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bad trip i think im crazy now 2ci 1st time tripping

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Matrice Périnatale
i tripped on 2ci about 2 weeks ago with my gf we dosed at 12:00. amount taken was unknown as we bought from a friend . well the trip lasted for roughly 18+ hours we didnt fall asleep until 12:00 the next day. first couple id say 6 hours i cant remember anything then after all went downhill i thought i was "stuck" i had been tripping for way to long now and i wanted it to end i was scared and my trip took a turn for the worst the same thing happened to my gf. we tripped in my parking lot in a crowded city (not the best thing to do especially when you live their) it was all good until around 6:00am when ppl started to go to work at this time we were completely lost i would momentarily snap back into myself and take me and my gf to my room to trip. i got so lost in my head i feel like i found out what life is, ive started to think that nothings real and im starting to lose motivation i think this is a symptom of phycosis? i just wanted to clear my head and see what u guys say. last night i was in church after smoking weed and i honestly can say i started to think the way i thought when i was tripping i was starting to get lost in my head talking to that little voice and aswering every question out their my thinking has been beyond anything i can explain i hope it was the pot . i just wanna be reassured that this is normal thinking behavior after tripping. in wanna know that everything ive loved and known is actually their for a reason and that my perception of reality gonna go back to normal
well from my experience, when you're having a psychosis you think it's real. So it's a good sign that you're questioning the experiences that you're having. Also I think it's pretty normal for your mind to still be a little different after you've tripped for eightteen hours(!!). I however can't be sure if it really is a (mild form of) psychosis or not and I think it's best to wait a couple of day's to see if it wear's off and otherwise take steps from there.
It will go back to normal, but you had a heavy trip and saw some things yo never realized before. It is hard on your mind and brain to cope with such a dramatic shift of awareness and you aren't going to know how to deal with this (yet).

My advice is don't do any more drugs, and don't smoke pot for a while - pot will put you right back into the trip, and that can be bad at this stage, as you don't really understand what happened.

Take a step back from psychodelics, even weed, and start thinking about what happened, but don't get bogged down in it.

It is as real as you want to make it, and the things you "saw" are as important as you want to make them. You can completely ignore them or be consumed by them, but from my experience you need to find a middle ground, but for now - just lay off any psychoactives for a while.
man im seriously crying after reading what you said YOU'VE MADE ME SO HAPPY im serious im literally crying i thought i was going crazy THANK YOU .but wow man you got it ON THE SPOT my brain doesn't know how to deal with all this knowledge i hope to forget soon as is wasnt real it was the drug WOW man ive even been online looking for doctors who are experts in psychosis and live around my area, but after reading what you said its true in time this will pass and ill be back to normal thank god. after this experience ive made the conclusion to never touch a phycadelic again even pot atleast for a long time. wow after reading this i feel completely normal. so i guess the fact that i was questioning my sanity means its a pretty clear sign im not in psychosis cause crazy dont know crazy!!! atleast i hope so lol wow i havent been this happy since b4 i ever tried 2ci. wow man so if im going through some shit imagine those ppl that have taken 20+ hits of acid how long did it take for them to go back to normal? btw thank you your response has really cleared my head i work as a security officer the night shift and im constantly left alone with my head i dont wanna be thinking the way i was starting to but after reading this i feel cured im sorry for posting so much but i cant stop TYPING IM TO HAPPY!!! THANK GOD ILY JESUS CHRIST!!!!! AHHHHHHHH IMMMM NORMAL!!! btw i took a clonozepam and a xanax after wards and that k.o me and my gf so we could finnaly get some sleep
brings a smile to see someone so happy to just be normal
i've been there man, it does get better :)
man ive even been online looking for doctors who are experts in psychosis and live around my area

Yeah I was there too... I don't want to fool you, it will take time to recuperate - your brain took a massive blow to the understanding of the world. Some of it is real, but what happens in this situation (I'm not a doctor remember) is that once you become "enlightened" and see an earth-shattering fact for the first time your brain starts to roll down a slippery slope, and even though some of your new observations are real, most are not -

the example for me was I realized some very serious things about how I viewed the world. I used to not really realize how much pain there is out there and so on. This was a heavy load to bear, but upon taking it, my mind started to jump to conclusions, and before you know it I was so stuck in a cycle in my head of what is right and wrong and what matters and what doesn't I was nearly pulling my hair out. It took me a time to realize that the cycles weren't real - that was just my brain getting in "defense" mode for not knowing what the hell I just took (mushrooms) and spinning out of control.

Pot brought back the sensation and the thought cycles, it took me a while before I could smoke again - a good while, but the longer I could stay off it, and the sooner I quit the faster I recovered. Now I can smoke pot and laugh my ass off at cute dogs and stuff like that :lol: I love it now. But yes, it took time - no rush.

So, I would hope that you level out very quickly, but for me it took a while and I had to realize what was really meaningful from the trip and what wasn't. It sounds like from your trip most of it wasn't, but your mind was so susceptible that it just believed it.

But no, you don't have psychosis, you just don't know what happened. :D I'm glad to hear your happy response :shock: :)
thanks so much you guys are great i feel good now i think im getting better i stopped smoking weed on Sunday night and i feel better not because i stopped smoking weed but because i dont feel alone anymore i know whats happening to me has happened to others aswell and they do come back to normal and the thought patterns stop. the problem i have is i start thinking to much about me never being normal again and that just brings a whole bunch of other problems like stress depression but i feel like i will return back to normal i get stuck in a cycle of figuring things out then anxiety kicks in and a feeling of discomfort then i question everything ive ever known, whats the point, religion my family everything ive ever know can be real if i want it to be. but knowing i have a choice weather i wanna interpret it as reality or not is what scares me i wish i didnt have that choice that my mind would just close already so i can live a close-minded life what i see is real and theirs no question about it because im seeing it. how long does it usually take for this to stop? btw i wasnt really having these thinking patterns like this until sunday after i smoked and went to church i was doing fine b4 i think. im currently going through pot withdraws i didn't eat anything on Monday today i exercised ate good had sex and went to school i just cant sleep much but i think thats cause im starting to work the night shift and i gotta get used to it. so how long do u think it will take to get back to normal?
IJesusChrist a dit:
man ive even been online looking for doctors who are experts in psychosis and live around my area

Pot brought back the sensation and the thought cycles, it took me a while before I could smoke again - a good while, but the longer I could stay off it, and the sooner I quit the faster I recovered. Now I can smoke pot and laugh my ass off at cute dogs and stuff like that :lol: I love it now. But yes, it took time - no rush.

So, I would hope that you level out very quickly, but for me it took a while and I had to realize what was really meaningful from the trip and what wasn't. It sounds like from your trip most of it wasn't, but your mind was so susceptible that it just believed it.

But no, you don't have psychosis, you just don't know what happened. :D I'm glad to hear your happy response :shock: :)
thanks bro i really needed this reassurance that im going to be fine so how lond do u think it will take for me to level out? i think the only reason i started thinking like this again was cause of the pot it was really good and i didnt enjoy it 1bit im done with pot! btw is my thinking behavior normal? sorry man i just reread everything i posted and its alot i just dont have any1 else to talk these things with it feels good talking about it it helps alot
That is why I'm here, that is why we are here...

It sounds to me you'll be fine pretty quick! You already sound fine to me.

And don't worry about your thinking, or your logic - that doesn't matter. You worrying about being normal creates the problem, there is no problem to begin with, know what I mean?

I'll give you another piece of advice I learned over the years (I have high anxiety in general):
When your mind went in to the trip, it didn't know what was going on. So it tried to identify some kind of problem, any kind of problem to explain physiologically what was going on (2c-i isn't normally found in the brain, remember :) ). In trying to realize what was going on (even though you knew you took 2c-i) your subconscious mind tried to identify other factors. Thats where those weird worries come from - your brain / mind HAS to identify what is going on with something, so you start to worry/panic/freak, about anything. It isn't real! Its just your brain attributing worry to things that were never a problem to begin with, but now seem like they are! It makes no sense to the conscious mind, but that is how our subconscious operates...

So just remember that if they come around again - it is just your brain TRYING to come up with something to worry about (lol its just such a weird thing that happens).

Weed triggers this because your subconscious kind of says "oh shit! It is happening again - identify what is wrong! Identify what is wrong! Whats going on!" even though you know you were just high, you know it is only weed, and you should be fine...

That makes sense right?

Yeah - no pot, time will heal all this. And since you're already very happy and excited by that second post I can tell it won't be a long road.
Well I really hope that you learned to never take annything whitout knowing the exact dose.
There are rc's wich when O.D. you could really die a really nasty way . Oke this is the worst I'm not preaching here but these powders are not a toy.
My first post on this forum and it's important. Listen to mrvn. Know your dosage. Do lots of research before trying anything new. Start with a low dose.

And welcome back. Pamper yourself for a while. When you feel up to it, and you feel hungry, take your girl out for coffee and pie. Or yummy pizza. Enjoy your shifted perspective on the human hustle and bustle around you.
Wait, what realizations...?
yeah bro, its your idle mind, racing thoughts. questions. maybe something youv wanted to change. i find it hard to focus my mind sometimes alot. it can be really unsetteling whilst high.

i find it helps alot to keep busy, make some goals that helps, short and long term.

im tryna do a few things, and Big one is saving to go to south America.

i work greaveyard shift laborer and it gets me down sometimes, i recomend NOT working odd hours for long periods if you get Down. not socialising as much as i used to then feeling isolated, then when i do socialise sometimes its a weird thing. i think im at the stage in my life where i want different things, im getting there fell so confused sometimes tho. :)

Sorry i dont really like to talk about these feelings much, i have this fear i will infect others with my Dolor.
But honestly if you feel bad sad or different the best thing you can Do is tell SOMEONE when you feel it dont Bottle it up. cause that bottle gets pretty Full and Nasty before it leaks out.

they say my problem is Environmental, i need to build my self estem, get out of my rut and change the things that bother me, instead of ignoring them cause its easier.
And don't worry about your thinking, or your logic - that doesn't matter. You worrying about being normal creates the problem, there is no problem to begin with, know what I mean?

Well said IJesusChrist, It's exactly like this!
sorry for not thanking you guys i just been so busy lately, especially you ijesuschrist! your a life saver...

Thats where those weird worries come from - your brain / mind HAS to identify what is going on with something, so you start to worry/panic/freak, about anything. It isn't real! Its just your brain attributing worry to things that were never a problem to begin with, but now seem like they are! It makes no sense to the conscious mind, but that is how our subconscious operates...

So just remember that if they come around again - it is just your brain TRYING to come up with something to worry about (lol its just such a weird thing that happens).................................this quote came from ijesuschrist whenever i do start to worry/panic/freak i remember this quote it helps so much!!! thanks again guys! and yea i learned my lesson on dosage and how important it is to know how much of something your taking...never again
I'm glad I could help man, it's real inspiring when the words I say make sense and on top of that truly hit their target :)

Good luck, and try to pass on that knowledge you have of going to the far places of sanity and coming back :!: :)
Omg. I'm so happy I found this post. A family member recommended this to me. I've been going through a similar situation. I was accidentally given 2ci 4 weeks ago. Ever since then I have been having intense anxiety and headaches daily. I thought I was going crazy. I was hearing constant songs in my head when I wasn't focused on stuff. I have seen a few pyschologists who convinced me that I wasnt going crazy. It has been such a horrible experience. The headaches are the worse part, they are burning headaches which happen all the time. I'm going to see a neurologist to see if any damage was done to my brain, but i think this pain is being caused from the stress that this experience has caused me. When I was given it around 8pm, I didn't realized what I had taken until it started to kick in. I tried to ride it out, but around 4am I started to think the trip would never end, and I heard a dubstep song constantly in my head and it made me very aggravated. I didn't stop tripping until 9am. I thought I was going crazy between 4am and 9am because one of my best friends went into a psychosis after a shroom trip. After I passed out a 9am, I woke up at 11am, feeling normal again. I was so relieved. I was so disturbed about that trip for a few days. After 3 days I started to get electrical shocks and burning feelings in my head. I went to the hospital to get some clarity. They thought I had stroke but they ran a ct scan, and my brain was fine. However, they gave me morphine and I think they brought it back out. I went home that morning and took a benadryl to sleep. I slept for 3 hours and woke up confused. I had night terrors and broken sleep, and woke up confused every morning for a week. I thought I was gonna go insane. Eventually the sleep started to become normal, i still panic at night so I take sleepytime Extra tea to sleep now and it works great. Now I'm just a nervous wreak, because I've had a headache for a week. I hope it just stress. This drug has made my last month a living hell for my family and I. It has effected my college work also. I'm just to nervous all the time, thinking i'm gonna go crazy and that my headaches are a result of brain damage. These posts have given me a little piece of mind.