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Your creative work, second edition

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Cosmik_Debris a dit:
Nice logo.

I've been wanting to get into doing some pencil sketches lately. If I come up with anything worth sharing, I'll definately come here with it. I'm not very good at drawing realistic objects or scenes, but needless to say there's a whole world of abstract and semi-abstract ideas for me to explore.

Thank you, and good luck with getting creative, you definitely don't need to be good at drawing to be artistic :)
Here is some of my music

Post rockish song


goa/ nitzonot

8 bit

Are there any other people here making music?

you.. wrote those beats??!?!?! daymn. send some more Goa!!!!
thank you ijc! apparently you are quite the artist too!! :D

here is another one, left this one unfinished for a while...
You remind me alot of my in-school art, only because of the blue ball point :D

I'm going to be getting an archival ball point soon - this will easily be my weapon of choice in art from now on
IJesusChrist a dit:
You remind me alot of my in-school art, only because of the blue ball point :D

I'm going to be getting an archival ball point soon - this will easily be my weapon of choice in art from now on

AHAHAHA pretty much!!!!


what is this witchcraft you speak of???.. ARCHIVAL BALL POINT?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?! please, send a link! :shock: :shock:
this topic reminded me how fun it was to doodle in school, so i took the pens and gave it a shot

looks cool, a bit messy though :)

stuff I've done these days (got access to a darkroom now :D )
a small work for photography-school I did a month ago. I haven't decided what I want it to be about, maybe I'll just leave it without description so that anybody can decide what it's about. the assignment was to do something with the topic of stolen pictures, however you interpret the term "stolen pictures".
what I basically did was setting up the camera in front of the laptop, disable my webcam, go to chatroulette.com and take pictures of the people on there and then develop the pictures and put them on a wall.

I don't know what it is what these people are looking for, but I'm sure they won't find it there. so in a way, for me, it is about people looking for something, online, with the possibility of just pressing the next person button - defused social interaction.
on the other hand, I like the thought of it being a bit about the rising technologization of communication. if you want to interact with other people, all you have to do is start your computer and go online.

whatever, I like having picture of people from many places of the world, without them knowing that their picture now hangs on wall somewhere. they don't have the slightest clue whatsoever, all they did was go to some website in their spare time.

click on the picture for full size, nevermind the grain, it's from the camera I used to take this picture.
These are a few I made sometime in december of last year. Thought I might share them with you guys :wink:
Most are done from scratch. Others are different photos blended together with hours of editing and manipulations


PF <3

This one doesn't have a name but it does sort of relate to something Terence McKenna said:
"I think people have a very narrow conception of what is possible with reality, that we're surrounded by the howling abyss of the unknowable and nobody knows what's out there."


Our perception of the world is deformed

I haven't done much after this. I do plan on buying a pen tablet and start making more digital art
how much for a print bushs?
I like that gnarly tree in the midst of all the straight ones, it's a nice contrast :) (not the image contrast, of which I'd prefer a more subtle one, the effect is eating your picture.)

some fun with a laser, old harddrives and sine waves:




thats awesome, i especially like the square shaped one

can you explain how this was done please?
thanks :)

you know in hardrives there's these heads that go to a specific location of the disks? they are controlled by whatever electricity you give the electromagnets that control the heads - positive/negative, and how much of it. so if you take the contacts of these and connect them with the audio output of your computer and you create sine waves with a synthesizer, the heads will move according to this sine wave. with the left channel you control one hardisk which stands vertical, with the right you control the horizontal one.
and now the real genius sets in: you put mirrors on the heads. then you let a laser shine on the mirrors, which will reflect the light however the heads are moving.

a friend of mine made this in his spare time, so it's not exactly my work, I did the fucking around with the synth and took the photos.
Thanks for the explanation man

illegalsmile, me n my mate tried to use chat roulette...we met 2 other stoners and saw a bunch of guys jacking off
to the point we realized we must have heard wrong and it must be some kind of gay porn thing
or like russian roulette but with 5 bullets instead of 1 lol