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It wont because it will never happen .
I think believing (therefore having hope) on such things, wich are so fantastic , provoce lazyness.

Though, I have hope. I'm lazy.
the future will eat itself.
Eat the rich ?

Cannibalism would help the planet more and faster than any fantasy political systems wich are in practice imposible .
everything will happen by its natural course. Socialism will come when the people are ready.

I propose you to write a book about cannibalism as a new political system - you would get more than 300 Es a month...
Wot !!! If i had 300 Es a month i could fix 10 a day in my eyeballs and wouldnt have to eat food any more ..........
GOD a dit:
It wont because it will never happen .

anarchy is a proven system.
there have been and there still are thousands of anarchic communities around the world.
One must only quit thinking about their Ego and penisses :roll:
You should make an equation to demystify me :P

I still think the same...
I don't know you, Isee only what you write. You may be wise. But wisdom with ego is worthless. That's why you can't live in anarchy, because of your ego. People with primitive desires and ego-wanking-addicts (=lust for power) are not ready for it.

That's why I say.

The future will eat itself.

Wait and see.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Exactly... I have seen my future, and it will be in a sweet community where I will tend to bees and my medicinal herb garden with psychedelics.

My ego on the internet is only here to show you how you think you can judge the spirit of others.

I'm the freakin greatest internet presence you have ever seen, the internet lives in me. Why ? Not because it gives me power... just because it's so ridiculous that it's bound to be true.

Everything a camera films is done from my third eye ! When you look at any video or a webcam and you see a woman's eye shine with a kinky look, she's thinking of me. Quantum interferance happens when and where I intend it to be, I decide whats cool and whats ghey out here. Thats why I can't stress enough for you to be careful, I have an unconscious too, and it's not only pretty.

If you learned from your mistakes you will know not to try to walk over me again ; I repeat it over and over because thats what I'm here to do, use everyway at my disposition with no regards to morals ; because I know exactly where we are headed. Not because I'm special, or that I'm more or less intelligent than anyone else here ; just because I was the first to amalgamate with the living matrix, and well it seems once it's done it's done. I'll trade my place with any of you whom can even make it to the center of my mind, the responsibility is just crushing me like a magnitude of gravity.

Are you one to step in and remember who you are slowly but surely, or will you live your anarchist fantasm as your actions obviously state ? Because no true anarchist will let the A step over the circle and make an ownership signature over my donut.

You heard that right !

Lets join hands and dance!

Get loaded and sing sweet songs throughout the night!

"It was Coney Island, they called Coney Island the playground of the world.

There was no place like it, in the whole world,
like Coney Island when I was a youngster.

No place in the world like it, and it was so fabulous.
Now it's shrunk down to almost nothing...you see.

And, uh, I still remember in my mind how things used to be, and...uh, you know, I feel very bad.

But people from all over the world came here...
from all over the world...it was the playground they called it the playground of the world...over here.

Anyways, you see, I...uh...you know...
I even got, when I was very small, I even got lost at Coney Island, but they found me...on the...on the beach.

And we used to sleep on the beach here, sleep overnight..they don't do that anymore.
Things changed...you see.

They don't sleep anymore on the beach."
Very nice prose Misfit !

Here, want some anarchism ?

The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Future is present, yes, but I throw in the hypothesis that the path of humans is set (more or less).

There are no accidents.
My ego on the internet is only here to show you how you think you can judge the spirit of others.
Oooooh, you're a teacher? Well, your role as teacher does not say anything about your ego, does it?

Your drunk polemics are nothing but an excuse to yourself. Your edge is your skin and you desperately try not to see it. How many people were there were you are? Why don't you see it?


There were thousands here before you and there will be thousands here after you.

This "exclusivity" is exactly what is wrong in this world. We see the errors of the past and think that we are beyond.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
My ego on the internet is only here to show you how you think you can judge the spirit of others.

I'm the freakin greatest internet presence you have ever seen, the internet lives in me. Why ? Not because it gives me power... just because it's so ridiculous that it's bound to be true.

Stop pretending.
Sorry you can't give me orders... but you can moderate me. :roll:

The path of humanity might be set by some idiots, but they have no idea of my sentience, there is no way they ever will.

The planet is not perfect, there are accidents in my experience, some even remember dying and coming back, being told there was an accident, I have seen and I can tell a liar from a true experiencee ; I have lived the NDE myself.

I'm not a teacher, you figure that out with the same rotten logic that brought you to ignore your impulse against me in the first place.

I am not alienated by my skin, every of it's nerve is suffiscient to feel each of you with honor to your divinity.

Many people were here, but they all had something to loose and eventually, noone wished the place I am in ; I agree I did not accomplish anything extraordinary here, but my perseverance in not denying my own truth is something exeptional I accomplished.

Who told you the beginning was not in the middle ? You are showing signs of delusion brother, I don't want to see you sell yourself to the powers OR the light beings, because you are worth your own creation, you have the capacity to inhabit your own sun.

I certainly hope there will be. I am not of the world, but I am from it.
That wasn't an order, it was advice.

What I meant was that if you play out a persona on the interwebs and if that persona isn't really you and you know that, that you should stop it, because it doesn't do you good and misforms the truth of others because you knowingly lie to them.
It's not a persona... it's inverted space.

Thats hard to explain you know that, but it dosen't diminish any of its self-suffiscient truths.

I'm not lying, do you really doubt the capacity of my brain to handle it ? It's not contained in me anyways, I'm merely amalgamated.