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Buzzkill; what's happening in America right now......shit

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brewmaster
  • Date de début Date de début
I left for lunch an hour ago and they said there was one person dead and 8 wounded.

Now there's 22 dead. Jesus Christ!!!
Okay, I talked to one more friend who is out of harm's way and my wife talked to two more.
Sorry to be a bring-down. I'm freaking out over here!
This is the worst school shooting in our country's fucked up history.

32 people confirmed dead. :cry:
yea i heard about it, really sick news. any news on your friends? i hope the best for you and them..
2 more friends have been contacted thru the interweb; only one friend that I can't get a hold of.

Everyone's freaking out here at work because it's such a big school and everyone knows someone else who goes there. No one's working right now.
What the fuck is wrong with all these people shooting in schools???
This is really horrible, at least I hope you have contact with all your friends now brew?

It's to late for some people but please tell them to ban those guns not drugs! It is too easy for one crazy person to kill al those people.
Everyone I know is safe but now there's 32 confirmed dead and 18 more wounded.

I just don't see how one guy can take out 32 people without a gang of football and lacrosse players jumping on his ass.

this is so fucked up.
I hope they'll eventually realise what's wrong and take real mesures, but this still looks like a wild dream ... :(
"ban those guns not drugs" ban niether . The school just got done banning guns on campus . 30 people would not be dead if more teachers and students were allowed to carry. Look at britain it has a gun ban and they have a higher violent crime rate per capita. Glad to hear your alright brew i hope all your friends are ok

i thought this quote about the gun ban was ironic
"The excellent reputation of Virginia's colleges and universities depends in part on the public's belief that they are sending their college-age children to safe environments," the policy paper reads
my heart goes to families and friends who lost people.

Again we see the hypocrisy of weapons be legal is the US but having a little bit of drugs, you're locked up for years. Money, money, money, everey politician is a criminal.
I don't want to be rude UTHTURN, but that's the stupidest thing I ever heard on this site.

Carrying more weapons against people who have weapons??
UTHTURN a dit:
"ban those guns not drugs" ban niether . The school just got done banning guns on campus . 30 people would not be dead if more teachers and students were allowed to carry. Look at britain it has a gun ban and they have a higher violent crime rate per capita.

Man, giving gun to teachers is like giving some aspirin to someone who's dying from cancer...

Put some REASONABLE laws on guns, like in ANY other developed country...
Stupid as it sounds, he's right.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

If all posession of personal weapons was made illegal then the only people who would have them would be criminals who intended on using them.
We have reasonable laws, it's just very easy to buy a stolen gun.
The right to arm yourself is a basic human right given by our creator. Its not only for the protection of the person from people like this but also from an oppressive government. A gun ban will not stop criminals from gettings guns it just causes the people that do obey the law to be defenseless.

Don't think of it as `gun control', think of it as `victim disarmament'. If we make enough laws, we can all be criminals.
The possession of arms by the people is the ultimate warrant that government governs only with the consent of the governed.

-- Jeff Snyder
I'm watching it now on CNN, this shit is horrible... I thought columbine was a masacre :shock:

I must say I'm not surprised, any asshole can get a gun if he wants to... thats fucking rediculous :\... It might be the worst shooting in history, but believe me there will be even worse in future.

RIP to all those that have died today...