My two cents....
I don't think there is a significant reason for our intelligence.
I simply think we are ‘random’ fluke of nature - a planet capable of bearing life, sustaining an entity incapable of comprehending it.
To me, the simplest way to think of it is to consider life we have the power to observe, and what we know of its development. I dunno; I guess everyone would come to their own conclusions - but when I look at a Petri dish full of bacteria…It kinda just ’makes sense’ to me. In my mind, there doesn’t seem a whole lot of difference between that small Petri dish, and our speck of a planet. Both simply started out as cells growing uncontrollably in the presence of accommodating circumstance - adhering to the rules and regulations of ’life’, without purpose or agenda.
Before, after billions of years, we happened to reach a stage in our evolution where we are granted the beautiful gifts of thought, reasoning, emotion and philosophy, and now have no idea what to do with them! =P
Many of my Christian friends use the same argument. They scoff sarcastically at my open-minded approach to the theory of evolution, or indeed; any theory that does not begin with an omnipotent creator.
How can the universe…earth…life in general - all be one big coincidence? How is it that our planet is in the exact perfect position to sustain life. How could our anatomy be the result of extreme chance and evolution, when the alveoli in our lungs are so minute in design and detail, that if you were to take each one individually and stand them end on end next to each other, they could stretch out to reach the moon and back?
How can something as complex as life - relying on so many millions of circumstantial chance occurrences to develop - be anything BUT the result of some divine power, plan or creation?
I usually reply with: “How can it NOT be?”
We are on one of a handful of planets, rotating around one star.....
There are billions of stars in our galaxy, and there are billions of galaxies in the universe....
In this all but unfathomable number lies the justification for my answer........
It is NOT all that hard to believe that this freak occurrence - this life - came about by chance.....
Considering this: the general agreement is that the universe is approximately 60 billion years old...whether this is true or false is irrelevant. If we then times that 60 billion, by the unfathomable number of billions of planets, rotating around the billions of stars, within each one of the billions of galaxies in our universe....
And ponder this unfathomable numer:
Is it really so hard to believe that every now and then, chance aligns in absolute perfection, and the development of life begins?
It's not that hard to believe that there is a planet so perfectly ideal for life to occur, because over that 60 billion years, within those billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars, around which float billions of planets ...that one in an x billion times by x billion chance of a habitable planet bearing life had to occur sooner or later.
It's the law of averages.....
When something has a chance to happen in that many places, over that amount of time, it's going to happen perfectly sooner or later.....
It seems perfectly acceptable then; in light of this gloomy, insignificant reality, that we - the inhabitants of a freak one in x billion times by x billion fluke - create gods and afterlives to deal with our own, feckless and insignificant existence. It is a defense mechanism to lighten the weight of such crippling hopelessness - agoraphobia epitomized - when the burden of such crippling insignificance would otherwise be too much to bear.
I believe life doesn't have a purpose. It is, because it simply could be - because there was suddenly a habitat capable of sustaining it, it developed, without hope nor agenda.
Bacteria does not stop in the early stages of development and ponder it's grows because the blueprints of life tell it to grow - to develop.
We have developed, we have adapted - and are now at a stage of life, capable of reflecting and pondering such things; but never capable of comprehending the unfathomable depths of our own universe. In the blink of an eye, our existence will have passed on, and millions of other 'fluke occurrences' will have popped up, all over the universe, to start fresh and create their own false gods and depressing theories….....