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Why do we have this intelligence?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
  • Date de début Date de début
To clarify a little ab out the intelligence thing, try to see planets as something living, growing and intelligent, but that just like humans has subconscious and unconscious.

However it's not simple for a planet to grow, just like us, things happen, it's pulled and influenced by outside forces, it interacts with the sun on many levels. So in a way we are the watchmen of the earth, while it can only truely see inside itself and "feel" the outside influences (just like us, remember fractal) what is outside for the earth is only a creation of her own crystalline brain and according to my experience just like enlightened humans she is aware that what she percieves is only a shadow of what is really out there, that its only brain signals, the holographic reality.

So thats where we come in... we probe the universe, try to understand its laws, create archetypal fractal resonance that makes our experience akin to what goes out there... as above so below ; thats the nature of holograms. We humans have relationships which can be classified as such... this guy in the community is more like Athena, this that god, this that element... archetypes.

Mushroom translates, DNA acts like an antenna and earth learns from our experience. Of course its in its adolescent stage and the changes experienced are critical to it developping and blooming in its full potential. So in a way, it will either start growing VERY rapidly and move towards becoming a giant gaseous planet because of all the gravity we humans create pulling intersideral gasses, hopefully noble gasses that will enhance the growth of all living things hundredfold... etc etc...

The purpose is clear, the end result not so much, because it might be different for each of us as time becomes part of us ; its not going to hold our hand anymore. Earth might stunt and fail in her growth because we forget where we come from... in this sense sentient beings are creating the earth our children will live on.
But did you mind the delay? Because that was shortly after we met.

Next time I start playing the drum, pick up your sitar and play along for a while. Then, if possible, give me a test ride in one of the vehicles.

Which reminds me: last week I found a plentiful supply of Ambrosia.
I do not mind delays... I have waited a little over a million year for this moment in time, I did what I had to do...

Now I'm trying to be useful... just like an old man who feels nobody needs him anymore. And nobody does... I appreciated the company however. I did actually play drums along... and some bansuri as well :)

I harvested some few days ago as well, here they are just starting to bloom. I am looking to dry them without too much heat so I can easily take tissue samples and introduce them into a raisin juice solution, to create the real thing... have you yet ?
I don't actually have them yet, but they are from 2008, already dried by a company, and my guess is they dried them using heat. It's enough for quite a while though.

I did actually play drums along... and some bansuri as well
You have four hands? Vishnu, is that you? lol
Allow me to understand your question more clearly, psyo.

Are you wondering "why do we have this intelligence?" as in "what are we supposed to use it for?" or "how did it come into being?"
If time doesn't exist, everything happened at once.

Did evolution have a pathway, yes, of course - a logical one.

Did it have a destination? We won't know till we get there (never).

Does evolution have a preferred path, like water down a hill, like an orbit is a circle, like a hydrogen bonds to an oxygen. Is there a real destination. There is, but I can't understand it. At all. Its reaching towards something, some ideal, and it disguises it's reach by "survival of the fittest" and :mutations".

But its a real approach.
Im baked, so I skipped a few posts!
gonzebo a dit:
Allow me to understand your question more clearly, psyo.

Are you wondering "why do we have this intelligence?" as in "what are we supposed to use it for?" or "how did it come into being?"
Well those questions are interesting as well, but it was beside my intention.
Simple, Why do we have it?

That is all, but please go on and explain the other two! :P
i think we have intelligence because at some point in the past they started using the thing that began growing between the ears. and then after further thinking and thinking and a whole lot of more thinking made us the way we are today. but well that's what they say anyway.

why this thing between the ears began growing in the first place is another question, but a probably suitable theory states that it would be for aiding in the fullfilling tasks of survival, replication and other elemental life purposes.

so there got to be something which says hey this would be good and then it just begins growing like a brain... but hey maybe we were designed like that in the beginning...
It's actually quite simple :

Mushroom + DHA and EPA fatty acids + quintessential sexual experience = depth of intelligence

Once its created, it frees itself so the lucidity is not limited to mundane experience, causing possibility for biological ascension of the body (creating new glands and highening the body vibrational capacity, towards self-sustenance) Until do you not have to drink or eat anymore, that you just do it out of pleasure.

The destination is crystal clear and the path is luminescent, it's not really a question if you think about it ; the balance is service towards yourself and others, unconditional love. Ego is living YOUR real life, negative ego is living to submit to fantasies.

Dosen't need a big between the ears to see that we are part of the planet, not the "world" like the animals... you all think you know what we are by saying you don't know the answer to this essential question, think again. If it was so random and simple we'd have killed ourselves already.
I believe the brain now has control over some genes. I believe it got this characteristic long ago, and is actually able to make more genes to make itself larger.

Why the fuck does half of us, the unconscious processis, be completely hidden from view? Why are we not all - knowing, even of our own selves. We still don't have much intelligence.
BrainEater a dit:
i think we have intelligence because at some point in the past they started using the thing that began growing between the ears. and then after further thinking and thinking and a whole lot of more thinking made us the way we are today. but well that's what they say anyway.

why this thing between the ears began growing in the first place is another question, but a probably suitable theory states that it would be for aiding in the fullfilling tasks of survival, replication and other elemental life purposes.

so there got to be something which says hey this would be good and then it just begins growing like a brain... but hey maybe we were designed like that in the beginning...
Obviously thinking led to thinking lol.
The means could just have been, replication, survival and duality.
A sense led to anoher.
Then why is the common man a fool?

btw, Ahuaeynjxs yeah you're onto something.
Makes alot of sense, that psychedelics helped development.
(Its recorded very early in human history so...maybe?)

And Jesus, well we're constantly trying to strife for an easier lifestyle.
Better this and better that, this more convinient and this perfect.
I think that, thats destroying us slowly really.
It gives means to unecessary industries.
I didnt read the thread so sorry if i`m off topic .

There is a very sensible and compelling theory that we owe everything to comets / lumps of things from space . Most uranium , nickel and oil = the things that our society and developement depend on are found in meteorite craters . And the main big changes in wich animals were dominant on the planet ocured after big meteorite hits . Survival of the fitest is put down to wich animals could adapt to the changes meteorite hits brought = it encouraged the developement of our "intelligence" .

They are also the things that are either going to force us to develope enough to escape this planet or wipe us out .
welcome back god!

i think the real question isn't why we are intelligent, it's what are we going to do with it?

i've heard this story that we're selectively breeding all the intelligence out of our species. as soon as people get an education or dedicate their lives to making art or something they've pretty much nixed their chances of reproducing. give us a few thousand years and humanity will resemble a Jodorowsky film like El Topo.. :D
There is actually a really bad movie on comedy central about that St.Bot.
The future is full of morons.

The future is so... out there. Man. Pfffffffffffff. Chyea.

But really, I find myself wanting to be stupid, so I can bang a hot chick, and have attractive children, so they will have attractive children... and so on.

Intelligence can sometimes be the burden of the nerds.
Well, that's what university is for.. to hook up with the hot intelligent chicks :D Allow me to recommend the visual arts department, dance, theatre or especially education, very high female-male ratio, especially here where I went to school!!
Yep , the people who now think that they are inteligent and gods gift to the planet might develope into stupid impotent mutants and the bushmen / aboribinies take over .

I dont realy think that . I think that we will either learn to be more like them or the whole planet will go down .

Are you sitting comfortably ? If so i`ll begin......

The life on this planet depends on ( corect me if i get the terminology .... or more wrong ) i think its called stereo isomers of amino acids , in German links or rechts drehende amino acids = left or right ones . Just like L and D lysergic acids . The one zaps you and the other doesnt . Most of the amino acids on the planet are left ones and life and its developement depended / depends on them . Theoreticaly there should be an equal amount of them in the world / nature but there isnt . Scientists were allways puzled by that ...... untill they tested meteorites . The meteorites should have an equal amount of both BUT they dont , the most are left wich means that the conditions for life came to earth with meteorites . That still didnt satisfy the theorys untill someone noticed where the most come from and had a look at the area . They found areas with massive amounts of realy strong UV and did tests . That sort of UV kills right amino acids = we owe life on earth to physical processes out in the universe . = If it wasnt so we wouldnt exist . That means that the universe encourages life and the developement of "intelligence" .

= we are the aliens , we are the space men and the earth is a kinder garten , an incubator for life . ( the earth as a thing like a mushroom that if every thing goes well and we manage to controle our egos will eventualy spread us / life like spores through the universe ) .

Thats exactly what I'm saying... and what I been saying since I joined in and for a few years elsewhere. Heat a silica matrix to white hot luminescence and you got DNA popping out like magic. I know where we come from, I been there in astral travel.

You're part of my cult now... bow down and clean my feet.
st.bot.32 a dit:
Well, that's what university is for.. to hook up with the hot intelligent chicks :D Allow me to recommend the visual arts department, dance, theatre or especially education, very high female-male ratio, especially here where I went to school!!

Next time keep in mind my sensorium translates written text almost spontaneously into a imaginary visual content with luminous moving contours and further tales. Your sudden shut down was harsh and egoistic. :lol:

Intellectual chicks with glasses, petite posture and a frisky casual character. 'tis about time I do some mescaline again, words convert and melt effortless into a lucid visual story. When the shaman read aloud to his disciples, they all walk collective through the same door and story despite the subjective realisation.

"I tend to say, many words and poetry, of writers and poets, cannot be understood in their full meaning, by those, who have never been under influence of mescaline" - H. Havelock Ellis

"i think the real question isn't why we are intelligent, it's what are we going to do with it? "

I think the questions are .... are we intelligent and if we are why are we and the planet in the shit ?