I dont have time to read everything here, but I will later!
Anyway, I've been looking into Anarchism here in Iceland....
I was discussing what they'd would gain from it......
The answer was Chaos, I dont want Chaos......
I just want people to open thier eyes to what our way of life is doing....
And now is the time, since people are getting mad and starting to question our leaders....because we are going through a major Money problem...
Anyway, there are many examples of Anarchy without the chaos!
I don't believe we would want chaos anyway, and I think we could make something new and better!
Actually, What I want personally is more freedom.
An interesting topic is that, we CANNOT have a universal moral standard and make laws from it.
There will ALWAYS be people who can't and won't follow this!
What I want is a more open and free soceity, the main problem with this is that capitalism won't run as efficient as it does.
Who cares? IM 100% sure that if we question more, and open up to new methods we can do something new and better!
I uploaded a video on Democracy, the voice is by Mckenna....:
Tell me what ya think! =)
PLUR, Psyolopher!