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Zeitgeist 2: Addendum

Carebear a dit:
I don`t wanna watch it, cause i can`t really do anything with this info... Every time i watch stuff like this it seperates me more from my fellow man.

Oh, man!
This truth was wandering somewhere in the shadows of my consciousness, but it did not dawn to me untill recently!

I did watch it, a time ago, but after reading and seeing all these sinister theories you only get more mad at the world, I don't want to be ignorant about it either, I never have, I know what goes around, but knowing too much about things you can't really change anything about only get's you more mad, frustrated, and suspicious.

In short, it's good to know about these things, you get more alert, but you can't let it affect your happiness either, difficult, I know!
The bible code is sick crap . A comercial book . On the same level as the davinci (?) code ? Or the spiders from mars taking over your toilet system and shoving gene manipulated holographic DNA matrixes up our arses to take over the universe via mono atomic b´sirius hemaroids ?

Are you saying that there was a "secret" conspiracy over about 4000 years involving a master plan and thousands of helpers ? Are you saying that they did the code because they wanted people in the future to use their computers to crack it ? Have you read every entry in your telephone book and noticed how many numbers have 6 in them 3 times ?
GOD a dit:
Or the spiders from mars taking over your toilet system and shoving gene manipulated holographic DNA matrixes up our arses to take over the universe via mono atomic b´sirius hemaroids ?

:P Holy fuck!
I lolled!
You quote me too often god, people are going to think we're intimate.

*polishes nails*

Who told you about the spiders ? :shock:
All the Zeitgeist 1 threats are too old and I don't want to open an new one for my opinion.

After multiple recommendations (mostly here in the Forum) I finally decided to watch this "great" movie.

I am sorry, but this movie is absolutely weak. I started watching it and when they started to talk about Horus I realized that my memory was beating the alarm clock - there was something wrong in the info they gave. I was very interested in Egypt before so I was surprised to find out "new" info by the movie makers. Well, after some research I came to the conclusion that what they said was complete nonsense. I then researched about the other myths they listed and I came to the conclusion that what they said was bullshit. Sorry. Claims out of the air (how we germanophones say), unproven, unsourced- wrong.

The part about Jesus was funny to watch, but seriously, did you REALLY believe it? Yes, the bible is full of metaphores, which may bring the temptation to make a cow out of its shit if one wants to. Yes, solstice has a mythical meaning, yes, the stars as well....but.....yeah. The makers proved their innoscence (no knowledge) about the old and new testaments.

For example, it is clear that to be popular, the Christiants adaptet some dates (Eastern e.g.) but it is clear in the Old Testament, that Jahwe was competely against the cults of the Sun etc. Jesus was a philosopher. Yes, Christianity was changed, e.g. in Nicaea so what? Man....

I was lucky to find the errors in the first part, in the second part I am unsure as I know less about 911. But I want serious sources. They make claims, bla bla but no sources. There are fishy things about 911 but the claims they make are serious. I will claim this to a certain arrogance and naivité that they think that they can undo every official statement without proof, without sources. Bush was an idiot but that doesn't make the CIA, FBI and all that (possibly) were involved idiots as well.

I am not quite finished yet but at the moment I am very disappointed...
magickmumu a dit:
did you watch it. What do you think?
I saw the first 20 minutes, which was pretty much a repeat of the Zeitgeist film itself. Perhaps I'll watch again tonight.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
The video seems to be more of a refinement of the ideas, in part 1 and 2, that deal with what is happening right now in the global economy. Including constructive (maybe a little too idealistic?) ideas of how to shape the accelerating changes occurring now.
I, for one, would trade this world as it now for the positive vision of their venus project.

I often wonder about something. Seems like every generation thinks they are living at the end of the world.
For my grandparent's generation the end of the world was nazis, russians and atom bombs. Word still goes on and changes.
For my parent's generation the end of the world was 666 and world government. Word still goes on and changes.
My generation was y2k, terrorists and 2012. Word still goes on... always changing and accelerating.
It has been said that the current generation is the generation without a future. Because no one can predict what the world will be like in 10 years.

Maybe videos like this are part of the change that is happening. If zeitgeist didn't have the estimated 50 million viewers would the economy be collapsing now? Regardless of whether zeitgeist is fact or opinion... is information like this pushing change forward even faster than before?
timetraveler2012 a dit:
I often wonder about something. Seems like every generation thinks they are living at the end of the world.
I wondered about that yesterday after I saw that scene featuring Terence McKenna. He said the psychedelic experience is like a mini apocalypse, conditioning one (preparing one) for the larger apocalypse. It made me wonder if perhaps it makes people expect, believe and support the idea of a coming apocalypse, even though such an event (in the near future) might be just another myth.

I'm convinced human life will continue after 2012, and I don't believe everyone is suddenly going to be enlightened then either. Such scenarios wouldn't make any sense from my perspective, which is in part an astrological one. For myself I'm looking forward to 2017, for example. The cycles are different for every individual. Perhaps the year 2012 will be significant from a societal point of view (the end of the war on drugs? the end of monotheism?), but everyone will experience it differently.