Crimzen a dit:
the mind is always an object of perception, otherwise all the people who havnt taken drugs have NO perception?
You should read Huxley - Doors of perception, he explains the whole concept of psychedelia (mind-manifestation), this is the whole point of why these drugs were labelled 'psychedelic', and the experiences they trigger 'psychedelic trips'. This is a way of contrasting the ordinary (non-psychedelic) state of consciousness with the psychedelic state of consciousness as 2 entirely separate cognitive modalities.
In the ordinary state of consciousness, you perceive mental representations of objects (such as tables, chairs, people etc), when you take a big dose of acid, the mental viewpoint is temporarily raised up a level (to the meta-perceptive level) so that you now perceive the underlying medium of representation which is entirely concealed in the ordinary state
a good analogy: the ordinary state is like staring into the surface of a perfectly still pool of water, and seeing the perfect, flawless reflections of buildings on the side of the pool. The psychedelic state is like throwing a pebble into the pool, so that the whole surface of the water is disrupted, and the reflections ripple and disintegrate. When the pebble is thrown, the surface of the pool becomes visible, whereas when the surface is perfectly still, it is invisible.
Or another analogy is seeing a glitch in a film reel during a movie at a cinema - the underlying medium of representation is exposed whereas normally it is invisible
or another analogy: - when you have a glass of water, you cant see the underlying shape of the movement of the molecules in the water, but when you drop some ink into the water, that shape becomes revealed. Taking entheogens is like dropping ink into the mind
Crimzen a dit:
in the ordinary state of consciousness, because then one can only perceive reflections in the still-pool of mind/consciousness. In order to perceive the
mind itself, you have to reveal it by throwing an entheogenic pebble into the pool.....
Crimzen a dit:
Are we talking about being a psychonaut or 'tripping hard'???
Psychonautics is all about tripping hard, and mapping/modelling the altered state experiences. The mindblowing trips are the pinnacle of psychonautics, just as manned spaceflight is the pinnacle of astronautics
Crimzen a dit:
Lucid dreaming IS a technique which can be used
the lucid dreams themselves are not techniques, they are experiences, and there are no guaranteed techniques for triggering the dream-experiences.
Crimzen a dit:
it just takes time and effort on learning to master the technique, there are techniques to trigger lucid dreaming, im not sure if you've even read about lucid dreaming because one of the first things i read about them are the techniques on how to induce them.
there are many books about lucid dreaming, but not one of them can tell you a technique for automatically triggering lucid dreams (in the way that taking drugs automatically triggers psychedelic experiences).
Crimzen a dit:
i say psychedelic drugs are an experience not a technique
this is an obvious category error, psychedelic drugs are physical substances, not experiences. Ingesting the drugs is the technique by which you can trigger the altered state experiences
Crimzen a dit:
and that dreams and meditation are techniques
meditation is a technique - it is something that you DO, but lucid dreaming is not a technique, because you cant 'do' it, you just have to hope that it happens when you fall asleep
Crimzen a dit:
A technique is something you as an entity do, drugs are external, they are a tool not a technique
the drugs themselves are the tool, the deliberate ingestion of those drugs is a technique