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two more photos so you can see the insides (lot of work to get it done because when someone builds this kind of pedal, the inside parts are all pre-made, you just buy it and mount it. i build them from scratch from wood i found on the garbage can - no cost!) and another perspective :)
Thank you very much for the feedback!

Thatdivine, keep improving! Then, when you get to paint on the walls, take a photo and show us :) And look for this guy: Banksy (you probably know it)

Well, now that I have my camera, I can leave more works here:
daytripper - that pedal/box rules!! haha, nice work man.

random - you seem to like to create depth in your drawings, . . keep it up.

here's one that looks a lot like some of the work of my favorite artist - Roberto Matta. "Ideas at Night" - 20x30"

Great works moldyb! You'r finally going crazy on painting those Big canvases!
I'm always curious to see what will you come up with your next paintings. :p

Keep creating!

here's a new fractal I just made :)

inspired by the conclusion that I'd not be able to live without music :D especially psytrance.

(click on it to see it bigger, it's wallpaper sized)

it's not completely done yet though. still requires some tweaks, but over all, I'm quite content with this one.
damn it's hard to be following moldyb :p

I got into painting last week and well here are my first trys. (in order lol)





kcar, way to just dive right in like that, . . I like your first one and the eyeball. Keep at it man.
thanks man. painting is wicked addicting I ran out of canvas and im having paint withdrawl ;)

kcar181 a dit:
thanks man. painting is wicked addicting I ran out of canvas and im having paint withdrawl ;)

hehe, nice stuff going on for the first tries! :) keep it up. I've seen them before on deviantart :)

hm, I'm getting into animating fractals. click here to see my first animation: http://www.vimeo.com/848580
warning, might be trippy :weedman:

this video is a loop. this is just from the beginning to the end, but with quicktime I can play it endlessly :)

I'm thinking about getting into VJing, would be very much fun, I suppose. and I've got thousands of ideas for that :)
but first... school leaving examination :retard:
I'm thinking about getting into VJing, would be very much fun, I suppose. and I've got thousands of ideas for that
but first... school leaving examination

You should do that, becouse i getting sick off all those lame ass VJs playing those boring pictures or texts.
We want HaLuCiNaTioNSsSs!!! and yours are looking very trippy indeed keep up the good work.. :wink:
MindAstronaut a dit:
You should do that, becouse i getting sick off all those lame ass VJs playing those boring pictures or texts.
yeah me too. Once I saw one vj actually playing trailers from tv, for king of queens and such stuff o.O (at a goa party)

MindAstronaut a dit:
We want HaLuCiNaTioNSsSs!!! and yours are looking very trippy indeed keep up the good work.. :wink:

hehe thank you :)

but first I'd need a pc for rendering all that stuff. rendering such animations takes way too long to use my lappy. those 27 seconds took 16 hours to render on a 2 ghz dualcore (without sticking the single pictures together to a video, which took 1 hour) :retard:
Yeah rendering takes a lot of time, but you better make sure it's worth the effort :D
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Yeah rendering takes a lot of time, but you better make sure it's worth the effort :D
yeah I think it would be wise to do that :>
it's very frustrating to wait endless hours for something and to realise that it's crap once it finished (this applies for analogue photography too :<)

well, I got myself a demo of resolume, I think I will look a bit through it this weekend :)

last lsd trip :)



Acid Blues Ballad

Tam-tam pieds nus
Nous voulons être beau
yé yé doucement
Tam-tam tu foule le sable fin
Regarde autour de toi
yé yé doucement

Tam-tam tamisant
La danse des ombres chinoises
yé yé étrange
Tam-tam tambourinant
Rêvons notre mort
yé yé doucement
Tam-tam tamanoir
yé yé bizare
On envoie des invitation aux larves
yé yé doucement

Il marche, il danse
chez toi yé yé
Il tam tam pieds nus sa guitare
comme toi yé yé
Il fustige les larves de couleurs
pour moi yé yé
Il crache en trance
sur toi yé yé
des vers de soie
autour de toi yé yé
Son épitaphe dira "bienvenue chez toi"

Au chène déchainé enclin d'oeil
Laisse la chenille faire son deuil

Viens t'assoir, fille du fauteuil
Tu sais que tu t'assieds dans ma toile
Tiens le trottoir, vrille sur le seuil
Tu sais que l'acier réfléchit les étoiles

Vaine coulée d'encre bleue
En théorie c'est dans tes cordes
Vas-y gratte je t'accorde !
La seconde en un sens
Au sol s'imisse le silence
Avec sa horde de mille-pattes
humant le parfum sauvage de ton esprit dénudé
devant des mots épatés prêts a bondir
dans les plis de tes drâperies
glisse et gratte la rampe serpentine arpentée de soupirs

J'ai le vers solidaire
de mes amis larvaires.
J'ai le revers libértaire.
dans le littéraire je réhitère
un vers en vain pour baudelaire

Ciel quel artifice !
J'apprécie le vice.
Esclave pour dette,
J'ai commis la faute grecque
Et j'aime être nu
Encore un vers qui se tortille de tout ses sens
Il ne te le diras pas mais c'est toi qu'il lui faut.

Yé yé je vai te faire sortir de là
hé hé j'ai une main sur le voile de ton âme
Je vai t'apprendre crisper ton esprit
Les vers de naguère laissent place aux lignes
Je vai t'apprendre a les distordre
Elle me nargue, si tu veux je l'aligne
Je sai la tendre, et dans l'ordre
Elle sent le cadavre decrepit
Elle est maligne

hé hé elle revient, elle est infâme
yé yé elle oscille la flamme
dé dé la rosée d'encre
c'est la danse du papillon
il est déja mort, en plein essor
Oh j'ai la peau saisie de poésie
transpirée de mots tranchants

Repliée sur toi, maintenant tu t'éclate
Trainée d'ancres écarlates
avec de vagues idées qu'on va jetter par dessus bord

Yé yé dans le bateau des imbéciles
si je te jette aux abîmes
tu reviendra sublîme
On est chez toi yé yé
Battons des cils hé hé
Soyons dociles yé yé
t'en perdra tes rimes
ce n'est pas un crime d'être sur la cîme
de ton âme yé yé
C'est la danse du papillon
pour tes beaux yeux merci yé yé

sorry It's for french minds ^^
damn man that was a sweet fractal. very trippy. moldy i love that 2x3 foot painting...

Finally got my digi cam so im going to show off a bit.

http://fatality.deviantart.com/gallery/ <---- for bigger sizes.. didnt want to flood the forum


misery: you can pretend you haven't seen these already ;)