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la cosa migliore sarebbe aver gia raccolto questi funghi in natura per capire qual'è il tipo di posto in cui gli piace fruttificare... Tienici aggiornati... I miei cyanescens non sono andati molto bene, non so nemmeno se hanno fruttificato...

Ricordo un tuo post dove trovasti i serbica in natura, quello dovrebbe darti davvero una marcia in piu... facci sapere se e quando sarà!
Characteristics of included taxa (Psilocybe arcana, Psi. azurescens, Psi. bohemica, Psi. cyanescens, Psi. moravica and Psi. serbica).
Autumnal species (September–De- cember) growing in detritus, mostly on woody debris, also on fallen decayed trunks, seed cones or acorns, mostly in broadleaved or mixed forests, less com- monly in coniferous forests, often along forest paths or roads, in gulches near creeks, in underbrush with Urtica spp. or Rubus spp., also in parks, gardens and cemeteries (wood chips), mostly gregarious, on various types of bedrock. Little to almost middle-sized, might resemble Hypholoma subericaeum, H. myosotis or some Psathyrella species. Staining blue, blue-green or olive-green on stipe or pileus spontaneously or when bruised. All species contain the psychoactive com- pounds psilocybin and psilocin (see Wurst et al. 2002, Stříbrný et al. 2003, Courtecuisse and Deveaux 2004).
da "The wood-rotting bluing Psilocybe species in Central Europe – an identification key" - JAN BOROVIČKA

Psilocybe azurescens
Distribution: Cespitose to gregarious on deciduous wood-chips and/or in sandy soils rich in lignicolous debris. Aspect collyboid, generating an extensive, dense and tenacious mycelial mat, Psilocybe azurescens causes the whitening of wood. Fruitings begin in late September and continue until harsh frost, usually mid-November.

Habitat: Cultivated patches occur worldwide, but natural patches are found along the US Pacific coast, north of Seaside, Oregon, as well as Astoria, Oregon. Isolated patches have been found as far south as Arcata, California and are very common in Humboldt County, CA.
Mushroom Observer: Public Description of Psilocybe azurescens Stamets & Gartz

Psilocybe cyanescens
Distribution: West coast of the USA from San Diego to Alaska, and Western to Central Europe.

Habitat: Coastal dune grasses are probably the native habitat for this species.
Mushroom Observer: Public Description of Psilocybe cyanescens Wakef.

I dati sono abbastanza vaghi: prediligono il legno di latifoglie e terreni smossi.

Samorini se non sbaglio, aveva parlato di un patch di Psi. azurescens nei colli bolognesi che aveva regalato grosse soddisfazioni.