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why do you do drugs?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion lucky_lab_rat
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Glandeuse Pinéale
And what are your choice of drugs?

For me it is mostly to learn or to do a little "spring cleaning" of the mynd. I rarely do it just for fun- and when I do I usually feel worse afterwards (partly because I will venture into the drugs I rarely do)

For me it is usually the synthetic psychedelics- mdma, 2-cb and the rest of the 2-c family, dmt... less frequently lsd, and psilocybe cyaneses when they are in season- late fall...
Also theobromine- the drug in chocolate. This tends to by cyclical with the moon.
I also smoke cannabis- a may go weeks or moths without smoking, then go through periods of smoking nightly to unwind/process my day.

My addictions are cigarettes (nicotine), coffee (caffeine), and alcohol- I drink one to two beers a day.
"This tends to by cyclical with the moon."

What do you mean ?
^^ I usually crave chocolate around the time of the full or new moon- the rest of the month, while I may enjoy it, I do not crave it.
depends on the drugs.
Caffeine I use to take when I was tired
teine I take 'cause I' m a tea lover

And nothing more, I don't like to use non-psychedelic drugs.
Those I use, now, for exploration purpose... I' m not fully in the psychedelic research, I still see myself as looking-around (GOD would say a psychedelic tourist, I guess), but when I take them I usually try to understand the most obsessive question of my life since 2 years: why do I exist, or just, where is the meaning of my being existent (damned english).

I came out with meaningful answers, wich in 1-2 years of psychedelic research brought me to change my life quite... I almost quitted the social life, I changed my opinion a lot, about many things, or just I destroyed my ex-opinions without replace them with some other bullshits.

I tried to take drugs for recreative purpose, but I can't. I was in a party, took shrooms (just to know how is in a recreative situation), but I had to go away and think, look at myself and you know, this type of things.

So I would just say: to explore. Something strong, from a very deep part of me, come out with them, and I want to know this parte better :)
" I usually crave chocolate around the time of the full or new moon- the rest of the month, while I may enjoy it, I do not crave it."

Are you female ? That might help to explain the monthly craveings ? Or maybe your a werwolf !!!!!!!
GOD a dit:
Are you female ? That might help to explain the monthly craveings ? Or maybe your a werwolf !!!!!!!

nope- male - though I am A gemini so many dualities. Males do have a hormonal cycle as well though- so that may indeed be a large part of it.
No longer the pressure to erect on the set. To remain the line between my heart and consciousness.
I realized that I partially use cannabis against my depressions. During my nicotine addiction I thought it was the addiction-cravings, I was quite surprised I was wrong.
lucky_lab_rat a dit:
And what are your choice of drugs?

For me it is mostly to learn or to do a little "spring cleaning" of the mynd. I rarely do it just for fun- and when I do I usually feel worse afterwards

Lol you feel worse afterwards??
LSD has the best comedown. I love staring at a beautiful natural view as it wears off.

With MDMA i feel slightly down but not very much since i don't abuse. Plus i eat extra healthy after it wears off.

Cannabis has no comedown for me.

My addiction is reading and exercising.
I like a cup of coffee to help me rise and focus on the day ahead.

During work weeks I like a glass of red wine at night to settle down. On the off days I prefer the vaporizer and fresh bag of weed. :lol:

Can't forget about the annual LSD or mushroom trip.
toogoodforyou a dit:
Lol you feel worse afterwards??
LSD has the best comedown. I love staring at a beautiful natural view as it wears off.
Aaah that brings back memories, one time after tripping with a friend in his apartment i sat out back where theres a beautiful view of the swan river and the city (in Perth the swan river runs through the city) i sat there with the bong smoking and smoking watching the sunrise from blackness til full morning. i watched clouds forming and moving around and the colours were brilliant.
one of my favourite experiences with drugs altogether
I read about jenkem on the internet, so i did it and it was cool and i totally tripped so i did it loads more then i got into harder drugs like the fainting game and inhaleing cats piss and i saw a pink elephant and then i became a hippy.


I just started because i was interested in all that psychedelic stuff and it sounded pretty interesting. And it was.

@crimzen that sounds awesome
I sometimes take cannabis to slow down my creativity flux--biase myself towards absorption--in order to memorize the concept prisions the education system demands so I can write the "correct" answer on silly papers.

Systematic brain killing by the (indocrin-)education organelle demands you sit quiet and listen, then *quack!* exactly like you were said to.

My pragmatism allows it in the face of the possibility of more extensive and consistent damage I can make to the cage of the Empire later on. My spirit often doesn't nonetheless, and time is limited. So, I can at times make use of the impermanence go with the flow circuitry the lady cannabis may canalize (if searched for when I'm there).

Sad? ...yes. Necessity is a dog, and I'm not virtuous enough to continuously handle the cry for life my heart consistently whispers. Instrumentalization is a circuit of survival in a grounded society.
Although I feel that my real gnostic work is my yoga and meditation and not the drugs, magic mushrooms and truffles give me back the incentive to carry on with my gnostic work after the stress of life and passage of time take it out of me and make me feel too lazy.

Without the shrooms I'd have probably capitulated to let the establishment decide what my moral values should be by now rather than forming my own based on how I feel when I'm coming down from a shroom trip and appreciating peacefully what a beautiful, wonderful world we are living in.

I do weed because nothing relieves my stress like it, and less stress means I get less wound up, and I'm less inclined to want to get violent and abusive towards people.
Because I like 'em :D
i dont do drugs...
Psyolopher a dit:
Ultima a dit:
i dont do drugs...
They do you?

He's probably only taking entheogens ;)

About the initial question: I'm doing drugs either when I just want to, because I want to go crazy and have an adventure, or when I just can't take it anymore. In the second case it's when I feel like I'm on something when I'm not, and then I want to get out and take something. It doesn't have to be real drugs, some ephedrine and aspirin might do the trick once in a while (or not).

When I use entheogens regularly, my craving for drugs is a lot better, that's one of the reasons I use entheogens.
To escape the dullness of everyday life, too learn more about the self and universe (well at least in the case of psychedelics), to spark creativity (weed never fails to do this), to feel good (who doesn't like feeling good?), and in the case of alcohol or MDMA to make stronger/new social connections and for a few timeless hours experience how life ought to feel 24/7 (MDMA).
I started using drugs the summer I graduated from the 8th grade. You see I was cooped up in a catholic pre-k/kindergarten/elementary/middle school for 9 years of my life. I was completely innocent to the outside world. Around 8th grade I started getting fed up with the teachers nagging me to do better in school. I started enjoying rebellion. I had liked a girl for 2 years and she completely crushed my heart. My mom and I were having intense arguments on a daily basis, to the point where we'd try to hurt each other. So I began running away from home. I'd walk from my suburbs to the inner city where the inner city kids would hang out. Now mind you, I was completely, completely sheltered at this point. I mean, I didn't know a g spot from a nipple. I didn't know how they got the marijuana into the syringe.

So to make a long story short, I got corrupted real fast, and thats how it all began. Coincidentally, it was I who introduced drugs to the group. My first drug was dextromethorphan. My next was pot. Finally alcohol. It remained pot till around 9th grade. I became a legend, whether I liked it or not.
So it wasn't peer pressure, it was rebellion.

Anyways, my current drugs of choice are alcohol and entheogens as of right now. I have become an addict. I use them because I like the feeling. I rarely feel like tripping, and when I do, it is for insight into my life, insight into the big pictures, rarely for recreation. When I do use cannabis its vaped or eaten, and its for creativity and recreation.

But for the most part I dont use illegal drugs at all anymore.