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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mr.Smith
  • Date de début Date de début

Mushies in German means vaginas .
hahaha *rofl* @ mushies

And not only the art of shitting !

The art of poop polishing !!!

"You can't artificially assemble atoms to create a human body."

Its not logically impossible, and once you get to the point of putting together nucleotides, adding polymerase in a stable, controlled environment (like inside a lipid bilayer), then you've got something which might tentatively be called life, which will, with the right selection pressures, turn into what we recognise as human... I admit its more complex than that, but to say it "can't" be done seems a bit naive.


Me: "Just because it doesn't deny eternal existence doesn't mean it proves it."

You:"Did I say it should?"
You previously: "Life can not be created, only passed on." (read as: life is eternal.)

Me previously :" give us your *theory* as to why it *is* possible for life to have always existed."

You previously: "I'm glad you asked. Check it out (and take your time!): Nassim Haramein's Unified Field Theory."

So to answer the question of "did you say nassim does prove eternal existence" .. it would seem so...


"Point the leaps out please."

Ok, I don't want to take to long with this, its a completely irrelevant tangent in my opinion, but few to start off with, then move on to coriolis and denity waves.

In one of the videos he mentions all sorts of wacky stuff like "the tetrahedron inside the sphere" - I know what tetrahedrons are, I know what spheres are, but I don't know what relevance they have and what its got to do with Jupiter... I'm inclined to think it doesn't have anything to do with jupiter, but you can just call that my sceptical side kicking in...

Coriolis* "force" (actually an apparent effect)... in space(!), coriolis force isn't even real in the normal sense of the word, its an apparent effect caused by your perspective, and requires a rotating *body* like a solid planet. what you see in galaxies is likely something called "density waves" and as far as I'm aware, there's no reason to believe there is torsion on a universal scale.

But even *if* by some magic all of the above weren't true, coriolis effect wouldn't really have *enough* of an effect to change anything meaningful about the way the universe works.

I think that's a pretty good start, the entire paper relies on torsion and coriolis if I've read it properly, Dante and st. bot also pointed out some other areas too.

Are you *now* convinced this nassim character is on the wrong track?

for reference if your interested:


Coriolis and density:

Density Wave Theory:

Can we finally draw a line under this?


My opinion on CERN:

I think CERN is one of the most noble efforts of human existence so far (there isn't much competition for noble human deeds, granted): breaking down national barriers in the name of truth and cooperation - finally humans are starting to work together as a species, its not stopping world poverty, but its a start, and that sort of behaviour should be encouraged.

^that is perhaps an idealised and simplistic version of what CERN's about, but on the whole I think it counts.


Mushies? Where?!! :P
Reading that last post I didn't feel special for Pariah...

That was kind of immature coming from you, what happened to your stern logic ? :| Now CERN is noble and shrooms are bad ?!
"what happened to your stern logic ?"

my exact words:

"My opinion on CERN:"

Notice the word *opinion* I'm not telling you "this is the way it is" - I've specifically stated its my personal musings.

...And I certainly don't think mushrooms are bad, what gave you that impression?
It just seemed contradictory... you don't need a big multibillion dollar machine to understand how the universe works, it's even dangerous because like Einstein they experimented with the theory before fully understanding the physics...

You eat a few shrooms, you know all they'll ever know, lets hope they're really wasting their time and that it's not going to distort the whole planet in the process !

Imagine taking a few grams of hawaillan, and then going to speak to those scientists the day they have their result.

They'll be like :
- look at this diagrams man ! It's fascinating...

- Umm *lil nausea* *giggle* ohh... can you add colors man because it's kind of hazy in here, wanna smoke a joint ?

- You don't understand we found the smallest molecule in the whole universe... the particles that were there at first !

- I see them too man don't worry, you're not crazy.

- Uh.. what ? I mean no you don't get it ! We know how it was at first !

- Well we all know man, here eat a few of those, you'll know too, you know what it's much more interesting what we got right now, look at this whole planet... perhaps you should sell your circus ride and do something with that money man, you know what I mean ? Wasn't it a big lump of energy anyways, who cares how it begun, can't you let go and accept it always is ?

Lets hope for this best case scenario ? :P
we are special as everything else...subjective...the universe makes no choices, things flow as they flow. all choice is thought, we "are"...not more, no less...things occur as they naturally move because they can occur no other way...

...that's just what i think. 8)
"there isn't much competition for noble human deeds, granted"

Wotsit , Cern doesnt deal with or experiment with molecules . It deals with particles . And before we start talking about the expense we should look at how much money humanity gives out each year for weapons , espionage , pet food and other things and compaire them .
Yeah but we all know thats inevitable... I'm not saying its not stupid ! It is stupid to spend so much on war but noone's going to change their minds, those indoctrinated people who think politics really exist.

So whats expendable ? Crashing 3 billion dollar probes on mars like NASA did for example ?

Oh no we programmed the lander in meters but the computer in feet. Sorry poor african people.

Oh no we started the cern and we experienced fissures... the shit dosen't even work properly !?

I mean common... you know what I mean.

Nowadays some deviant people think it's more important to satiate the mind fo the crazy scientist than the belly of children, there's something awefully wrong here and that is why I think homo sapiens is only good fro being a sapper and is not special.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Nowadays some deviant people think it's more important to satiate the mind fo the crazy scientist than the belly of children

this is a false dichotomy
Well this isn't a university thesis, I'm just replying on an equal ground to god :P
what you said is still a false dichotomy

Sorry you cannot lay me down on that checkerboard pattern ; I won't fight.

Reminds me of that movie or humor serir, what was it again where he receives a IQ test and is supposed shapes in the good holes but ends up smashing them in with his fists ? :P
Wotsit has a good point . I think it is not perverse to spend that much money on research , but it is perverse not to spend that much money on starving people and cureing diseases . Or stuffing a lot more money up the arses of the criminaly rich bastards that have caused the depression and are makeing a profit out of it .
we are not special.
we have the ability to make a change as humanity, but we still behave as very selfish animals.
A special sort of scum ? Or special killers ?
Hopefully some cannabis-allied honey munchers with big brains, dear god... It can be ! At least it's who should rule... without freewill.
I'm pretty sure if you believe we're special, it's because you'd be afraid if we weren't.

We're just animals... but we have a higher conciousness somehow - a part of our brain that watches itself, more so than other animals.

On top of that we're just chemistry. Which is fucking nuts ok now I don't know how to relate chemistry to conciousness. fuck that.