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A low dosage of mushrooms, using it like cannabis

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion lol*fan
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Small doses of mushrooms, can also be used for a therapeutic usage. When i feel a little down, i confront my fears or other feelings with just 2 or 3 mushrooms. Afterwards, i always have solved my bad feelings which i did not wanted to handle when i was sober. But of course, the trip is not that fun and intresting as when your on large dosis of mushrooms. A small dosis of mushrooms, can give you some feedback about your emotions, that's what i am experiencing.

First off, it's in my own experience that I find alcohol a mind numbing drug. You must understand where I live and the complete idiot who make me to believe it's a mind numbing drug. But I won't go into depth about that.

"I have only experiences with LSD and LSA, not psylocybin, not yet anyway. 3gr would be my prefered dose for my first experience. I am not an advocate of high doses, actually I regard it a pretty dangerous opinion, and mostly blame McKenna for that."

How can you say this? You have no experience with psilocybin. Don't blame Mckenna, because if you ask anyone who has ever tried his method of exploration, you would see that it offers 'more'. That is five grams of Psilocybin Mushrooms, complete darkness, with no external distractions. Then you can take the ride, the ride that takes you though the back of your eyelids. High doses for me is where it is at. I guess this is when your purpose of exploration comes into play. Psilocybin for me, is 'borning' and realitivly uneventful until I injest over 3.5 grams Cubensis.

I think you need to have an experience with Psilocybin Mushrooms, then maybe you will understand the sacredness of the substance, and respect these high doses, at least this is how I have came to respect it, though very high doses.
mutant a dit:
Maybe if you drank some beer from time to time you might appreciate the satisfaction [yeah i'ts mundane, but fuck, I am an earthing, not a a 3-eye alien from alpha-centavri!] of a 10 hour long drinking session and the delight of arguing for philosophy's sake.

PS: I have only experiences with LSD and LSA, not psylocybin, not yet anyway. 3gr would be my prefered dose for my first experience. I am not an advocate of high doses, actually I regard it a pretty dangerous opinion, and mostly blame McKenna for that.

Interesting.. I'm certainly unable to discuss philosophy or be very social at all during a trip. In fact tripping makes me kind of introverted and socially inept usually. Alcohol on the other hand is a social and conversational drug to me, a couple pints and I'm discussing freely all night. (Not that I couldn't without, but it does relax the body I guess).. But to be fair it does seem to put some people into an ego-driven stupor. hence I wouldn't blame some people for thinking it is mind-numbing. I would argue that alcohol is more of an amplifier, eg: if you want to have personal and philosophical conversations all night you will, but if you hang out in a bar next to a table of loudmouthed jocks you will see other effects.

In my limited experience with psilocybin, it is a bit more social for me than say acid. Acid has a sort of mental mind-trip that comes with it, which is profound, where I can't say a phrase without triggering some distant memory associated with the words, or I just forget words in general. Still though, either way, the real socializing and philosophizing comes after the trip is over and you are talking about the experience...

As for mushrooms I'm already finding in my limited experience that it is less the amount you do and more how you prepare your body and mind for the trip that determines what you will get out of it. The last time I did a bit over 2 grams (not exactly sure) I got effects that reading through the reports here most people associate with a heavier dose. But I really prepared for it.

I'm looking forward to trying 3.5-4g sometime, but right now I simply don't have an appropriate set/setting in which to do it.
Alcohol on the other hand is a social and conversational drug to me, a couple pints and I'm discussing freely all night.

This is Marijuana for me. I start talking, and cannot stop.

I'm looking forward to trying 3.5-4g sometime, but right now I simply don't have an appropriate set/setting in which to do it.

I'm glad your thinking about this. My first high dose, I didn't really take this into account, and to see society functioning in it's way, is very scary, don't ask me why, but it is. Just to see cars, stores, people talking to one another, is scary. There is something about civilization that the mushrooms must not like, or it was something internal about me. Anyways, my only suggestion, is please take this into deep consideration, because this will be the outcome of the type of experience you have. Although, what I, or rather Terence Mckenna advises, is complete darkness, with no external distractions(music, friends), and just take a voyage into the back of your eyelids. It is truly something to experience.

user_1919>> note we're just having a discussion, so no hard feelings or any reason to worry :)

How can you say this? You have no experience with psilocybin.
McKenna advocated the "if in doubt double the dose" quote, which might has several reasons to exist among sensible and serious explorers of the mind and the psychedelic experience, but in the wrong minds it could be dangerous, I believe. And even if I have not experience with psylocybin , this quote is used and adressed to almost all classic psychedelics [especially lsd] or even other psychoactives as well, something which is, in my opinion, quite dangerous and misleading. Let me also say, this wasn't McKenna's only 'mistake' if you ask me. That doesn't of course mean he wasn't a lovable and great looney bin [ :) ] and pioneer psychedelics explorer

People can explore the mind with no psychoactives as well, you know, and also in any dose of various substances with psychoactive effects.

I really do want to have a psylocybin experience sometime, although there's no reason really to hurry such things. I also don't feel the heroic dose approach is for me - I choose to be more 'conservative' , and if I find it so, I will increase my dosage in next experimentations. A friend has spores, but I have postponed to grow some for quite some time now, as I am quite busy with my other plants and interests. I am quite sure psylocybin has somewhat different qualities compared to lsd/lsa , but people haven't reported THAT much of a difference anyway. I suspect it is more gentle, euphoric and friendly than lsd, as many report.

But, as for sacredness, I know respect, not holiness - so nothing is sacred for me as granted, I choose what I respect and what not, I make my own ethic rules.

My first high dose, I didn't really take this into account, and to see society functioning in it's way, is very scary, don't ask me why, but it is. Just to see cars, stores, people talking to one another, is scary. There is something about civilization that the mushrooms must not like, or it was something internal about me.
Interesting... I might haven't had a high dose of classic psychedelics, but I find this phenomenon not strange at all - in fact I find it perfectly normal and explainable. Also note that in my opinion, it's not the mushrooms that don't like urban enviroments and random crowd, but the very essence of you that doesn't like that when you're on certain states. It's the same with me, and I bet it's the same with st.bot.32 as well. You might think the mushroom have a preference, but it's you who does and that obviously makes you a different type of psychedelics consumer than the average recreational user.

I repeat, no high or extreme dose is really needed for insight, psychedelic effect or anything, at least not for everyobdy. Each one has his own mechanisms, and each one should work out and search what suits him better. Give your recipes with some reservation ;)

Interesting.. I'm certainly unable to discuss philosophy or be very social at all during a trip. In fact tripping makes me kind of introverted and socially inept usually. Alcohol on the other hand is a social and conversational drug to me, a couple pints and I'm discussing freely all night. (Not that I couldn't without, but it does relax the body I guess).. But to be fair it does seem to put some people into an ego-driven stupor. hence I wouldn't blame some people for thinking it is mind-numbing. I would argue that alcohol is more of an amplifier, eg: if you want to have personal and philosophical conversations all night you will, but if you hang out in a bar next to a table of loudmouthed jocks you will see other effects.

St.bot.32> I begin to think we bare quite a few striking similarities in our inner workings! Sure loads of alcohol can lead to an "ego-driven stupor", but that's not really numbing in my book. Having a healthy relationship with one's ego isn't really harmfull in my book either, on the contrary, I believe it is essential for balance and happiness. Alcohol is a wonderful gift to man, it can enhance / amplify many of peoples actions and experiences, it lowers or even destroys inhibitions + many more. It is quite unappropriate to compare it back to back with psychedelics, but it does have the potential for "psychedelic", introvert, insight, important experiences for one's life as well.
@user 1919
Although, what I, or rather Terence Mckenna advises, is complete darkness, with no external distractions(music, friends), and just take a voyage into the back of your eyelids. It is truly something to experience.

Totally agree.. Whenever I am tripping I try to at least find an hour or so to close my eyes..


I suspect it is more gentle, euphoric and friendly than lsd, as many report.

I would say the same thing. Very, very different head trip as well. Mushrooms are whimsical and fantastical. Acid is like a bullet train through a wormhole into infinity. Mushrooms are Alice in Wonderland. Acid is the Matrix. Both are profound in different ways.. I would be hard-pressed to choose between the two other than that acid is very portable, and I actually love the "feeling" of tripping on acid, especially about an hour after the peak, when you are a bit more relaxed, riding the visuals.. if it only wasn't so hard to find :(

but the very essence of you that doesn't like that when you're on certain states. It's the same with me, and I bet it's the same with st.bot.32 as well. You might think the mushroom have a preference, but it's you who does and that obviously makes you a different type of psychedelics consumer than the average recreational user.

I agree with this, it's not that I dislike the urban environment, but that I'm unsure how to handle myself in public when on psychedelics. And then of course, there is a certain level of dosage where you just wouldn't want to be in public either ;) I know friends who love to munch a few grams and go for a walk around town while listening to tunes, even bar hop. Gives you a very different perspective of the world, and I respect their personal strength in being able to actually do that, they know themselves so well it seems. Myself, I think I'm just not used enough yet to handling myself in that kind of situation. Although I recently was lucky enough to stumble across a (mild) tab and took the plunge and went for a long walk through the nighttime bar district and found it a profound and liberating experience, seeing the world in fisheye vision, unable to ignore anything going on around me.

Having a healthy relationship with one's ego isn't really harmfull in my book either

The world would be a boring dystopia if nobody had any ego whatsoever.

By the way you mention LSA, I'm curious to know if you have had any real success with it. Most trip reports I read seem to be people feeling a bit stoned and getting bad muscle cramps. But I'd love to try it, especially if the head trip is similar to acid..
By the way you mention LSA, I'm curious to know if you have had any real success with it. Most trip reports I read seem to be people feeling a bit stoned and getting bad muscle cramps. But I'd love to try it, especially if the head trip is similar to acid..

I have had sucess with LSA. My first LSA trip was the use of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. I took 5 seeds, the most potent ones apparently. It was the worst trip of my life, but some of the lessons that came out of it, have changed my life. After about 4 hours of pure nasuea and vomiting, I was having complete open-eye visuals. The whole ground at one point turned into peyote, and I didn't want to walk anywhere, because I didn't want to step on any peyote, so instead I sat down, and started to eat them, which was only grass. Also on my way home, space and time totally dissolved. The space between me and the ground was unmeasureable, and time was going in and out of existance. One point I was almost home, next point I was just starting to walk from in town home. Linear time was totally dissolved. I won't repeat the experience again, because I believe that LSA is a toxic substance, and the after effect outway anything positive out of the experience. Psilocybin Mushrooms have much more to offer.

I agree with this, it's not that I dislike the urban environment, but that I'm unsure how to handle myself in public when on psychedelics.

On high doses of Psilocybin Mushrooms, it seems to be very different. On doses less than 3.5 grams, walking around, observing everyone actions, the way our society works, can be very rewarding. But there was something about 'ego-death' and civilization that didn't mix. Even my friend who was experiencing it with me said the same thing. Eventually our thoughts merged, and we we operation on a collective consciousness between eachother.

mutant: I should maybe reword my self. The doses I consume is only because I want the 'ego-death' that accompanys it. With lower doses, I get nothing than a high, and my ego battling with the Mushrooms. With doses greater than 5 grams Cubensis dried, you will forsure have an 'ego-death', and then you have finally start to question our existance, and other questions that are much better answered when your ego and culture has been set aside.

Interesting... I might haven't had a high dose of classic psychedelics, but I find this phenomenon not strange at all - in fact I find it perfectly normal and explainable.

Let me just say one thing, there is no way explaining, in my case, 5 grams of dried Cubensis trip. The lower doses, are easy to explain, but when you get to that level, it is so hard to put into our language, because it defines everything. I can't even begin to understand or explain what went on that night, it is something that must be experienced, and cannot be fowarded in words, at least I am not capable of articulating that type of experience.

user_1919 a dit:
I can't even begin to understand or explain what went on that night, it is something that must be experienced, and cannot be fowarded in words, at least I am not capable of articulating that type of experience.

Understandable, the closest I've come to what "ego death" seems to be, or maybe I even experienced it, was on an acid trip.. I can describe the physical processes that occured, the visuals, but no language really can capture the experience, the state of mind, of being.. only feebly hint at it through metaphor, poem, etc.. really, because language ceased to exist during the experience
I think McKenna's quote "if in doubt, double the dose" applies to all those people who say "well I took some lsd/shrooms/dmt but it wasn't quite what I expected. I was feeling some this and that but no spiritual encounters or anything."
My answer to that would also be "then double the dose and see if you're still disappointed!"

You can only be "in doubt" about shrooms for example if you have never taken more than 2 or 3 grams. If these amounts are what make you happy, then so be it - nothing wrong about it. But if you are in doubt, then double the dose and you'll see there's a whole new world to explore.
With 5g shrooms or more there will be no more doubt that you could have never anticipated this kind of trip and maybe you wish you wouldn't have taken that much at first, but in the end you'll come out of it as a new person.
You can only do such a trip in a dark room, preferably alone (at least for me). Silence is very important as well, even the tiniest little noises like the shrieking of a computer hard disk can be as annyoing as a buzz-saw.
You can only be "in doubt" about shrooms for example if you have never taken more than 2 or 3 grams. If these amounts are what make you happy, then so be it - nothing wrong about it. But if you are in doubt, then double the dose and you'll see there's a whole new world to explore.
With 5g shrooms or more there will be no more doubt that you could have never anticipated this kind of trip and maybe you wish you wouldn't have taken that much at first, but in the end you'll come out of it as a new person. You can only do such a trip in a dark room, preferably alone (at least for me). Silence is very important as well, even the tiniest little noises like the shrieking of a computer hard disk can be as annyoing as a buzz-saw.

I 100% agree with this. This was the case with me. I was expecting more from 2-3 gram area, and I went for the 5 gram trip, and it blew me away. It was nothing that I expected, infact it was beyond what I could have ever expected!
I suspect it is more gentle, euphoric and friendly than lsd, as many report.

I would say the same thing. Very, very different head trip as well. Mushrooms are whimsical and fantastical. Acid is like a bullet train through a wormhole into infinity. Mushrooms are Alice in Wonderland. Acid is the Matrix. Both are profound in different ways..

I haven't done acid in a while and I only once had the opportunity to experience a full-blown acid trip from one single, tiny, black microdot - but I'd say acid is more forgiving in general. Higher doses of shrooms always have an extremely frightening potential for me, the trip really fucks my mind until I have to surrender and give in to it. Then the beauty unfolds, but first my mind is thoroughly fucked in circles to make me give up everything and let lose.
Maybe it's the same on really high doses of acid, I have yet to try that (if I can find some good acid...)
I haven't done acid in a while and I only once had the opportunity to experience a full-blown acid trip from one single, tiny, black microdot - but I'd say acid is more forgiving in general. Higher doses of shrooms always have an extremely frightening potential for me, the trip really fucks my mind until I have to surrender and give in to it. Then the beauty unfolds, but first my mind is thoroughly fucked in circles to make me give up everything and let lose.
Maybe it's the same on really high doses of acid, I have yet to try that (if I can find some good acid...)

I can tell when someone has experience with high doses of Psilocybin Mushrooms. Your thoughts resemble mine exactly!

Alright, I have to totally counteract myself now. This weekend I had the most mystical experience of my life. I took 2.5 grams of Psilocybin Mushrooms. The person I injested it with also took 2.5 grams. He also said it was the most mystical and spritual experience he has ever incountered. He has had many experiences with enthogens, that include Ayahuasca, LSD, and Psilocybin Mushrooms. So, now I have to say, that the mystical experience is not in dose, but rather in intent! My intent was obiviously clear to the Mushrooms, and they took me far, I mean far. I had complete ego-death, open and closed eye visuals and all the effects of a very high dose experience. At one point in the experience, I questioned my existance; did it ever exist? does it exist? will it ever exist? I just accepted the fact that human existance was all just one big illusion, and infinite love is the only thing that actually exists. I left all the attachments of our culturally conditioned life, and accepted infinite love for what it was, and it was so beautiful!!All I can say is wow! Anyways, I really hope that everyone has a great day,

Hey man, it might have been a potent species. Potency in different species varies a lot. {Stamets - Psylocybin mushrooms of the world]

But It's cool you had such an intense experience with a smaller dose...
user_1919, i once had a similar experience. tell me, have you ever, in a trip felt time slowing down and halting until a complete stop, in complete ego death, alienated from everything and everyone, existing only as everything, but unsure that it was just nothingness ?
i really enjoyed reading your report!
EDIT: Didn't see mutants post. Mutant, I have never grown my own mushrooms, nor are they legal to buy. They come from the street, and you can never know what specie they are.. But yeah they must have been a potent specie, because the person I had the experience with ate 1.75 grams of Cyanescens Mushrooms in Amsterdam, and said this was a much more powerful experience. Who knows what specie they were....

WOW, daytripper, I have experienced that, just could put it words like you did! :D Time was changing thoughout the night, at the peak, for an hour and a half, I sat with my partner, and not a word was exchanged. I was just immeresed in the "Spritual Songs" we had on the computer. Time slowed, and got slower and slower, until time was no longer there. "I" no longer existed. It was such a powerful experience.

I think McKenna's quote "if in doubt, double the dose" applies to all those people who say "well I took some lsd/shrooms/dmt but it wasn't quite what I expected. I was feeling some this and that but no spiritual encounters or anything."
My answer to that would also be "then double the dose and see if you're still disappointed!"

You can only be "in doubt" about shrooms for example if you have never taken more than 2 or 3 grams. If these amounts are what make you happy, then so be it - nothing wrong about it. But if you are in doubt, then double the dose and you'll see there's a whole new world to explore.
With 5g shrooms or more there will be no more doubt that you could have never anticipated this kind of trip and maybe you wish you wouldn't have taken that much at first, but in the end you'll come out of it as a new person.
You can only do such a trip in a dark room, preferably alone (at least for me). Silence is very important as well, even the tiniest little noises like the shrieking of a computer hard disk can be as annyoing as a buzz-saw.

I would like to add that the above post proves that the "if in doubt, double the dose" thing is not enough, it requires clarification, and if you put that isolated phrase "if in doubt, double the dose" in the wrong context, then you have a serious disaster at hand. ;)
daytripper a dit:
tell me, have you ever, in a trip felt time slowing down and halting until a complete stop, in complete ego death, alienated from everything and everyone, existing only as everything, but unsure that it was just nothingness ?

Had this as well. Most amazing thing, isn't it?
lol*fan a dit:
Hi all,

I wonder what kind of effect 7 g of fresh mushrooms would generate, for example. I think it would not be enough to obviously notice, but it should do something.

Anyway, if you have experience with low doses I'd love to hear. Also how much exactly you ingested. Tnx!

I once bought myself a portion of 30 grams in the morning, just a few hours after I got out of bed, I hadn't ate anything yet.
So, I was a lil' impatient again and decided to pick out the smallest in the box and ate it.
When I got home half an hour later, I allready started to feel really light-headed, and a while later I saw the sunlight pulsating in my kitchen with mild patterns.
Ofcoarse, if you have a proper meal first, the effect will be most likely futile.

But, I don't think low doses are the right way to enjoy the effect of mushrooms in general, cause it'll put you in a state of confusion and it keeps you there, when on the other hand, whe you take more, the psilocybin can do it's job propperly and get's infiltrated in your brain the way it should.
Well, that could be just personal, I guess.