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Your creative work, second edition

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I love the 6th ;)
Thank you Crimzen. Alot of mind went into them. I wish I could work with colors though, I just dont have enough practice with the tools.
no thank you :D
i also think they'd be pretty excellent with color
i can see lots of greens and blues in the second one :D
BananaPancake a dit:
ijc, can you upload a bigger version, or one with more ink? I couldn't make anything out of it the first time I saw it, now that I zoomed in it started to make sense, and it's pretty cool actually ;)
here's something I finished today, I have to confess I'm pretty proud of it :D I like it a lot.

Woooow, dude!!! Haven't been here for ages, but have to say, this is one of your best pieces yet.
I also like where Random's style is going :D
Kinda starts to remind me of Jeannie Lynn Paske

Anyway, mad quite some pics in Brazil and Peru, but mostly cliché sunset shots and i don't consider myself an actual photographer (with my basic canon powershot, which btw i DID buy for the functions).
But anyway, didn't want to keep these 2 from you. First shot is the best, the other one i edited for use as a desktop background. Mind you... i'm also not good at editing, i'm just good at screwing around with adjustment settings (basicly done with iPhoto). Ohw and their not cliché sunset shots, because it's sunrise :roll:
Ohw, btw... Banana, i still like your shots alot!
Great stuff, that tunnel is awesome.

Tiax: cool! I've got some experience with 3D, is this made with C4D?

My shots may not have the best quality, but that's because i was too lazy to resize them myself, so i let imageschack resize them and then i downloaded them again :mrgreen: :roll:
Thanks man, I plan to sketch alot this summer. My6 creative juices have been confined to integrals and chemicals lately.

I really like your pictures... Reaaaally :) SOOPER Neato
woah really nice stuff you guys made there...
here some shit i've drawn when i was bored. don't stone me, i know my drawing skills suck.
:lol: 8)

peace :weedman:
as long as you're expressing what wants to be put on paper, the skill is just learned. The inspiration is what makes you an artist.
In class doodles... Tried a new technique with both.


i 3> your art!
peace bro

edit: alright so i made some new shit mostly about numbers... 8) :axe: :drinkers:
Man, I wish I could see them, you gotta resize those bud... use imageshack.us / resize.

My latest two:

[Made for my friends band, album name is stated... they didn't want it though lol]


Showed them this instead, they liked it, so I had to add the lettering for their album name.
I love your stuff guys :D

this is what I found stumbling and tripping through the landscape:


those guys sure held their line :lol:





You have such talent with lighting!
Really awesome work everyone! I still haven't seen it all, but will :wink:

BananaPancake, those landscape shots you have are really awesome! What country is that? The forest is beautiful!!
thanks man :D, it's lower austria - I live in upper austria. it's completely different from where I live - sometimes I felt like in africa and those deer looked a lot like gazelles :lol:
It looks very similar to where I am, but we don't have that kind of tree (beech?). I will have to pick through some of my macro work and resize to post :)
really really neat stuff!!!

its amazing, how much beauty can be expressed using complicated rhythmic motions of the mind.

photography as well.. youve got eyes (lens) attached to a brain (memory card), and its constantly used to its fullest potential.

here is my stuff, its all on facebook though :(

http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1 ... f594935c62
facebook :? sorry I'd have browsed through it but I deleted my account a while ago.

well, I got myself a new camera; here is some stuff from my first roll :D





Nice logo.

I've been wanting to get into doing some pencil sketches lately. If I come up with anything worth sharing, I'll definately come here with it. I'm not very good at drawing realistic objects or scenes, but needless to say there's a whole world of abstract and semi-abstract ideas for me to explore.