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Danger of Islam!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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"He is! "

Who is ? And what ?

The web adress you posted is as full of shit as you are . Zionists believe that god gave them palastine . All zionists are not neo nazis but the ones decideing israeli policies are . Theres nothing anti semitic about it , and there are lots of jews who say the same .
GOD a dit:
"He is! "

Who is ? And what ?

Oh dear, look how he doth protest that someone may be calling him a nazi!!! 8)

The web adress you posted is as full of shit as you are . Zionists believe that god gave them palastine . All zionists are not neo nazis but the ones decideing israeli policies are . Theres nothing anti semitic about it , and there are lots of jews who say the same .

So you find it perfectly alright to find fault with zionism, and the Jewish people having a homeland, (a tiny tine little piece of land), than you do people criticizing Islamic shariah law and its brutal treatment of women, gays, children, etc?

You don't have to answer, I already know what you think!
Just received this:

http://www.amilimani.com/index.php?opti ... 5&Itemid=2

An Appeal to Cultural Muslims

An Appeal to Cultural Muslims
Thursday, 12 March 2009
There are some 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, the overwhelming majority of which are Cultural Muslims who are generally called moderate Muslims. Muslims are born into Islam, where a great many never go through the process of deciding for themselves if they want to be Muslims. It is not a religion that they choose, it is a belief they inherit. For whatever reason, this great majority of Cultural Muslims are Muslims of sort without fully toeing the line of Islam. The real Muslims are the jihadists, a small minority who lives and dies by the dictates of the Quran and the Sunna, the life examples of Muhammad.

The free world, rightfully alarmed by ever-varied and escalating assaults of the jihadists, myopically has directed its tentative and haphazard effort at countering them, believing that by so doing it can eliminate their threat and at the same time remain on good terms of live-and-let-live multiculturalism with the Cultural Muslims. This is a dangerous assumption that, if not abandoned, will likely culminate in an Armageddon-kind of conflagration.

There is virtually no chance of reasoning with the brain-dead jihadists whose eyes are fixed on the promised lush paradise of Allah. It isn’t that they love death, just for the sake of death itself as Muslim leaders such as Hasan Nasrullah, the head of Lebanon’s Hizbollah proclaimed. They love death and happily embrace it because of what they have been brainwashed to believe is awaiting them as a reward.

Death in carrying out the work of Islam earns them entry into Allah’s eternal sensuous male paradise, so they believe. It is in keeping with propagating this fraud of afterlife paradise that portraits and names of Muslim killers, glorified as martyrs, festoon the length and breadth of Muslim cradles of Islamism such as Iran and Palestine. To the wild-eyed robot jihadist even a day on this “heap of dirt
Whoa, that is a very good text!

There are some 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, the overwhelming majority of which are Cultural Muslims who are generally called moderate Muslims. Muslims are born into Islam, where a great many never go through the process of deciding for themselves if they want to be Muslims. It is not a religion that they choose, it is a belief they inherit.
Cultural Muslims, indeed a better term than moderate.

The real Muslims are the jihadists, a small minority who lives and dies by the dictates of the Quran and the Sunna, the life examples of Muhammad.
Yes, we were discussing this early on in this thread.

They love death and happily embrace it because of what they have been brainwashed to believe is awaiting them as a reward. Death in carrying out the work of Islam earns them entry into Allah’s eternal sensuous male paradise, so they believe.
Tragically, over the years, media pundits, leftist academics, and politicians have constructed a formidable alliance that successfully keeps both the Cultural Muslims as well as the non-Muslim general public in a slumber of complacency.

The Cultural Muslims hold the balance of power in their hands. They are not active jihadists. Yet, they knowingly or unknowingly, constitute the most vital support for the Islamists. It is this majority that projects an image of normalcy and even tolerance of others while supplying funds as well as foot-soldiers to the work of the Islamists.

Islamic apologists often point to Muslim communities in non-Muslim lands as peaceful religious communities like any other and deny that these Muslims pose any threat to the way of life of the free people.
Which is why I was asked to which Muslim countries I had been to.

Yet, the facts convincingly argue against this fraudulent contention because, when the jihadists gather enough local strength, the Cultural Muslims like docile sheep will submit to the rule of their co-religionist killers. This is not a hypothetical prognostication. The capitulation of the Cultural Muslims has already played out in many parts of European towns and cities.

It is worth repeating that as Islamists wage their war under the banner of Islam, they receive immense direct and indirect support from the rank-and-file of Cultural Muslims. Their support is the life-blood that keeps the Islamists alive.
As I put it in this thread: they unknowingly provide the infrastructure.

Dear Cultural Muslim, this is the 21st century.
Turn off, tune in, drop out!

Radical Islam claims to be the true Islam and strives to force humanity into submission to a system of beliefs and practices of Sharia which are anathema to freedom. Even Muslims who do not agree with the extremist Islam are intimidated, pressured into silence, and even condemned to death by the fanatics.

It is wishful thinking on the part of the non-Muslims to believe that one can be a Muslim moderate, given that Islam is radical at its very core.

It is not uncommon to observe Muslims, anywhere in the world, who are indeed exemplary in many ways. They are kind, generous and much more. These are the Cultural Muslims who are, in effect, only part Muslim. They do not live by the full text of the Quran and elect to live as decent civilized human beings.
Exactly. And there are lots and lots of people like that.

and hammer them into the minds of impressionable children in madresehs.
Well intended child abuse.

Dear Cultural Muslim, I am appealing to you. You hold the key. You hold the balance of power. Please withdraw from Islam completely, as countless numbers already have, and lend your invaluable support to the free people of the world who are eager to embrace you with open arms.
Great text.
zezt a dit:
Oh for god's sake. DO SOME RESEARCH. Find out what is the Shariah Law. Please tell me:

Do you believe women are inferior?

Do you believe homosexuality is a crime, and is punishable ?

Do you believe people who steal should have hands cut off?

HAve I really got to argue this evil barbaric brutal shit is wrong?

And how is this differend from what christianity or juedasim preaches :roll:

Religion may have some small redeeming qualities- but by and large it is THE major source of world problems. And it is NOT Islamic fundamentalists we need to be concerned about- but ALL religious fundamentalists. I have far more to fear from the religious nut next door then one half way across the world :wink:

personally- the closest I come to religion is an explanation by a physicist at Harvard?- to quote poorly

before the big bang there was a mass of energy- call it god if you like. And like god ask not how it was created- the 2nd law of thermodynamics- energy can be neither created nor destroyed... it just is. Then it exploded, expanding, forming everything in the universe. And its only purpose is to LEARN. So expanding and expanding, learning all the while. Then comes the point where it will start to contract upon itself- bringing with it all the knowledge its parts has aquired- until once again it is this solid mass of enlightened energy. Now ask yourself- why believe this is the first or only time this process has played out...
What do you think. Is it a crime to criticizes Islam?
What do you think of freedom of speech
Watch this clip and tell me what you think

UN Stripping freedom of speech

I am very curious what you all think?
"I am tolerant of everything except intolerance." :wink:
lucky_lab_rat a dit:
And it is NOT Islamic fundamentalists we need to be concerned about- but ALL religious fundamentalists. I have far more to fear from the religious nut next door then one half way across the world :wink:
But that's what this thread has been about from the start: the religious nuts next door, those living in Western countries but unable to break free from religious imprisonment, and demanding that we follow the rules of their prison system (Islam, Christianity etc.).
aaaah! It is alive !!! Frankenstein is back in town !!!
Abandon ship ! Bring me my personal rotocopter ; I'll shit on his head !
As a Muslim, and a current student of Sheria Law. By reading a few pages here and there, I have to say the majority of you guys have no idea what you are talking about. Esp by dividing up the religion, i.e. moderate Muslims, real Muslims, ect. In Islam this is quite simply impossible, You are either a Muslim or you are not, plain an simple. There are many people that claim to faith but they dont practice their faith, and how can one be apart of a religion of wich he does not follow? This is the fact for all religions, like eating pig meat is not allowed in chrisitanity and stated in the bible, but almost every christian today loves their bacon. In Islam it is against our way to force ideas onto others, infact its a sin. Only to inform, not force. When Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols blew up the building in Oklahoma did we attack their faith? no. Im not gunna read whats on this forum considering its most likley all BS. If you would all like feel free to ask me questions, and ill do my best to answer.
alphasnail a dit:
As a Muslim, and a current student of Sheria Law. By reading a few pages here and there, I have to say the majority of you guys have no idea what you are talking about. Esp by dividing up the religion, i.e. moderate Muslims, real Muslims, ect. In Islam this is quite simply impossible, You are either a Muslim or you are not, plain an simple.
Yes, that was my point from the beginning, I've tried to explain this many times.

There are many people that claim to faith but they dont practice their faith, and how can one be apart of a religion of wich he does not follow?
Follow what? Rules?

In Islam it is against our way to force ideas onto others, infact its a sin.
Isn't expounding rules (as in the Sharia or passages of the Quran) the same as forcing ideas onto others? Doesn't this, according to your reasoning, make the Quran and Sharia sinful writings, and don't fatwas likewise turn Imams into sinners?

When Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols blew up the building in Oklahoma
Did they? I'm not so sure yet. Just like I'm not so sure the attacks of 9/11 were masterminded by Muslims. This thread is about other dangers than occasional terrorist attacks. It's about Muslims in general and the way they (want to) influence their children and modern society, not about some desperate suicide bombers.

Im not gunna read whats on this forum considering its most likley all BS.
Most of us here have rejected all forms of BS (Belief Systems). But to your indoctrinated mind our insights will no doubt appear to be bullshit.
alphasnail a dit:
As a Muslim, and a current student of Sheria Law. By reading a few pages here and there, I have to say the majority of you guys have no idea what you are talking about.

That's arrogant! Nobody knows where he or she is talking about. Where all trying to figure it out, and it's not weird that in a world that has so many facets of reality, that it becomes hard to find the real truth. I am sure that everyone who thinks that he or she has found the truth or does think to know how the game works, will one day wake up with the realization that after all they where wrong.

alphasnail a dit:
This is the fact for all religions, like eating pig meat is not allowed in chrisitanity and stated in the bible, but almost every christian today loves their bacon.

I doubt that this is a fact. There are so many interpretation on these sort of issues. There are even priests that say that eating meat at all is wrong, well at the same time other priests say it isn't and eat every dead corpse they get on there plate. So who is speaking the truth? How does that what your saying become a fact?

Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Isn't expounding rules (as in the Sharia or passages of the Quran) the same as forcing ideas onto others? Doesn't this, according to your reasoning, make the Quran and Sharia sinful writings, and don't fatwas likewise turn Imams into sinners?

I guess it's the same story, but a different taste?
Yup... here the only abbey who has monks that remotely look like saints are vegetarians. They are deeply convinced it's impossible to be saint and eat flesh-hormones combined (affecting your biology in a great way).

I find them fascinating because they produce cheese, chocolates and other delicacies to be auto suffiscient, their abbey is almost all plexiglass to let the sunlight in, they have solar pannels and are almost self-suffiscient. Now this sounds like saints ; and all of this in the harsh conditions of northern canada !
I oppose the idea of the revival of this thread. I would really like to close it.
alphasnail a dit:
As a Muslim, and a current student of Sheria Law. By reading a few pages here and there, I have to say the majority of you guys have no idea what you are talking about. Esp by dividing up the religion, i.e. moderate Muslims, real Muslims, ect. In Islam this is quite simply impossible, You are either a Muslim or you are not, plain an simple. There are many people that claim to faith but they dont practice their faith, and how can one be apart of a religion of wich he does not follow? This is the fact for all religions, like eating pig meat is not allowed in chrisitanity and stated in the bible, but almost every christian today loves their bacon. In Islam it is against our way to force ideas onto others, infact its a sin. Only to inform, not force. When Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols blew up the building in Oklahoma did we attack their faith? no. Im not gunna read whats on this forum considering its most likley all BS. If you would all like feel free to ask me questions, and ill do my best to answer.

That is what I think. There is no "moderate" christianity, no "moderate" islam, no "moderate" religion at all. Either you're a believer, or you're not. When you're a believer, then you're a nut (sorry!) but at least you stand for it. When you say "I'm a believer, BUT..." - then you are not a true believer! Then you need to think about that "but" a little more, and become a reasonable person (that is: a non-believer!)

It took me almost thirty years to be able to truly say "I do not believe in any fairy tales". Although my upbringing wasn't really religious (my father and even my grandma, had abandoned catholic church before I was born! Only my mom was being a "moderate" lutheran). The cultural background of christian church was still so strong as to make me believe I had to believe in a god of some kind.
Today I say, no, I don't have to! I am free, and I don't believe. And you don't scare me with your fairy tales, period!
Isn't it funny how our operator just disapeared conveniently without even leaving a goodbys message ? Lets traduce texts in arabic... right, like you were ever going to do that, with some Zest.

Just like Pariah, and others...
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