Creating a sanctuary in Holland

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité

Hey all.

I've been talking and talking and talking for over 15 years about these plant hallucinogens. My main concern has been more or less to plant these ideas (no pun intended) more in the surface of our collective, western concsiousness. If that makes any sense at all.

So after a lot of thinking and talking, my girlfriend and I decided to create a place in Holland for psychonauts.

The idea is to have a sanctuary, a controlled space where people can have experiences with plant hallucinogens, mainly psilocybin and ayahuasca but there are more plans, in a safe environment.

Details of how this will work have yet to be cooked up b
ut here's some guidelines as of what to expect:

- no affinity with any religious movement
- Different days/evenings, music enhanced, silent darkness etc..
- Inviting experienced people to guide experiences (think of shamen, ayahuasqueros etc..)
- Psychedelic information point


- VR environment
- Smartcafé/shop
- Informational nights (invite speakers etc, discussion groups etc)

Its all very preliminary at the moment but we will do our best to make this happen.

The way we are going to set it up is either register as an associoation (stichting) or a church (if thats possible), its dependant on the outcome of our talks with lawywers. In any case, this is not meant to turn into an easy money train for me and my gf, thats not our goal although it would be nice at some point to be able to quit my job and work fulltime on this.

So if anyone feels tempted to help out in whatever way, feel free to contact me. There are two things that are important to realize beforehand:

There wont be money involved so its volunteer work and secondly, we ask a minimum age of 21. Reason for that being that we are consciously going to break the law when we start the sessions and if we have minorities in the group, that can easily frustrate the process.

Let me know what you all think please :)

I've posted an idea like this about a year ago, for me the time was not right but at this time, I feel with all my heart that it is ;)

Edit: Base will be, and this is non negotiable, in Veenendaal ;)
How wonderful bro.
Great plan.
Having been part of a few brainstorms with you along these lines i am over-joyed to see you taking a stand for taking the next step(s)!

I have a bunch of skills and experience that could potentially contribute value to such a project and share, as you, its mission very personally. So just let me know how i might be of service and count on volunteer support from my side in any way that serves the success of such a (much needed) entheogenic center.


Wow, this would motivate me even more to do a little 'trip' in holland ;)
...and so it goes Heartcore:

- you dare to know/be your deep heart and brilliant mind
- you dare to listen
- you dare to take a stand to bring forth your bright contribution

....and life rewards the courage.
....and your true-friends, allies, partners, start showing-up and pouring in.
...sure sure, the challenges too but that's the adventure, the "theater" of each of our personal and collective evolution.

Awesome bro!
...and thanks to our friends chiming in here so perfectly.
All I can say is that I TRULY hope this will work...

Kind of "dream come true"...

I waited for so long for such a topic to appear...
I have already mine ,



267913082_0281452dae.jpg if partying (a great human pastime nonetheless) is the same thing (at ALL) as "5 dried grams in silent darkness".

Love the pic's but fully challenge/disagree with the headline and point.

Those who know KNOW what i mean and what HeartCore is onto and in it for.

EntheoBhakta a dit: if partying (a great human pastime nonetheless) is the same thing (at ALL) as "5 dried grams in silent darkness".

Love the pic's but fully challenge/disagree with the headline and point.

Those who know KNOW what i mean and what HeartCore is onto and in it for.


I do it already every week at my home , for me this is a sanctuary and you can't say nothing against it[/quote a dit:
A lovely intentional community but much more vedic in its spiritual focus and way into following Indian law to the "t".

Feel what HeartCore (and i hope many of us in support of this plan) are intending would be a great new addition to the overall world wide inter-connected network of conscious, peace loving, forward thinking communities, of which (i sure agree) Auroville is a long-time shining example.

EntheoBhakta a dit:[/quote a dit:
A lovely intentional community but much more vedic in its spiritual focus and way into following Indian law to the "t".

Feel what HeartCore (and i hope many of us in support of this plan) are intending would be a great new addition to the overall world wide inter-connected network of conscious, peace loving, forward thinking communities, of which (i sure agree) Auroville is a long-time shining example.


Yeah, its just about the looks of this place (unfortunately there are no pics of the inside - which is really beautiful).
Dear Mr. Oak,
You said: "I do it already every week at my home , for me this is a sanctuary and you can't say nothing against it."

Check it out: I didn't.


What you did seem to say in the post i was responding to, by words and pictures, gave me the impression of a bit like countering HeartCore's great idea with something like 'no need for what you're doing, there's plenty of psychedelic party/scenes already'.

Anyway, glad you know the value of personal/home-time journeying.
All the best to you in however it works for you.

Note: this is a thread about how incredibly valuable it will be to have places where people (who don't find crowd/rave scenes optimal for exploring the reaches of the entheogenic tremendum) to find safe, conscious, and peaceful spaces facilitated by well informed, experienced and compassionate hosts/sitters/guides/shamans.

Cool by you?

EntheoBhakta a dit:
What you did seem to say in the post i was responding to, by words and pictures, gave me the impression of a bit like countering HeartCore's great idea with something like 'no need for what you're doing, there's plenty of psychedelic party/scenes already'.


Nop , I wasn't countering the HeartCore idea , i think is a great idea too , i just show another way , and in my country is easier because all kind of psychedelics are illegal so is dangereus for us open comunitys , and i don't go to party's to take drugs , only to have fun and share love .
amoak a dit:
Nop , I wasn't countering the HeartCore idea , i think is a great idea too , i just show another way , and in my country is easier because all kind of psychedelics are illegal so is dangereus for us open comunitys , and i don't go to party's to take drugs , only to have fun and share love .

Which is why, nice to know you and i DO agree, that its so damn great to have members of our community living in more "progressively legislated" earth regions build centers where all others (like people from your an my country of origin where such sacred rights/rites are currently violated by evil "law") can come and be introduced to the wonders of this earth-human sacrament.

Sorry for orig. misunderstanding. If that first post had had a photo of you IN that bedroom of yours rather than 10,000 sweating, pounding, freeking brothers and sis's, i'd sure have better understood the fullness of your approach.


EntheoBhakta a dit:
Sorry for orig. misunderstanding. If that first post had had a photo of you IN that bedroom of yours rather than 10,000 sweating, pounding, freeking brothers and sis's, i'd sure have better understood the fullness of your approach.



Of course i prefer to be more discret . I don't show you my room but i can show you the chill-out , very nice place to trip
Sorry for the confusion , but i really like HeartCore's idea , but unfortunately is impossible in my country and in many many others , this is a good option for us.


Of all places Veenendaal :) Anyway I'd say I'd love to help but you'll have to wait a good year and a half since I'm still 19 (turning 20 this sept) and you said you only want people 21 y/o or older. If it starts going I'll at least drop by and visit a couple of times when I'm @ my parents place :wink:
EntheoBhakta a dit:
... where is that lovely gathering space?

Is Boom Fetival , in Portugal , but there many other festivals and parties during all year , always very nice and smiling people
even Albert Hofmann came share with us

Hehe, Creating a place like the old good Goa in India like the 70's. Wonderful idea this! (Y)