user_1919>> note we're just having a discussion, so no hard feelings or any reason to worry
How can you say this? You have no experience with psilocybin.
McKenna advocated the "if in doubt double the dose" quote, which might has several reasons to exist among sensible and serious explorers of the mind and the psychedelic experience, but in the wrong minds it could be dangerous, I believe. And even if I have not experience with psylocybin , this quote is used and adressed to almost all classic psychedelics [especially lsd] or even other psychoactives as well, something which is, in my opinion, quite dangerous and misleading. Let me also say, this wasn't McKenna's only 'mistake' if you ask me. That doesn't of course mean he wasn't a lovable and great looney bin [

] and pioneer psychedelics explorer
People can explore the mind with no psychoactives as well, you know, and also in any dose of various substances with psychoactive effects.
I really do want to have a psylocybin experience sometime, although there's no reason really to hurry such things. I also don't feel the heroic dose approach is for me - I choose to be more 'conservative' , and if I find it so, I will increase my dosage in next experimentations. A friend has spores, but I have postponed to grow some for quite some time now, as I am quite busy with my other plants and interests. I am quite sure psylocybin has somewhat different qualities compared to lsd/lsa , but people haven't reported THAT much of a difference anyway. I suspect it is more gentle, euphoric and friendly than lsd, as many report.
But, as for sacredness,
I know respect, not holiness - so nothing is sacred for me as granted,
I choose what I respect and what not, I make my own ethic rules.
My first high dose, I didn't really take this into account, and to see society functioning in it's way, is very scary, don't ask me why, but it is. Just to see cars, stores, people talking to one another, is scary. There is something about civilization that the mushrooms must not like, or it was something internal about me.
Interesting... I might haven't had a high dose of classic psychedelics, but I find this phenomenon not strange at all - in fact I find it perfectly normal and explainable. Also note that in my opinion, it's not the mushrooms that don't like urban enviroments and random crowd, but the very essence of you that doesn't like that when you're on certain states. It's the same with me, and I bet it's the same with as well. You might think the mushroom have a preference, but it's you who does and that obviously makes you a different type of psychedelics consumer than the average recreational user.
I repeat, no high or extreme dose is really
needed for insight, psychedelic effect or anything, at least not for everyobdy. Each one has his own mechanisms, and each one should work out and search what suits him better. Give your recipes with some reservation
Interesting.. I'm certainly unable to discuss philosophy or be very social at all during a trip. In fact tripping makes me kind of introverted and socially inept usually. Alcohol on the other hand is a social and conversational drug to me, a couple pints and I'm discussing freely all night. (Not that I couldn't without, but it does relax the body I guess).. But to be fair it does seem to put some people into an ego-driven stupor. hence I wouldn't blame some people for thinking it is mind-numbing. I would argue that alcohol is more of an amplifier, eg: if you want to have personal and philosophical conversations all night you will, but if you hang out in a bar next to a table of loudmouthed jocks you will see other effects.> I begin to think we bare quite a few striking similarities in our inner workings! Sure loads of alcohol can lead to an "ego-driven stupor", but that's not really numbing in my book. Having a healthy relationship with one's ego isn't really harmfull in my book either, on the contrary, I believe it is essential for balance and happiness. Alcohol is a wonderful gift to man, it can enhance / amplify many of peoples actions and experiences, it lowers or even destroys inhibitions + many more. It is quite unappropriate to compare it back to back with psychedelics, but it does have the potential for "psychedelic", introvert, insight, important experiences for one's life as well.