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Do you smoke weed?

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Do you smoke weed?

  • Never did and will never do

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I tried it and I'm not really interested

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I smoke from time to time, not regularly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I smoke at week ends

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I smoke at least 3 times a week

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I smoke every day or nearly

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Nombre total d'électeurs
...about THC enhancing other stuff...

I have to agree with 'st.bot.32' on that,
because i've tried combining THC with LSD,
2C-E, and shrooms, and i think it uplifts and
deepens all of their effects.

The only stuff it doesn't play well with is speed.
I get all tensed up and a feeling that the two
too different kinda dope's are fighting for my
attention, or something like that. Not nice.

But the best is smoking very good bud after
you hit the plateau or start to come slowly down.
Then it really kicks in a U-turn and gets me so
much higher or deeper every time.

(oh, and i smoke morning to evening, but do all
'normal' things anyway and during, no problemo)

~See~You~On~Cloud~9~ PsiloCyber
I smoke daily for the last 4 years. There were 2 years of serious abuse and a few months of abstinence.
The problem with it's effects is that if you smoke daily it is hard to get psychadelic high. A pause helps, but it's not easy to be clean for a week. I am a social smoker and it makes the whole abstinence thing even harder.
PsiloCube a dit:
...about THC enhancing other stuff...

Yeah, I'm not a fan of mixing it with nicotine either, I find nicotine just sorta nullifies the psychological effects of the THC..
st.bot.32 a dit:
PsiloCube a dit:
...about THC enhancing other stuff...

Yeah, I'm not a fan of mixing it with nicotine either, I find nicotine just sorta nullifies the psychological effects of the THC..

That's because nicotine makes you stop thinking.
I don't think that weed has the capacity to take you to quite the high levels of regular psychedelics or disassociatives...

But, yeah, I smoke occasionally. Usually about once every two weeks or so, but I haven't smoked in about a month. Maybe tomorrow.
of course THC is a MILD psychedelic
It's a mild psychedelic I think because most people build up a tolerance and never explore the upper levels. Also it is much harder on the body so by the time you get to the higher levels you will probably just fall asleep :P

Still, some of the most intense psychedelic experiences of my life have been from hash or cannabis. Near death experience, time granulation, journeys inside and outside the body with physical and mental processes and my perception of these processes broken down into visual avatars. Not as clear, visceral as acid or shrooms, but no less profound or difficult..

I guess one of the main differences between THC and the classic psychedelics is that I don't feel refreshed or cleansed the next day... And yeah, to have these kinds of experiences, you need good, FRESH weed or hash, and even smoking once a week is too often. And I suppose everyone's mileage may vary!
BrainEater a dit:
eating cannabis is actually quite heavy... last year i travelled for 1 month in cambodia...and there it is used traditionally as a spice for cooking...
so there was this "chain"-restaurant which was called "happy herb pizza"... and also at other restaurants they had the pizzas which you could order with either one smiley or two smileys :weedman:

and i can tell ya... its quite heavy... in fact its utraheavy! i mean on such a pizza were probably at least 2 grams ... there were lots of green and lots of cheese (fats) too which is beneficial for the consumption of weed...

well it's been some quite awesome experiences lying in my bed there and not being able to do anything, because of tripping or kind of tripping :mrgreen:

maaaaaan thats awesome id get high with all my friends before and then when we were munching just eat that pizza shit hahaha thatd be awesome lol

and yeah weed pretty well everyday for me :D in fact im high right now but heres the question, do you guys think its too much to be smoking weed everyday? i mean i love the herb but i cant help but feel like it should be almost more reserved for chilling with friends i feel sort of like im taking advantage of sweet jane maybe im just crazy.....or high and getting too into this train of thought ahah
Bad boy....i really try to keep it down to once every few months
well i puff daily for 5 years whit some small brakes when im on vacation
(I smoked a spliff in Greece once)

im from holland and i feel like its my duty to get high when the night comes so im off to the coffeeshop :smoke:

I didn't vote because I missed the option "I used to smoke 3g weed daily but then I quit and now I smoke like 3 times a year"
That is th problem with people posting Polls...they always forget to give the option "Other (specify)..."
lol*fan a dit:
Now I've got this day-after state of consciousness. Slow & lazy...

Ironically, when you're a regular user you don't get this. I don't feel anything the day after, but I used to before I became such a pothead :mrgreen:

lol*fan a dit:
for I would stop working to make my dreams come true.

and this is so wrong because...??
Very rarely, not even once a month. Smoking it works way more physically and I'm not a fan of muscle relaxtion since it leads to a decrease of metabolism.

Though I have times I'm drinking it every weekend, mixing it with heated fatty milk to attach the THC to it for optimal absorption. It works for longer than 12 hours and even after 48 hours it's slightly noticeable, especially when drinking coffee as a MAOI.

Usually I drink a huge amount on Friday night right before sleep, wake up Saturday morning and being high the entire day. :heart:

Myself I get strong altered thoughts and very sensitive nerves of eating it. While smoking causes more confusion of lineair focus and short time memory as side effects. I never seem to get this from oral ingestion.

It costs a lot of weed and can take up to 4 hours before it's onset. That are 2 disadvantages.

Smoking weed more times a week doesn't fit for me in a psychedelic life. I rather do exercise and keep every door closed before doing a trip. With a lot of weed in my system starting with shrooms or acid, the trip always tend to turn out less intens and profound somehow. :s
I'm a daily smoker for about 15 years now. Lately I'm trying to cut down a little. I had a break for 4 weeks, but noticed no difference, exept for my dreams to come back.

Interesting... I've read several anecdotes of people stopping smoking and noticing drastic effects. Questions is: how did you feel when you smoked again? :)
Questions is: how did you feel when you smoked again?
High as fuck, I would imagine.

The loss of dream retention is the worst side effect for me when smoking regularly.

I’ve recently made the effort to cut down form a daily vaporising ritual to a weekly one, saving my memory and energy for dream time and getting a greater effect when I do make love to sweet, sweet Mary.
weekends! if i had a chance i would smoke more regularly :D