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A low dosage of mushrooms, using it like cannabis

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion lol*fan
  • Date de début Date de début
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
What do you mean by Capitals? Explain! And I will change that so you will be able to read it. SHIZ, my English is good when I read but writing some thing! Another matter!

LOL :)

he wrote that about daytripper

lol*fan a dit:
I'm bloody serious mate. Capitals actually do serve a purpose for a lot of people, even though you might not be aware of that.

I'm aware of that but it's just funny because I don't think they effect how much something is readable. One can even read when the letters are out of order.
Lol_fan i will now start all my setences with capital letters but i might intentionally forget my punctuation on purpose What would you like Punctuation or capital letters If you are in such a hurry that capital letters have to be written so you won't lose precious time reading someone elses posts i'd kindly ask you to watch some manga or have some fights with a cat hand-on-hand perhaps you will find them fast enough Don't take it personally but i'll try to do my best so i will get out of the pain that your consciousness causes you from the enourmous quantities of lost time that my posts cause to you from now on
rofl I prefer when you type punctuation and no capitals :lol:

I hadn't even noticed daytripper was writing with no capital before lol_fan said it lol
SORRY, SORRY, SORRY cause my English is not worth enough for you. DAYtripper you know that you are out of this question. Yu know me, how my English is, my time spend here, my affords to help anyone!
Why is my English bad? Fuck, grenades and shells splinted over my head when I tried to learn more. And ADD, no meds, war, teenage time and such!
Lately I think that I need to retire from this forum and use that time for myself. Why to help anyone when you get such shit every 7 days!
I will miss you Daytripper, Shrmd, God, User1901, and many more of you guys! This forum lately turns into rubbish. Same questions without advancement. New kids, new blood. Shit, I am old 24 year old horse! Time to retire from benevolence speech.
goran, i'm sad that you think that you must retire from this forum, but i must agree with you, the overall "stupidness" of this forum has risen in recent times, with the most horrible posts and general emptiness of ideas.
i don't participate much anymore because of this, too many unexperienced people that like to give their opinions. if you'll really leave, i'm affraid this forum has lost one of the best cactus experts i have ever met, if not the best, besides an experienced, down-to-earth and humble person.
i will miss you dearly if you decide to leave us. it is entirely your option, and therefore i can only express my sadness if you decide to do it.
Fisrt HC and now goran? :cry:

but seriously if you take a "time-off", stick around mate!
Hey, it is actually a nice discussion this one, don't f##k it up!! :)
your english is fine man 8)

I like all stuff that I read....

peace people ;)
lol*fan a dit:
My conclusion after a lot of tripping: it doesn't matter what is real, what you believe to be real or choose to be real is what matters.
Regardless of anything, this reality matters because if you ignore it, you'll end up dead (early).
I will miss you very dearly Goran. Please don't leave. You have helped me so much in my cactus growing. You are the reason half of my cacti are still alive.

but back on the orginal subject,

First when I was introducted to Psilocybin Mushrooms, I took a 2 grams dose, and made my way up from there. Every dose, until I reached 3.5 grams, was so weak. My first experience was one of those.." That's it? This is what I have been waiting for".

Until I started experimenting with higher doses, I didn't understand the power of the substance. I think everyone who used or abuses lower doses should have at least one high dose experience, so they can appreciate the power of the substance. Most abusers stay within therohold doses, because they are scared of leaving the mundane way of thinking. If you don't plan on upping your dose everytime you have an experience, than in my opinion, stay away from such a sacred substance. The real effects of mushrooms are not present until such dose reaches around 30mg of Psilocybin. This is when you start to experience 'ego-death'. This is where it seperates the Psychonaut from the kid would just wants to get high. It takes a lot of balls to go into such an experience. No one should take it lightly, because it is very heavy, and will never be the same. There is always something new to explore in that realm. Anyways, all in all, I believe the lower doses should only be for individuals who are starting off with Psilocybin Mushrooms, and you should progess to higher and higher doses, until you reach a platuea where you feel you need to stay at that dose until you get more comfortable, usually around 5 grams.

st.bot.32 a dit:
And sometimes I would be walking outside (undrugged) and feel that I was just inside a dream, that if I'd wake up, I'd be beyond this reality, which would then prove to indeed be just a dream.

Man... i've been feeling like that alllll my life ;) The matrix didn't take too well to me..


I know a lot of people who swear by threshold doses.. they like having a connection to the thought patterns of acid, etc, without being overwhelmed.. they tend to use it when say making art or something...

Not really for me either, I prefer the full experience or just not bother, but some do find low doses useful.

Well, I'm not up for making nuanced statements. ;) But my experience is that, I'm getting the best out of my psychonautic life when I dose myself heavy once every 6 weeks. I need to get dropped out with a full blast of enlightment and vital state when resuming with life.

Within those 6 weeks, I try to rest and not taking any mind-expanding substances, only weed sometimes.

I have done medium dosages in the past every week (shrooms, acid, mesca), and I noticed that a sort of depressive more grey feeling was coming along with me after. Especially when I looked at the world and what's happening. This is the 'pain' that every psychonaut may carry or notice at least once in his life.

But a full journey into the galaxy with a naked or nearly naked soul makes the entire earth and mankind detail in an agreed peace.
This is where it seperates the Psychonaut from the kid would just wants to get high

too loud statement. so whoever doesn't feel like or doesn't need to do big doses of psylocybe mushrooms is just a kid who wants to get high, huh??
Brugmansia a dit:
Well, I'm not up for making nuanced statements. ;) But my experience is that, I'm getting the best out of my psychonautic life when I dose myself heavy once every 6 weeks. I need to get dropped out with a full blast of enlightment and vital state when resuming with life.

Yeah, I feel quite revitalized if I have a profound and challenging experience every few months.
mutant a dit:
This is where it seperates the Psychonaut from the kid would just wants to get high

too loud statement. so whoever doesn't feel like or doesn't need to do big doses of psylocybe mushrooms is just a kid who wants to get high, huh??

Interesting, people do psychedelics for completely different reasons. Some to explore the internal, some to explore the way they react to the world around them. Exploration is fun. I enjoy it. Learning is fun. Sometimes difficult to be sure as well.

I also love making music on psychedelics and exploring how my senses interact to the physicality of playing instruments, the synesthesia that occurs, the listening to other people playing, etc etc. Different doses for different purposes.

Also the people I know who do threshold doses are not what I would classify as "recreational" users but tend to use it for quiet and meditative states, where you can still really dig into the experience and learn from its subtleties. "Recreational" is kind of a slur, and I'm not sure why, anyway. If someone has their own way of getting something out of a psychedelic experience, who am I to judge how they do things, as long as they are responsible and not hurting themselves or others?
st.bot.32 a dit:
mutant a dit:
This is where it seperates the Psychonaut from the kid would just wants to get high

too loud statement. so whoever doesn't feel like or doesn't need to do big doses of psylocybe mushrooms is just a kid who wants to get high, huh??
If someone has their own way of getting something out of a psychedelic experience, who am I to judge how they do things, as long as they are responsible and not hurting themselves or others?
I totally agree with this statement.
"too loud statement. so whoever doesn't feel like or doesn't need to do big doses of psylocybe mushrooms is just a kid who wants to get high, huh??"

Sorry if anyone took this the wrong way, but I am a very big fan of advocating high doses to inflict intense visuals, and a sense of unity with the cosmos. I see it as people who take doses less than 2 grams dried of Cubensis, and stay at that dose, usually have no intention on further exploration, but just want to body buzz that accomanys it. If someone has experienced a higher dose, and does not like it, but would rather stay at the lower doses because he or she feels more comfortable, then this is fine too. But though my own experience, low doses offer nothing to me. It is just a high not to far from the cannabis high. It just lacks the 'mushroom spirit' to me. This is just my opinion, other people can be different.

I just think of the society we live in, and people who consume alcohol to get a 'high', usually are the ones who stay at the mundane level of mushrooms consumption. I'm not saying psychonauts that explore high doses can't use alcohol, well at least I don't, I find it a numbing drug that offer no expanation of the mind. People are scared to leave the mundane way of thinking, that is why alcohol is big. One beer, you always know where you will be, 2 beers, you will know where you will be, 10 beers, you will know where you will be, but with mushrooms, and higher doses, anything is possible. You leave the mundane way of thinking, and enter a conscionouss so different from ours, that is scares most people. This is why I said this is where it seperates the psychonaut from the kid who wants to get high. The kid who wants to get high, may try a high dose, get so scared, and never touch the drug again. True explorers, in my opinion, will understand the nature of that state, and revisit on many occasions, no matter how scary it is. Anyways this is just my opinion, everyone is entitled to there own, and there is no need for arguement, casue I can almost see it going that way.

SORRY, SORRY, SORRY cause my English is not worth enough for you. DAYtripper you know that you are out of this question. Yu know me, how my English is, my time spend here, my affords to help anyone!
Why is my English bad? Fuck, grenades and shells splinted over my head when I tried to learn more. And ADD, no meds, war, teenage time and such!
Lately I think that I need to retire from this forum and use that time for myself. Why to help anyone when you get such shit every 7 days!

Goran, chill down, please! It wasn't about you! Daytripper was the one who didn't use capital (that means LARGE letters) at the beginning of his sentences. By the way I don't think that made his posts any less readable (I didn't even really notice).

Don't worry about your English - my written English isn't that good, every native speaker can see that in less than ten seconds. Even Americans or English people sometimes make spelling errors.
The point is: can people understand you or not? And I think everybody can understand you.

I love the concept of a universal language, and I think English is on the best way to be
the unversal language in this world. Everyone here who is not a native English speaker and participates on this English forum has my deepest respect as a true world-citizen who does everything to communicate with all of the world, not just their own people.
I know a lot of people who can't watch English movies because they don't understand enough (and these people all grew up in Germany where there weren't any wars for over 50 years, they all had the best opportunities to learn everything they liked!). I myself only speak English fairly well as a second language, I hardly remember any French and I never learnt Spanish - I could curse myself for that, because I had every opportunity to learn these languages, but I didn't because I guess I was too lazy.

Well, what I want to say is, don't leave this forum, please. We can all understand you, and that's what counts! I'd rather have someone say something wise with bad grammar, than someone say something stupid in perfect grammar!
Well, nice stuff what you said about languages and stuff , tryptonaut.

user_1919, well I don't see any reason we shouldn't argue about this, this is a forum right, not a psychedelic church, no?? :)

I don't think I got you wrong after all. The second paragraph of your post reveals that. Who said that a psychonaut is a guy whose goal is to change his perception to another? Is the psychonaut's aim to become an alien? is the psychonaut's aim to love psylocybin or lsd like you do and in the dose ranges you and McKenna define?

Well some might like to do that, and I have not problem with that, but don't mess with my beer man. 8)

Maybe if you drank some beer from time to time you might appreciate the satisfaction [yeah i'ts mundane, but fuck, I am an earthing, not a a 3-eye alien from alpha-centavri!] of a 10 hour long drinking session and the delight of arguing for philosophy's sake.

The statement that alcohol is a numbing drug is a cliche within the community, and I am getting sick of it. Sure, alcohol can act like a sedative, and it will if you drink a lot of it, but saying that alcohol is a mind mumbing drug is like saying that psylocybin is an substance that drives you crazy - because it can do that, you know.

Some of the worlds greatest minds were drinkers, some of the worlds most famous musicians were drinkers and their minds were not numb at all, nor is my mind.

There are many approaches to exploring and psychonautism. You say you do high doses

to inflict intense visuals, and a sense of unity with the cosmos.

so everyone should take interest in inflicting visuals in order to potentiate a change in his perception? In by book this is not a psychonaut, but doing your thing. So you do it to reestablish the unity feeling you get - why is this more psychonautic or the real deal, just because you feel it on a high shroom dose?

True explorers, in my opinion, will understand the nature of that state, and revisit on many occasions, no matter how scary it is.
True explorers.... Pffff.... What makes you think everyone is interested in exploring the same things? No no no, for a psychonaut this is too black and white pal.

Different doses for different purposes.
says it all

PS: I have only experiences with LSD and LSA, not psylocybin, not yet anyway. 3gr would be my prefered dose for my first experience. I am not an advocate of high doses, actually I regard it a pretty dangerous opinion, and mostly blame McKenna for that.