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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mr.Smith
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No .

Did you ask a bee and are asking that for him ? Does he realy care or is that a human question from a human perspective ?

Actualy i think the mice are the secret highest life form on this planet , at least , and are in charge of everything .
I wrote this song especialy for all of you .

"You don't know why she's leaving or where she's gonna go
You guess she's got her reasons, but you just don't wanna know
'cuz for twenty-four years you`ve been wanking next door to alice

Alice who the fuck`s fucked Alice?

twenty-four years, just waiting for a chance,
to get your dirty little hands inside her underpants ;
now you`ve got to get used to not wanking next door to alice

Alice who the fuck`s fucked Alice?"
How do I know. I can't communicate with bees.

But they are alive in this space that we are living. Just like you. And they have their karma, like you.

I don't want to be objective here. I can't be.
Was just something to make people wonder.
Haha bees having karma... thats a funny thought.

I can speak bee, lately they've been repeating the same thing to any question you ask em :

"Were moving you pieces of shit, you'll have to love us alot to keep us around for a while, what the freak is your problem for thinking you can freely modify DNA, thats the job of angels, now what the heck they can't even repair your errors."

They don't have individual consciousnesses however, it's like the whole beehive buzz sound that says this.

Yup... we're in trouble.
I don't feel any more, or less especial than that rock over there. I am glad I crawled out of that delusion, I crawled out of nothing.

I remmember a poem by Blake which enumerated, for a couple dozen lines, much things found in nature. It ended by saying: "...are men seen afar"

Can't find it right now.
Awareness (conscious)

Reason (ability to make inferences)

Reflection (awareness of awareness)

To varying degrees, humans have those attributes, the second and third ones in my opinion makes humans "special" in a sense... although I'm not saying thats a good or bad thing, just that its different.. or at least more developed than other critters.

You would probably have to define special first though, I'm sure there are others in the universe that share or exceed our own abilities, whether we'll ever interact with them is another question.
Mr. Smith, I think that the fact that you even asked the question answers it for you. Look at this forum, I haven't seen any evidence to suggest that monkeys are concerned with looking deeper into their own psyche and furthering themselves spiritually.
If there is some then that's pretty damn awesome.
"Mr. Smith, I think that the fact that you even asked the question answers it for you. Look at this forum, I haven't seen any evidence to suggest that monkeys are concerned with looking deeper into their own psyche and furthering themselves spiritually. "

Maybe the apes arent stupid enough to ask stupid questions . Maybe they are in direct contact with the mysterys of their consciousness and their being . Maybe you are useing human terms to define something that humans have lost contact to and come here and pretend to look for . If humans had a consciousness they would be conscious of the consequencys of what they do and wouldnt do it . Apes dont do the shit we do , could it be that they arent as stupid , egoistic and plain gready as us ? Could it be that they are more conscious than us ?

Ask the mice .

I knew you'd come out of the closet sometime ! :D
I think bill hicks would have something to answer you on this issue if he was alive.
And I would agree with him :twisted:
Well we're the only ones with a neocortex... and it is a powerful computing force but I think most of what people will "beleive" is potential in the coming years will just be a mocking of our true potential.

Kinda a super chimpanzee race to see who's the most powerful Neo. Or perhaps even more pathetic, who gets the "elite" females... oh man oh man...

That would be hilarious... as long as the whole planet does not grow cannabis again I cannot accept we have potential, all I see is a bunch of rabid monkeys.
What I mean with potential is that human beings can figure out the fundamental principles of reality, and thus create technology in accordance with those principles. That technology takes of into situations and places where we experience and learn many more novel things than the average monkey will. No monkey ever saw the Earth from a distance or the Moon from up close, no monkey ever had a meaningful entheogenic experience, and indeed no monkey will ever offer a solution to pollution, global warming or an approaching asteroid. The human race as a whole has been rather clumsy these past millenia, trying out fossil fuels and DDT, and certainly was misled by priests, bankers and the like, but still it has great potential, indeed because of that highly developed neocortex. Sure, since the last Ice Age "we" started off with terrible energy sources and brought some destructive religions into the world, but the times are changing, the global culture is gradually changing, the amount of information that's available (much of it for free) has risen to such an extent that more and more of the human potential can be utilized, in many different fields.

the part of the human brain concerned with words is only a crudely tacked on addendum to the rest of "who we are".
It's not just our ability to speak that distinguishes us from other animals. And words actually stimulate many different parts of the brain, creating new neuropathways etc. As a human being, or as a human species, the potential for continuous development is much higher. "But look at the mess we're in!" True, but at least we're aware of it, and many human beings are trying to correct that mess, and some of their solutions have already been implemented (solar energy, wind turbines etc.).
Mr.Smith a dit:
not true, CM. we are monkeys who have looked at the earth from the moon.
Yes, but you know what happened to the astronauts who were in that position, what happened to their consciousness? To human beings the effect of such experiences is much stronger.

"I think you can't go to space and not be changed, in many ways ...."
~ John Glenn, first American to orbit the Earth (1962)

"All of the teachings of the Bible that talk about the creator and his creation take on new meaning when you can view the details of the Earth from that perspective. So it didn't change my faith per se, the content of it, but it just enhanced it, it made it even more real."

Other astronauts:

"The sheer beauty of it just brought tears to my eyes."

"If people can see Earth from up here, see it without those borders, see it without any differences in race or religion, they would have a completely different perspective. Because when you see it from that angle, you cannot think of your home or your country. All you can see is one Earth...."

"I see the deep black of space and this just brilliantly gorgeous blue and white arc of the earth and totally unconsciously, not at all able to help myself, I said, 'Wow, look at that.'"

"You realize there's not much protecting this planet particularly when you see the view from the side. That's something I'd like to share with everybody so people would realize we need to protect it."

"...From up there, it looks finite and it looks fragile and it really looks like just a tiny little place on which we live in a vast expanse of space. It gave me the feeling of really wanting us all to take care of the Earth. I got more of a sense of Earth as home, a place where we live. And of course you want to take care of your home. You want it clean. You want it safe."

(more here: Astronauts share the view in honor of Earth Day)

every species, in time has the same potential. you could not call it the same specis when it gets there, but those are human destinctions, nothing more.
I disagree, and since we have no examples of mammals developing themselves significantly, I think it's not a significant argument.

Tunicates (sea squirts) have the potential to reach the moon. they have proven it. they are the earliest known ancestor of all vertebrates, even us :D
I'm sure you understand that when someone like me gives the example of seeing the Moon from up close, I'm talking about a vast array of discoveries and future developments, specifically relating to consciousness, holistic solutions and even space travel.

Every being, every species is special and required for everything else to exist, but as far as consciousness is concerned, in particular the fractal universe pondering its own existence and having ecstatic experiences, the human nervous system is a very "special" creation, with unique opportunities. To deny this is rather meaningless I think.
Okay, seems we can't agree with the definition of "potential". As I see it, the potential of something is everything it could become/do... Saying bacteria have the potential of organizing into complex societies like we do is stretching it a bit, I know we do come from unicellular beings... But you'll have to admit that if all living beings have the same potential, we realized more of ours than other living beings on this Earth, and we do so much more quickly. Of course, I'm not saying the complexity of our interactions with our fellow humans, with resources, with abstract concepts, etc. makes us any better than paramecia, on a moral/spiritual standpoint or whatever.