restin a dit:
What you want to say is, that people want a leader, a guide?
In your country, the USA, the government is very authoritarian and symbolic. This means, that the president is a symbol for the whole country, he is a leader. Nonetheless, there are other countries, as Switzerland that do not have such a strong symbolic representation of the people in charge. There is no real leadership, no unity, no major influence. What I want to say is, that already today not all societies are dependent on a leader. Influence is and will always happen where people interfer but influence is not leadership. I influenced you to write this post but I do not lead you, do I? Of course, young people seek to find a certain value system but there is no government needed therefore. Family, friends, they all influence you and build your value system.
On the other hand, anarchism presumes a completely different value system.
If you are interested in anarchism, read V for Vendetta. The movie is OK but it has a completely different message, it is also quite defused. The comic is direct and is very complex. It is a classic.
yes, i believe that humans naturally gravitate towards leadership, and i dont mean this in the sense that you used it earlier (ie: one leader), but in the sense of many leaders for many various things, you know, people who've "been there before". in the sense that people sometimes
want to be told: what to do, what exactly they should do, in order to fulfill whatever purpose they have, for seeking that advice. you know? influence is sort of (but not 100% always) the force that guides the hand, the other variable, being the own persons judgement.
that description can be applied universally, from picking up chicks

, to building a utopian society. basically when i speak of "government" on this thread, i mean government in the definition of the term, not in what we usually refer to as government. (ie socialism, democracy, monarchy, etc). but in reality, i believe that these two, seemingly opposite directions in the definition, are not so opposing, they overlap to a certain degree. i mean even anarchy and government overlap, even though they are presumed as opposites.
in a venn diagram, two circles overlap, they definitely have their own territory, but the also have that gray area in the middle.
i can explain the concept more as well but i think that it can be pondered by ones own logic (maybe not, im a little OCD

), but nevertheless if it's confusing i can clarify, just not now it wont make sense because im tired haha. maybe tomorrow.
another note, i use most terms by their whole definitions, or everything that the word encompasses. for example government, as you probably noticed. anarchy as well. and lastly leader.
when i say leader, i mean the force that *governs (govern by definition), be it person, people, advice, or a book, even a story (as long as they are influential in nature, causing a reaction that wouldn't have happened had the person not stumbled upon, seeked, or been forced upon the catalyst). nothing is exclusive in terms of something that can lead.
for instance, people are lead by the bible, and it governs many of there decisions.
"but influence is not leadership"
i believe that this is subjective, in that the
influence turning into someones
leadership, depends on the person. whether or not they want to accept this advice, or incorporate their own judgement and logic.
if you do not agree, please explain to me your point of view on how influence not being leadership (and im not saying 100% of the time, or 100% of the people) is objective. im geniunely interested[/i]