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Do you smoke weed?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion faithless
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Do you smoke weed?

  • Never did and will never do

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I tried it and I'm not really interested

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I smoke from time to time, not regularly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I smoke at week ends

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I smoke at least 3 times a week

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I smoke every day or nearly

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Nombre total d'électeurs
WAIT :shock: are those kids really sharing a Joint?
Looks like our police have catch all our sources...
Haven`t smoke anything for three montns now...it`s fuckin` unbelivable what is goin` on here...
Before this period,i`ve smoked like 3 grams per day,for two years...
yeah, we are havin the same problem here at the moment
suddently all the police decided to go fishing
can ypou see this -> .
marc a dit:
I'm a daily smoker for about 15 years now. Lately I'm trying to cut down a little. I had a break for 4 weeks, but noticed no difference, exept for my dreams to come back.


So how come your still able to use your brain?!

I smoked everyday(ish) for a year and noticed a drastic reduction in my mental abilities, most noticeable was that I kept forgetting the words for common objects.

I have an acquaintance who smoked everyday for about 5 years, he is now mentally slow as shit, he's barely able to construct a sentence.

Maybe some people just have a higher immunity to its stupefying effects!
Thank you Dantediv86 for showing me the light ! :P

@ Mesaja : I could, it's just that in my opinion that the high it provides is just, well, *plain* boring... I mean if I want to trip I'm gonna use something that IS going to make me trip, not something that'll just stone me, if I want to be relaxed I just sit down somewhere confortable and have a good book, and if I want to be stoned just for the sake of it, I guess I'll start worrying...
I've been smoking daily for about a year now. I definitly need it to fall asleep otherwise I will toss and turn all night, tho sometimes I wake up when the high is over
Necridous a dit:
I've been smoking daily for about a year now. I definitly need it to fall asleep otherwise I will toss and turn all night, tho sometimes I wake up when the high is over

Of course you need it! you have created a very strong habit. Do you realize this?
it's known that, since THC has an effect on the cerebral cortex (contrary to most drugs who influence the "aincient" brain i.e. the so called white matter), to cause
very subjective experiences. It also depends on the amount of THC mixed with (what amount) of cannabinoids, wether you get High or Stoned. personally the stone kinda bothers me, because it brings nausea (to me), i prefer the High because it's light and allows me to think, and if i wish, to focus as well on a certain task. also i don't like the stone because it reminds me of the period the doctor had the brilliant idea of prescribing me phenobarbital *shiver* against my light epilepsy. i was so fucking slow at that time it wasn't even funny.
Nowadays I recognize properties of the cannabis I get, such as the High-to-Stoned ratio :)

Usually low when the weed is cheap. Last week I had some cheap weed and it was annoying in retrospective because I smoked but I quite never got "there" with it, I just felt a very pleasant body buzz and general well-being, but the High supper happy fast thinking aspect was kind of missing. I confirmed this with a much better quality joint purchased recently. 8)
Lol! i just read yor signature haha :lol:
i'm trying to experiement with how frequently i smoke weed and with how much i smoke at a time. i smoke a few times a week with friends, not much between us, and we share a light high that is pleasurable and happy but not really the deep psychological or spiritual high i get when i'm alone. i smoke alone between once and a few times a week and i smoke much more in these settings. i can feel my tolerance increase, so that later when i smoke with my friends, they're high from sharing a joint, but i could easily smoke my own joint (or at least 1/2). other than my tolerance going up, i'm also finding it harder to get ultra-deep by myself on the same quantity. so i'm going to lay off for a few weeks (going to a silent meditation retreat, so i'll have to choice!) and see if i can access the silly-happy-joy with them on less and go "deeper" by myself. its all about saving money! :)
Experiments and tests are good, they let you know more about your organism and how it deals with THC...

And if you smoke alone AND with friends then you're going to surpass them in tolerance, it happened to me...
i used to smoke every day but now i dont really bother if ive not got a bit. usually i smoke other peoples when they come round although i produce my own its now only a couple of crops a year because its hard work, you cant let normals in cos of the smell and you cant go away for too long. there was a time id climb the walls if i didnt have a bit
i've certainly found that tetrahydrocannabinol boosts creative thinking
i love to improvise music and pictures while high
i find it boosts creative thinking(i write) but often i lose the thread and cant finish what ive started.