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Does L-Tryptophan really helps the brain after doing MDMA ?

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GOD a dit:
I`ve done it before and during X . Dont do it , it does make the experience seem a little better but it fucks you up in the long run .

But for someone like me who abused MDMA for a while and is taking a 1 year long break and then wants a powerful experience, would it be a good idea?
I dont think so . Take a decent dose of E and then when you have come down take the L-tryptophan . But be aware that the E wont do the same as what it used to do .

I used to take a lot of good E regularly and always got a few days feeling weak , tired and a bit low afterwards . When i took the L-Tryptophan afterwards i didnt have any hang over at all . When i took it before or during the E experience i felt absolutely shattered , totaly tired and realy depressed afterwards for up to a week . The same was true with my girl friend and friends .
Thanks for the advices

But be aware that the E wont do the same as what it used to do .

I'm afraid you're right, but I hope so much you're wrong... I just loved so much the feeling of MDMA, it was so different from what it does to me now... but I think it's got a lot to do with today's XTC pills (I haven't found a source for pure MDMA yet). One of my friends still has 2 pills from 3 years ago, when the pills were really good. He's selling them 25$ each -_- And I'm buying them, as it probably is my last chance ever to get such good pills (anyway I'd spend at least 30$ for a good MDMA trip as the pills nowadays are so weak, and it's not the same thing with all the junk they put in them)

What I plan to do is take the first pill, wait for it to peak, enjoy the good old E feeling for a while, then take a strong dose of shrooms, wait for them to peak, then take the other pill, and once it's all at peak maybe take more shrooms if I feel like it and sail in my consciousness...

Of course I'll take care to be in a perfect set&setting, and have at least 2 days afterward for recovering and integrating the trip, and I'll have some L-tryptophan/5-HTP to help the serotonin crash.

Does that sound like a good plan? :)

EDIT: Oh and the question wasn't really answered... which is better to take, L-tryptophan or 5-HTP? Anyone know?
From what I picked up L-tryptophan is a precursor to 5-HTP which is a precursor to seratonin.

Edit: This may also answer your question, I pulled it off Wikipedia.
Serotonin levels may be increased by supplement of tryptophan. However, increasing foods rich in trytophan (eg, meats, protiens) do not increase serotonin levels, due to competition with other amino acids. [33] Much research has indicated that vigorous aerobic exercise improves mood, believed to be facilitated by an increase in serotonin levels [34] Research also suggests that eating a diet rich in whole grain carbohydrates will increase serotonin by secreting insulin, which helps in amino acid competition. [35] Bright light therapy is another popular method which prevents the conversion of serotonin to melatonin. [36] A similar effect is obtained by spending more time in natural sunlight.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seratonin
Hey guys. I'm following up to the 5-HTP/L-tryptophan discussion.

Sold as a dietary supplement, I picked up a bottle of 60 pills for $19.99 they are 100mg 5-HTP, 5mg Niacin, 5mg Vitamin-B6, 37mg Calcium, 25mg Magnesium, and 50mg Valerian.

I first picked them up because I was feeling a bit low after doing a bit of MDMA, and have taken 1 pill roughly every 12 hours. There are no real highs, but more of a.... mental pick me up? It's hard to explain there are no strong effects, but it seems as if I have been happier and days better.
This varies quite a bit to without taking them, as I will often find myself sitting on my bed deep in thought, depressing myself.

I'd say there may be potential in this drug to prevent/cure mild depression and just put you in a general better mood. I'm pretty sure I haven't fallen victim to Placebo, but since I do believe that I have a 5-HTP deficiency due to bad diet, it is possible that I have led myself to believe I have higher serotonin levels, subconsciously making myself happier, because I believe that I should be.

I guess my report is similar to trypto's, it's just something that is hard to describe, I would definitely suggest it to anyone feeling a bit down.

I don't think this has been brought up either yet, so I'll go ahead and touch on it just to make sure everyone is aware. Mixing Seratonin precursors with other drugs (like an SSRI) can produce toxicly high levels of serotonin known as Serotonin Syndrome. Just know what you are taking before you take it.
I would say (in fact I am saying) 5-htp is way better than tryptophan because it is the immediate precursor to serotonin. Tryptophan will be chewed up and spit out as a number of different things along different metabolic pathways. Almost all of the 5-htp will become serotonin.

And in my experience it is a fine thing to take both before and after an MDxx experience or other serotonin agonists, like 2c's. I like to take 200 mgs about 1 or 2 hours before ingesting a substance. IME, it can take a low to moderate dose and significantly increase the experience. If you're venturing into a new personal territory with a substance, I would hold off on preloading until you know how the drug will effect you, but post trip 5-htp is always a good idea.
Tiax a dit:
So, basically put :

5-HTP -> Tryptophan -> Serotonin ?
basically yes. I think taking 5-HTP shortly before MDMA would make for a better trip, and taking it during would ease the comedown and perhaps enhance the current exp.
And i think that by doing that you fry your receptors . That they must have a natural use range and that by pumping yourself full you can overload them in a negative way and damage them .
have you got sources of what you're saying or is it just an hypothesis?
No . Its personal experience over years of using lots of X . You notice the dammage and the hangover , thats why i started using L-tryptiphan . It works wonders if taken afterwards , and it makes the experience stronger if you take it before or during an X experience . But you also notice the damage and that the hangover is worse and that you always need more and more . I`d done X on its own for years and was relatively OK . As soon as i started mixing it with L-Tryptophan my thinking , moods and emotions got fucked BAD .
JustinNed- after 2 or so weeks the valerian will start to have the opposite effect. you would be best moving to a valerian free complex for a couple of weeks[then] if you can find one
hmmm... could it be possible that someone would be evil enough to lace its XTC pills with 5-HTP to make them stronger?
Thanks for the tip Drugless, I'm not too familiar with Valerian except for a quick glance on Erowid. I've stopped taking them though because I'm scheduled for surgery for next week. Yay... :\

And I would doubt it Psychoid, there are other (cheaper) things that could be lace with for similar effect, ie, amphetamines.
Hey Justin , i hope your surgery goes well .

What about trying to have an out of body experience ? I mean just plan to do it if you can and keep it in your head as you go into the narcosis .
GOD a dit:
Hey Justin , i hope your surgery goes well .

What about trying to have an out of body experience ? I mean just plan to do it if you can and keep it in your head as you go into the narcosis .


try and spot the pictures on the top shelf while you're up there looking down at yourself.

:) Hrm, that doesn't seem like a horrible idea...... I may need to give this some thought. :p
Thought this might be interesting and relevant...


Pre- and Post-loading can be used to lessen the harmful effects of MDMA. Pre-loading is taking supplements before rolling to help counteract the neurotoxic effects of ecstasy. A common pre- load consists of 200mg of 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), up to 100mg of Vitamin B-6, up to 1000mg of Vitamin C, and 100mg of Magnesium. (3) Adding more serotonin to the system can counteract the mechanism through which MDMA damages nerve cells. 5-HTP is the direct precursor to serotonin, and can therefore combat the neurotoxicity of MDMA. Vitamin B-6 helps to convert 5-HTP into serotonin, thereby boosting its effect. Because MDMA is thought to be neurotoxic due to oxidized free radicals, the consumption of the anti-oxidant Vitamin C can also reduce the harmful effects of MDMA. Magnesium is used as a muscle relaxer to minimize involuntary jaw-clenching associated with ecstasy use. A post-load consists of the same supplements except that magnesium is unnecessary. (4) It is also beneficial to drink water during and after the use of ecstasy.

But well... here they say that taking vitamin B6 is good as it increases serotonin production, while I read a few minutes ago on another website that taking 5-htp with vitamin b6 could be nasty cause vitamin B6 is responsible for transformation of 5-htp in serotonin in the liver, which means increasing serotonin level in the body, but not in the brain (as serotonin doesn't pass the hemato-encephalic barrier in the brain, unlike 5-HTP) , which can be dangerous...

It was from this website:

And this website may be relevant too:
http://www.dancesafe.org/documents/drug ... ession.php

I know the topic is about L-tryptophan but well 5-HTP is pretty much the same thing but more effective...[/quote]
Pre- and Post-loading can be used to lessen the harmful effects of MDMA
And i think that by doing that you fry your receptors
+1 from experience as well
I think the above is a dangerous advice, it would be nice if it were true but I don't believe it, actually I believe the contrary!
As for the vitamins, I don't see any harm in post-loading those.
Just take em after, that's what these things are excellent for!

I've had both, currently I have a bottle of 5HTP lying around.
I never take more then 100mgs of 5HTP, perhaps I should take some more sometimes?
Think I'll take 200mgs sometime this week, I currently take 1 (50mgs) very seldom and have a very light moodlift with it.
It would be a shame if I ran out before trying a little more.
In my experience L-tryptophan is brilliant, but perhaps it depends on dosage.
When you take L-tryptophan, it's usually 500mgs or more.
It leaves me feeling warm and very comfortable and at ease, I've never had this with 5HTP but I think it may be because the dose is too low.
Anyone know how the 2 can be compared to eachother? Like 100mgs of 5HTP equals ..mgs of L-tryptophan? Or are they incomparable?

5-htp with vitamin b6 could be nasty cause vitamin B6 is responsible for transformation of 5-htp in serotonin in the liver
That would indeed be nasty.. lots of vitamin B is included in my 5HTP capsules..
Quick question Drugless. I had surgery, and am currently taking perkacet for pain, should I be able to take my 5-htp complex?
I hope your OK and get well soon . Take care oif yourself . ............... And if i were you i`d not take anything untill you are welll again . ( Well , maybe a little grass...... but no happy pills ) .