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difficult topic. Manners are a cage, on the other hand I am happy to have them...kinda. Ethics...you are also not free...nevertheless...love...
Anarchism is a ......THEORY .
yes and no. It is also a dream...kinda. But so is socialism. And so was democracy, a long time ago. Change? Who knows.
Socialism , democracy and all the other political theorys have never worked . They are paroles , fragments of a personal / social illusion . Things that are either good or bad , your for them or against them . A bit like when morons talk about their penis = latin , instead of talking about their plonker or ? = They are wallpapering the reality that most people are exploited slaves and that there is no freedom of choice . Its a bit like painting shit pink and putting a coctail stick in it and cherrys on top .
GOD has some nice points there, but in defence of ideas, I would have to say that anarchism is the only political theory that gives people the right to not be subordinated. As an ideal it is worthless, but it can inspire lawmakers (strange as it may sound).
"I would have to say that anarchism is the only political theory that gives people the right to not be subordinated."

I disagree . The big and those with the bigest weapons decide , the majority have nothing to say .

For me someone choosing a type of politics to identify themself with is the same as being a zombie . No one system has all the answers or the best answers . Choosing answers or solutions to social and personal problems by choosing one system is robbing yourself of opertunities . Every problem has an optimal solution , i`m looking for optimal solutions to problems not ruling answers out because they dont fit with a particular dogma .

If one looks at all the different political directions from anarchist to democrat to socialist to comunist to autonomous one can see that in the end they all want the same things .

Cut the dogma and find the best answers .

Personaly i`m a comunist socialist democratic autonomous anarchist .
I agree with almost everything you say, except for this:

GOD a dit:
The big and those with the bigest weapons decide , the majority have nothing to say .

What majority? Politics divide people. In many different ways at once. So a majority only exist on the level of issues, not on the level of a general direction a state should take. If people unite they have something to say.
"a majority only exist on the level of issues,"

Yep . The majority are poor and starving , coincidentaly they are allso the ones with the least money and the smallest weapons ..........

" not on the level of a general direction a state should take."

No , that would be democracy .

"If people unite they have something to say."

Exactly why anarchism wouldnt work . A person can be as psyodo anarchistic as he wants , when the neighbours get lazy and gready and unite they can take everything he owns off him and make him to a slave . ( And i shall fuck his wife and daughter ) .

Everybody is running from reality... that's why we have stupid mindroasting TV, News, Politics, Movies, Emotions, Yoga and Drugs.

Nothing wrong with that,
human behaviour.
It's possible to practice anarchism individually if you get your hands on the knowledge of how the mind's work of those who act and behave on what they just see. You once were one of them yourself. If they have a certain control over you, or you depend on them in some way...

You'll just have to modify your projection to drive and steer the behaviour of those who's control depends on merely non-extended fields.

Don't fight narrow minded thinkers to turn them on with arguments (even if they are valid), but just control them through what you have seen. And never forget that their activity in their head is completely different than yours, as well as their lenses where they see everything with. They won't catch your motives that transparant as you do with the motives of those who just see.

You know what each of your projection causes if you think through first, before sending it. Then project in a way for your own benefit. Possible on a minor scale, just personal encounters, but sadly nothing bigger is realistic for now.

I hope I'm making any sense. :P :roll:
GOD a dit:
Socialism , democracy and all the other political theorys have never worked . They are paroles , fragments of a personal / social illusion . Things that are either good or bad , your for them or against them . A bit like when morons talk about their penis = latin , instead of talking about their plonker or ? = They are wallpapering the reality that most people are exploited slaves and that there is no freedom of choice . Its a bit like painting shit pink and putting a coctail stick in it and cherrys on top .
Still, historically (let's just say that history is not falsified completely), there is a huge difference between e.g. Louis XIV., where people were starving, couldn't read, couldn't do what they want and nowadays where you atleast can decide what you read, and more or less, what you do. Deciding between medicine and mechanic is quite a freedom compared to peasant or peasant. And even with this elitist society, "they" are not superhuman, they are still human, exactly like we are, they are not more intelligent or anything
ZOF a dit:
Everybody is running from reality...
Humans are creating a reality and running away from it? That doesn't make sense.
restin a dit:
ZOF a dit:
Everybody is running from reality...
Humans are creating a reality and running away from it? That doesn't make sense.

Since mankind has existed, there hasn't been a single society that didn't run away from reality by changing there perception. People live in a created reality, but they also want to escape from it, that's what people like.

Some people through Drugs, which alter the state of mind. Some people through meditating which changes there brainwave pattern and can get them as high as an LSD-trip. Some people through drinking every night, through smoking pot, using speed, hurting themselves, having sex (and get a rush) and most people hold on to negative emotion which also changes there perception of reality.

I think it makes perfect sense that they do, but why they do it, will probably remain a mystery.
"Anarchism is not just anti-ism."

i wasn't trying to make that point, just simply point out that the two overlap in certain areas...

"Anarchism is a ......THEORY .

When has it ever been ? When has it ever worked ?

Its running away from reality and hiding in fantasy."

anarchism is a theory, in that, theoretically, there was a time before, where there was little if any organization of humans (or neanderthal) in the sense of government. and this may or may not have been "chaos", but we still stand here today, you know...? there had to be a point in the stage of our evolution as a society, where we said, "lets organize, we'll be more effective", so therefore by that logic, there would have to be a time before that where we were not organized, that's all im saying.
I dont have time to read everything here, but I will later!
Anyway, I've been looking into Anarchism here in Iceland....
I was discussing what they'd would gain from it......
The answer was Chaos, I dont want Chaos......
I just want people to open thier eyes to what our way of life is doing....
And now is the time, since people are getting mad and starting to question our leaders....because we are going through a major Money problem...

Anyway, there are many examples of Anarchy without the chaos!
I don't believe we would want chaos anyway, and I think we could make something new and better!
Actually, What I want personally is more freedom.
An interesting topic is that, we CANNOT have a universal moral standard and make laws from it.
There will ALWAYS be people who can't and won't follow this!
What I want is a more open and free soceity, the main problem with this is that capitalism won't run as efficient as it does.
Who cares? IM 100% sure that if we question more, and open up to new methods we can do something new and better!

I uploaded a video on Democracy, the voice is by Mckenna....:

Tell me what ya think! =)

PLUR, Psyolopher!
anarchy does not mean chaos. anarchy means without a leader.

An anarchist society would not mean that everone would run around mercilessly stealing and murdering. It is not a law that stops us from murdering, if there was no law against it do you actually seriously believe you would go out and kill someone?

We do not need laws or a government to tell us how to behave, we know instinctively how we should act.

An anarchist society would not be without problems, but the same applies to any archist society, be it left-wing, right-wing, authoritarian or liberal, but the difference is an anarchist society would remove the illusion of 'authority' no man has any right to tell another how to act, he has the right to oppose him if he disagrees, but to imply that there is some kind of inherent wrongness in his action through legality or otherwise is simply nonsense.
Anarchy doesn't even work in a shared apartment with 4 people. Because if you say "everybody cleans the kitchen when it is dirty" you can be sure that 4 people will have a very different opinion on what is "dirty". What could work without cleaning for a whole month for me, will not be acceptable to many others ;)
Therefore, a governing rule is stated that says that everybody has to clean once a week or so. I might not like it, but it's fair.
So you elect a leader for you apartment do you?

You have an entire governmental system to rule over a four personed apartment, fully equipt with elections, taxation, legislation and beureaocracy?

No, what you have is a rule applied over 4 people who agree that it is fair, not a single body which decides what is fair and blankets that accross an entire nation.

Anarchy is not without rules, but they are the rules of co-operation, common decency and common sense, they are infinitely malleable to suit any situation and depend upon the general consensus of right and wrong.
the rules of co-operation, common decency and common sense that are infinitely malleable, are the "laws" of government... there are just too damn many people on the planet for them to be flexible in an orderly/timely manner, as you speak of with anarchy
"what you have is a rule applied over 4 people who agree that it is fair"

Your not talking about anarchy your talking about ....... DEMOCRACY .