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Buzzkill; what's happening in America right now......shit

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brewmaster
  • Date de début Date de début
UTHTURN a dit:
This is substantially higher than the 30 reported for the Netherlands, although the 72 rate in Amsterdam comes rather closer. But this is not the whole story. Does lower criminal gun ownership translate to lower crime rates overall? Looking at the FBI data in table 1 on page 64, the violent crime rate in the US was 504.4 per 100,000 inhabitants, while property crime ran at 3656.1 per 100,000 inhabitants. The Dutch Central Bureau for Statistics has crime numbers online, but not the crime rate. The table shows 101,143 violent crimes and 919,262 property crimes in 2001. With a population of 16,171,520 (September 2002), this works out as 625.4 violent crimes per 100,000 people and 5684.4 proprety crimes. Or, to put it differently, the violent crime rate in the Netherlands in 24% higher than in the US, and the property crime rate is 55% higher.

Statistics and numbers can be interesting but they don't say everything, in this case a lot of information is missing. For example what is a violent crime? A punch in the face and a shot in the head are both counted as one violent crime.

I'm not saying the Netherlands is a safe country without any crime, but at least not many people carry firearms -I haven't seen anyone with a gun in my life-. And it is very hard to get them, the change of getting shot by some freaking out person is smaller. I think it is as simple as that. The more guns the more problems, accidents and killings.

Some statistics seems to be on my side:
Even in holland it's easy to buy a gun. You just need to know the right(I mean wrong) people. Eventhough I'm a friendly psychonaut I know more people with guns(and I don't mean legally) then people who can sell me DMT.. If you read the papers you'll see that if there is a drug bust they DO find guns. We also have mafia and gangster but because this is small country they have to shut up. We alsow have armed robberys..
Hand guns arent bad. But selling them to every one who has the money, thats wrong. In holland you need to be some sort of a duck hunter, member of a shooting club or police to legally own a gun.

Criminals always find what they want..

But if you make it easy to buy a gun thats a big problem.
You can't defent yourself with a gun, you can only shoot bullits.. Use a shield or better jet: stay away from scum and use your clever words.
We(and I mean you to) don't live in the Wild West any more!!!
Many american weapons end up in civil wars in africa..

I agree some states in the US have good laws.. Like for example in some states you can only buy one automatic machine gun per day.. So you need to have a agenda to plan a mass murder.. Killers don't have a agenda every body knows it..
I'm sorry for my irony. This is a very sirious matter..

I DO agree with the fact that the killer has to have a real mental problem. That problem lies within him, but can be magnefied by external problems.
You can use the argument like why don't we ban knifes? We need them. We don't need guns. And killing with a gun is much easier then cutting some one open....

I think the real reason people think they need a gun is because without they are scared shitless... And fear is not a good emotion when you carry a very lethal weapon..

In holland some people think they need some sort of weapon for there protection.. So we have smurvenspray(this is blue paint and when sprayed on it won't go away after a week).. or pepperspray.. or a knife..
How about this idea: trade your gun for pepperspray? You can 'defend" yourself from a distance but its harder to kill a person( in my opinion every one is a person..not a killer or a gangster or a nerd or WHATEVER there all persons and sometimes we don't understand them)

nevertheless I feel sorry for the family's who lost there loved ones.

And you must agree on one thing: if it wasnt so easy for the killer to have a gun he maybe would have stabbed a few people but never this many. Some in this topic asked who he could kill so many people because there are strong boys.. They where lying on the ground, probly crying..You can't dodge a bullit.. you CAN kick a knife out of someones hand..
Yay, I totally agree, the problem is that there is too many weapons in USA atm, and even if putting even more weapons in the hands of their inhabitants can be a short term solution, I don't even want to think what the long term consequences will be...

No matter what some articles may say, the VAST majority of countries with a very low quantity of guns lying around are WAY more safer than the USA, and that's not statistics, that's just a fact...

Like Uthturn posted; yes, we have a lot more deaths related to guns but we're a much larger country.

We're also a baby compared to the rest of the world. When this country was founded it was completely wild and it was necessary to carry a weapon. It's written in our constitution and at this point it would be impossible to do away with them.

The fact that it's relatively easy to obtain a gun has nothing to do with the crime rate. It's the fucked up mentality of this country and this world that compels people to do the things they do.

I don't feel unsafe living here. And as a matter of fact.....

I've been held at gun point twice......
Guess where...

On a boat when I was working for The World Wildlife Foundation and we busted a crew of Portugese fishermen, illegally harvesting scallops from the Atlantic ocean...


At a train station in Holland. Mother fucker took my passport and everything. I couldn't even leave the country to go home early because I had to wait for a new ID.

I know. This place is fucked up but from what I'm hearing from you crazy Dutch; it's not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be.

I live in Richmond, Vurginia, one of the most crime ridden cities in the country. I'm not scared for my life. I own 2 guns but they're just for target shooting and for fun. My tiny, little wife walks 12 blocks to and from school and I don't worry about her.

It's not guns that I'm afrad of; it's the way our society as a whole is degenerating. Not just in my country but the world.
At a train station in Holland. Mother fucker took my passport and everything. I couldn't even leave the country to go home early because I had to wait for a new ID.

Next time when that happens, try to find an internet café and one of us will pick you up ;)
I think its becouse of the history with guns, the civil war the wild west.
ofcourse its nice if you can defent your self, if your livin from a 2 houre
drive from the nearest police station.
But i think America exaggerated there love for guns a lil but to much.
America definetely have a gun culture like no other country.

And i'm not saying that in europe everthing is nice and clean becouse it isnt, europe is overwelmt with guns that are coming from the balkan/east europe all for the illegal market.

And yes ofcourse you can purchase a gun here its a free country after all.
But we got some strickt rules for that and one of them is that you cant walk with a sharp gun across the street you've must always have it disarmed in a box separated.

But i think its a attitude thing, the way American people looks against guns.
Here in holland its just not normal to have a gun, it exactly scares people here if you do.
And in America its relatively normal to have a gun and nobody makes a big hassle out of it, while its dangerouse thing.

anyway Guns are Stupid..
I don't think it's really hard to get a gun in Holland, but I think it's way too easy in America. I mean if you don't want to wait for a license, you find someone who did have the patience(perhaps a friend or some guy trying to make some money).

Self-defence, in my opinion is not at all an argument to legally buy or sell guns. Because when you're being robbed or whatever by an armed man, a gun is pointless because you still have to shoot him first.

In Holland when you like guns, for hunting or other legitimite use. You can still obtain them, you just have to be a member of certain clubs etc.

Btw: I've seen shit on tv(trustworthy source? dunno) about people trying to get guns in America. This dude comes into a weapon-shop and ask advice about what material would be best to kill a human with, the dude behind the counter just name's a gun and a type of bullet. Isn't that a bit... ridiculous?
I thought we where open minded people out here..

There is no diffrence between a american or a dutch person..

Our media controlles our thought.. Use psychedelica and brake free from those dogma's

please.. Don't say something unless you're ABSOLUTLU sure..
@ Josvu
Ofcourse we are all the same, i dont say we are better,
Not at all i think :shock:
But i do think there are culteral differences between Europe and America, this topic shows.

But this site is universal, the drugs unite us all :D
HeartCore a dit:
At a train station in Holland. Mother fucker took my passport and everything. I couldn't even leave the country to go home early because I had to wait for a new ID.

Next time when that happens, try to find an internet café and one of us will pick you up ;)

I appreciate it, brother.
hey brew so everyone you know is well?
at least everyone you know from that school?

Yes, all my friends are fine and they're all coming back home this weekend. I'll probably cry like a little bitch when I see them.

Thanks for your concern, I appreciate it. :bear: