=3 , stringing stupidity and false conclusions together to come up with confusion . I will look at the other site tomorow . Up till now i`m sure i can see THC and DMT !!!, and probably AYAHUASCA !!!! and LSA !!! in the bible , maybe mushrooms and datura to .

Thoughts please ?

I have heard about theorys about bible codes from John Alegro and others . I dont believe them as that would mean someone must have made a detailed plan to do it thousands of years ago , and others must have caryed it out , over thousands of years . The bible goes back 6000 years , it started to be written down somewhere between 400 and 900 years b.c. The book of samuel was the first to be writen down . Everything before that was handed down from mouth to mouth . There are no records of it being writen in or of it containing codes . Computer analyse has shown some code theorys to be false , they just used the same codes on other books and got similar results to the people who claim that the bible contains codes . As for J.Alegro and his obscure fly agaric theory , i dont think that there are enough fly agaric in that area to start a cult .

Up till now i see canabis , DMT and opium definately and maybe LSA and an ayahuasca analog in the bible .

Those two people are dickheads , 1+1=3 , stringing stupidity and false conclusions together to come up with confusion .

O my GOD why so hostile towards these two great brothers? Did you take the time to read any of the commentary on the site/forum where they revisit their own conclusions?
Those two people are dickheads , 1+1=3 , stringing stupidity and false conclusions together to come up with confusion .

O my GOD why so hostile towards these two great brothers? Did you take the time to read any of the commentary on the site/forum where they revisit their own conclusions?"

Yes i did read everything on their home page . No i did not look at anything else on the forum about what they say as " Those two people are dickheads , 1+1=3 , stringing stupidity and false conclusions together to come up with confusion ". I dont have enough time for ( in my honest opinion ) confused crap like that .

And i dont think the truth is hostile . I dont want to apeare to be hostile either , but i am a tiny bit provocative .... sometimes ?

1+1=3 , stringing stupidity and false conclusions together to come up with confusion ". I dont have enough time for ( in my honest opinion ) confused crap like that .


One example would be a relationship between two people. If you can create a relationship that honors this formulae, you are acutally becoming more than just the sum of totals. Like you always support your partner in growing bigger than he/she is, and he/she does the same for you. Completely honoring each other and creating space for both to develop. This is one way that you can make the abstract 1+1=3 into a very profound reality, which will be loved by all involved ;)

And i dont think the truth is hostile . I dont want to apeare to be hostile either , but i am a tiny bit provocative .... sometimes ?

My middlename has been provocative for a long time, I think I was even worse than you can be sometimes ;) Just making a friendly point that being provocative can sometimes blind you for some nice gems of truth :D

I've been in contact with Jan Irvin at some time and what I've seen/heard convinced me that he is sincerely looking for answers. That three hour video is now two years old and they have kept evaluating their story all this time and there really is a nice section on the forums where mistakes are being explained.

Also keep in mind that there is a lot of information that those two are trying to match up, its a 3+ hour video and you really need to watch it carefully to get the whole pictiure. I may not agree with all their conclusions but I still feel they dug up a heap of valuable and interesting information :)

Heartcore , You made my day !

Cool answer . You are absolutly right . Thanks for taking the effort to write it in a way that i can accept . I am of the opinion that a man and a woman together are one human being and that their posibilitys equal more than the chances of two people alone . = 1+1=3 . That , not only for a man and woman together but also for any othere people . Together we are strong , that we should form unions , help networks where everyone is respected and has a place to share their knowledge , experience and talents . Nobody is to weak , thick or talentless . There are things that i am not good at wich others are , so they can help me , and the other way round to. Everyone is good at something even if its only good at being themselves . Love , respect , is the bond . You have learned to love yourself enough to take the time and effort to explain to me . THANK YOU .

I think you might have understood where i am comming from . That i am provocative sometimes to try to get people to think a bit more . I think that thoughts come in threads wich most people stop following after a while , because they think that they are adults , and dont get to the end of the thread .

I think that there are two ways to "use" drugs , use and abuse . Abuse being hedonism and escapeism , living in a hokus pokus fantasy world , and use being learning , broadening ones horizens and opening new paths to personality developement . I think real adults are one in a million , or less , and that it`s very hard to become enlightened , = adult , without useing psychoactive plants .



PS .......I still dont agree with their conclusions or the way that they use , in my opinion , things that dont realy fit together to try to explain something , in my honest opinion , irelevant ???

My mate Arthur.J. put his fingers on the edge of his eyes and pulled , to make himself look chinese and said in a jamaican / chinese accent " Lao tse say " The more thinking and talking , the farther from the truth" ...........grasshopper " . And then he farted loud .
(i didn't read the articles but by reading this thread my mind went in another direction or a tangent one to the thread SORRY)
can it be that 1+1=3 could be considered as the ultimate math equation for life? (DONT YOU PEOPLE DARE ANSWER 42 OR I SWEAR I WILL :axe: )
woman + man = man woman child
a family?
THE Family?
as the sacred trio as the sacred family found in any sacred book (starting with the Gilgamesh saga)?
gee is fascinating how our materialistic concept of math allways expects a 2 from 1+1 while if you shift to phylosophical one you find that it is not allways so :o (1+1=3 or 1+1=1*)

*this one in particular was the one that bugged me the most it is so banal, but yet right
Dantediv86 a dit:
gee is fascinating how our materialistic concept of math allways expects a 2 from 1+1 while if you shift to phylosophical one you find that it is not allways so :o (1+1=3 or 1+1=1*)

*this one in particular was the one that bugged me the most it is so banal, but yet right

interesting, can you explain, please? :)

yes :D
Our mathematical heritage is based on the Aritmetic schema, which says that 1+1 = 2 that is true if applied to the material physical world where you take a quantity (ex 1g MJ, 1 leaf, 1 sheep) and you add to another, different, quantity of the same type (1g MJ, 1 leaf, 1 sheep) and you get 2 quantities of the same type (2 g MJ, 2 leafs, 2 sheep) ok?

Now...if you bring this equation to theoretical thinking it still has sense but is not allway true...i mean that you can theoretically still take 2 grams of MJ and add it to two grams of MG resulting in 4 g of MJ...but it is not material anymore, is in your mind (this still makes it real though not physically proovable)...now taking it to a spiritual level if you take 1 individual and add another individual you end up with 1+1= i (=infinity) because the combinations are immense due to the potential that a human mind has. however 1+1=3 is the one that makes more sense (and is more simple for the human mind to understand) because in the 3 you have 1 individual, the second individual and their union which makes 1 complete individual...the reason why i said that it is infinity is because once you take the complete individual in the 3 this individual is made of the union of 1+1+1(where this is again itself the new individual resulting of the union of the two individuals so tjis is = 3) it's circular logic
the equation could be written 1+1= {1+1+[1+1+(1+1+i)]} now i wrote "i" otherwise it takes lots of parenthesis and invinite pages
and this equation can be projected into reality to fit with the model of the sacred family or the soulmates it does not work for human families because the child is a fourth individual...the child is a product of the union of two individuals in One individual

now to explain how 1+1=1 but this is even more simplistic than 1+1=3 because not allways this is true
again this is true only in hypotetical thinking 1+1 =1 if you think of liquid or fluid entities
if you take a drop of water and you add another drop of water...you never will get two drops of water...you only get 1
so 1+1=1 in this case is true :wink:
I hope it is clear enough to actually make sense :P don't be afraid to point out mistakes, stupid sentences and nonsensicle writing....i didn't proofread :bear:
Dantediv86 a dit:
(i didn't read the articles but by reading this thread my mind went in another direction or a tangent one to the thread SORRY)
can it be that 1+1=3 could be considered as the ultimate math equation for life? (DONT YOU PEOPLE DARE ANSWER 42 OR I SWEAR I WILL :axe: )
woman + man = man woman child
a family?
THE Family?
as the sacred trio as the sacred family found in any sacred book (starting with the Gilgamesh saga)?

I like that 1+1=3 as ultimate life equation.
HeartCore a dit:
I like that 1+1=3 as ultimate life equation.

^^ thank you sometimes i have my moments of constructive/creative thinking

And i am sober
it's nice stuff but personally i like the elegance and complexity of JUST math, combining it with spirituality and other metaphysical things is something I don't really like.
Other than that I agree on the 1+1 = 3 part :)