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why do you do drugs?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion lucky_lab_rat
  • Date de début Date de début
creativity, introspection, general interest in altered states of consciousness, sensory exploration, synaesthesia, fun
Partly to explore the limits of human perception (ever feel more "in-tune" on a drug?) and partly to explore the recesses of my own mind. I think my desire to do this comes from what Nomada said though.
Systematic brain killing by the (indocrin-)education organelle demands you sit quiet and listen, then *quack!* exactly like you were said to.

Sometimes I just need to take a journey someplace deeper, be that inside my own head or to someplace totally alien.

My exceptions to this are caffeine and Cannabis . I use caffeine on occasion to get myself moving in the mornings (usually after very poor sleep), and Cannabis to help with my anxiety when it strikes really hard.
significationof?!? a dit:
First to escape the sober life, then to learn to love it.
Spot on mate. What many people miss is the fact that the farther your go outside yourself (usually), the deeper your able to look inwards and come to love life and take less for granted.

I guess I started naive enough, just curiosity. But the last year and a half I've developed a taste for infornography and strive to see the world as it is, as it isn't, as it could be, and as it was before. The insight I gain cannot easily be quantified nor can it be ignored.

One of my ultimate goals is to, isolate and tap into the collective unconscious. To become one, or at least observe.
I do them hoping that they will teach me new things about the universe as well is simply influence me into new things
I avoid doing them for recreational purposes as party-drugs but lately I did start using some of them in this manner
I noticed that many people when they take drugs for spiritual purposes the most common questions on which they are seeking answers often sound like those:
# who am I?
# what is my true will?
# who is God?
# what is God's true will?
# what is the highest truth?

I prefer using hallucinogens (including psychedelics) deliriants and dissociatives but I completely stay away from smoking commercial tobacco
I live with my parents and I'm a minor my parents are really suspicious and I don't have a dealer all those things put together show that there are very few drugs which are freely available to me so I can't afford myself to be too choosy
when I was a kid I used to abuse inhalants like glue and dust cleaners because they we're always available to me and really cheap but I don't do them because I know that they are damn bad for your health
I like experimenting with natural herbs around the house
did you know that parsley essential oil contains 70-80% of myristicin (a strong hallucinogen) and that sage oil can contain up to 50% thujone which gives you a cannabis-like high
drugs like nutmeg and morning glories and whipped cream cans are also pretty available to me but it's always not as easy to get high as it seems
nutmeg is a weak MAOI which totally sucks because I can't do DXM nor MG after doing it
and it tastes awful and it has lots of side effects it's bad for your health and the damn high lasts for days (that's just too much for me dude)
I tried doing morning glories twice but they didn't work (I've found out that it was because I used tap water)
and I just can't find a freakin' whippet anywhere no matter what I do
lately I've found out that the place where drugs are most available to me is the pharmacy and lately I been experimenting a lot with pharmaceuticals
if I would feel a really sharp need to get high but didn't have anything else around the house I would usually just breathe some carbogen out of a plastic bag
your brains falsely thinks that it is in danger of oxygen starvation so it starts blocking some parts of it as some form of defence and you get a short buzz from that
not the best drug in the world but it's always totally available in the kitchen and you can do it anytime you want to and it's really not that bad for your health as you might think it is

to put it more easily - I just suffer from chronic soberness and I simply use entheogens to treat my condition
Personnally, I do two drugs : cannabis and LSD.

I smoke cannabis for about 7/8 years, I smoked a lot at beginning, during a laps of time, I reduced my consumption of cannabis, and since last year, I smoked again a lot (every day in fact), I have a friend who is growing up, and I helped him so I think I won't stop tomorrow.

The time passes but the reasons change, at the beginning, I was 15/16 I believe, I was just curious, so I tried, I enjoyed the effectfs, and then I known some troubles in my private life, so it accelerated my addiction to cannabis. Now, it's completely different, I feel better in my mind, I smoke for pleasure and because I enjoy the effects, I care more about tastes and smellings (odeurs ?)

Then, LSD. I've tried a month ago, with a friend which was novice too, a friend of him introduced us to LSD, I didn't know a lot of about this drug, so I listened carefully his advice, and I was fastly convinced (contrarly to other drugs like heroine or cocaina, LSD rapidly seduced, especially the fact that there is no physical dependance). The first experience was not the more exciting, but was the one who said me : "there is a lot to discover with LSD, as well with my mind as with my body". Since the first time, I tried Shiva (three times) and Hoffmann (one time), and each experience brought me new sensations, especially concerning the perceptions, the music, I feel an incredible energy in my body, my senses are awaken.

Now, as soon as I eat the blotter, I smile, it's unsconscious I don't know, the simple fact to eat the blotter, to know he is propaging inside me, it makes me feel happy, and I have nothing to do, it comes ... For the moment, I enjoy particularly the physical feelings, it's more slow concerning the mind, and the next times, I hope I will dig this side. But, I felt bigger changements the last time (the last sunday), I felt a new self-confidence (confiance en soi), it liberates me. Finally, I'm someone who is naturarly optimistic and enthousiastic, I like smiling, laughing; and LSD increases this side of my personnality, I feel too much happiness, I want smiling, dancing, laughing.

I'm not sure I have said all I have to say because there are too much to say, especially in english (I think less naturarly than in french, but no matter, it can't be bad for me), I will just conclude with the fact that I have no other addictions : I don't drink (rarely), I don't smoke tobacco (I used to but I'm disgusted by tobacco now, with shit or weed, no matter, but I can't anymore smoke a cigaret, ewww). I never took other products, I don't drink coffeine. The only one which could interest me is MDMA but I think I found much better with LSD, there are mushrooms too.
MDMA to party/rave
LSD/shrooms/ for laughter, halluninations, different state of mind
ketamine/DXM for introxpection
opiates/benzos for relaxation, euphoria