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why do people say trips from shrooms and lsd differ?

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"wouldn't worry about it at all anyway, the main core of entheogenics is that we can experience our identity and senses disconnected from any frame. If they feel similar, then they do"
Just beautiful man , ive been searching for a succinct phrase to describe the big picture reason I enjoy psychedelics even though much of the time they will humble me. I may steal this one explaining the visionary/psychoanalytical reasons for tripping to non long-hairs if you dont mind.. theyre are definite differences to these compounds, personally mushrooms will induce low blood pressure for me in late stages of the trip causing me to black out if im stationary or seizure if i attempt to move. So lsd is the option for me anyone else experience this with zooms? i talked to my doctor and he told me it was a uncommon yet regular occurance and stay away from drugs that do that to me. mushrooms are more of an analysis of big picture life issues for me, while if i dissect my consciousness on lsd i will come up with many ideas to improve my individual/personal interactions with people, though this may be due to varying blotter dosages, or quite honestly my own personality because lsd is so spiritual for me i cant just eat it get fucked up like i used to do with mushys and i am a more psychoanalytical person which lsd is a perfect companion to.
The trips focus in a different area on the same thing (life) on higher doses.

LSD focuses on the whole machine while mushrooms focus on the parts for the machine (you). They can be used for personal use, but if you're a thinker then you will inevitably go down the other rabbit hole on mid to higher doses.
I realized lately that trips from different entheogens can differ even more than I used to admit based on strength of trip and set of mind. I used to think that San Pedro mescaline trips were a lot more feel-good party trips than shrooms, plus they were more visual, but a few weeks ago I had a San Pedro trip that was very mental, almost exactly like a strong shroom trip. I had to turn off the music and meditate in darkness, every influence from the outside felt like a violation of my mind.
In retrospect I see this might have been influenced by me being totally stressed out before (I really needed that trip, hadn't had one in months!)

So, this even more convinced me that saying "lsd is more like x while shrooms are more like y" is not even remotely possible unless you have taken dozens of lsd trips in varying strenghths and dozens of shroom trips in varying strengths in a time frame of say one or two years for best direct comparison. And even then it will still be a personal opinion that could change even for yourself.

The shroom trips I have taken have differed from laughing my ass off partying all night at a festival to hiding in a dark corner thinking I am dead and alone forever. Really hard to compare that to lsd which can have similar effects, or totally different ones :rolleyes:
Just a quick point:

Very often experience with in one trip (especially with a first-time experience), future trips with known psychedelics will change based on your new perspective overall.

So lsd prior to shrooms and then after shrooms can be completely different, let alone differences between shrooms and lsd as two seperate substances.

Just a thought...
trypto sounds like you had one hell of a ride! :) i agree a lot with all you said, and you too, unseen wolf.
darkwolfunseen a dit:
Very often experience with in one trip (especially with a first-time experience), future trips with known psychedelics will change based on your new perspective overall.

So lsd prior to shrooms and then after shrooms can be completely different, let alone differences between shrooms and lsd as two seperate substances..

Very much agree with that too.
I'd say I have taken at least a kilogram of dried shrooms over the last few years, but I still couldn't really pin down the typical shroom trip. A few months ago I took 2g dried shrooms from a growbox (the one I always have) just for fun (I usually don't do that, but sometimes I'm weak...) and it hit me really hard. If this had been a blind study and you had asked me what I had taken, I would have guessed some super-active species or at least 5g Cubensis (although I think I would've voted for "super-active unknown species")

???????? a dit:
trypto sounds like you had one hell of a ride! :)
Well I'm not sure what it was. On the one hand it was the soothing San Pedro ride that I knew, on the other hand it demanded total quiet and darkness. Wasn't really what I expected from 60cm San Pedro cooked down. I expected a lot more visuals and stuff (which were almost nada!)
But to prove my point: I am not sure if this was due to the cactus, or my mindset. It could have been either, I am sure about that.
tryptonaut a dit:
I'd say I have taken at least a kilogram of dried shrooms over the last few years

Wow. Thank you so much for that. I just read "Kilogram of dried shrooms" and stopped. and then went back and reread, then just stood there pondering what would be left of the human mind. By the time I got to "over the last few years", I was already building a rocket ship.
darkwolfunseen a dit:
tryptonaut a dit:
I'd say I have taken at least a kilogram of dried shrooms over the last few years

Wow. Thank you so much for that. I just read "Kilogram of dried shrooms" and stopped. and then went back and reread, then just stood there pondering what would be left of the human mind. By the time I got to "over the last few years", I was already building a rocket ship.

you would ethier kill your self in insainty, or be instantly takin from earth and launched into nirvana.

Im down!
:rolleyes: can u imaginee?!