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Why did I feel a stroke?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nanosage
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Alpiniste Kundalini
Almost 5 hours ago I passed out from no sleep because for some odd reason I have been having EXTREME trouble getting asleep.. In the past week, I have to have gotten not even 10 hours in.. I haven't been speeding, weed won't put me to sleep, benadryl won't.. Nothing will, I end up falling asleep at 4 or 5 every night.. Which is extremely unhealthy, but I have been straight slap happy all the time.. I keep getting scared at night.. Does anyone else have this problem? It is ridiculous and I really don't like it. I am normally not a scared kind of person, except after watching a horror movie I get that feeling that most people get where you hear every noise, think of gruesome things non-stop, and see your shadows as monsters or whatever. That has been happening EVERY night for me. What is with that? But anyways that isn't what this post is about, just a back story, and please PM or post anything about this, because t is happening tonight too. Annyywayyss, I passed out about 5 hours ago watching TV (First time in awhile) then I woke up and tried to go back to sleep, but someone turned the lights off..

I wake up and I cannot feel the left half of my body AT ALL, I couldn't move it either and I could feel it drooping and nonfunctional ,exactly like a stroke! I couldn't move because it felt like my left side was glued to my couch. I was FREAKING OUT. My heart was beating faster than I have ever felt it beating before and I could feel EVERY pulse on my right side and it didn't really hurt, but everything was pulsating and stuff.. I kept hearing birds, and seeing random white, yellow, and blue lights.. Is this some form of sleep paralysis or should I seriously get this checked out by a doctor? I really am just afraid to death right now.. It wouldn't make sense though because I JUST got my blood tested and everything is perfect, I eat good, and exercise more than a lot of people I know who are also legitimately healthy.. Has this happened to anyone else?? Its freaking me out..
Sorry about this being in the wrong forum =/ I meant to put it in the general psychonautics.. -.-
lol i dont know but I wouldn't worry about it...

being scared of things that go bump in the night is just something you have to grow out of. stop smoking so much weed too.
Can't completely attest to the paranoia but definitely can commit to the insomnia. It's basically your body conditioned to sleep odd hours. Have you had any traumatic trips/life events recently?

For the short term I'd recommend meditating from 10-11, taking OTC sleep meds at around 11, and trying to go to bed before 12 (although some of it being anecdotal, I have read that going to bed any later greatly reduces the impact that sleep has on your regenerative process). I'd also do a course of valerian capsules and melatonin. Remember, this should be thought of as treatment, so one or two days is not adequate, you need to adjust your entire sleep cycle which would take about 20-30 days. For me the most difficult part was the grogginess in the morning from sleeping pills, but make sure to not go past 9 hours of sleep, otherwise pushing your clock too far.

On a final note, the bigger implication is that this type of activity is caused by stress, panic, or unconscious issues with your current life. It sounds basic, but seriously look around and see what in your life is causing you latent stress. If you don't resolve this issue, it will manifest itself in different ways.

Hope that helps, good luck. (FYI, stroke signs would include seeing white spots throughout the day, numbness, dizziness, confusion. A decent test would be trying to raise both your hands one at a time, trying to say your name, and trying to recite the alphabet) I'm assuming you're at the age is highly unlikely, and the numbness is much more likely caused by you sleeping on your side.
If I would wake up and wouldn't feel one side of my body at all, I would at least give my doctor a call about it. You know it could be just some form of sleep paralysis but why keep yourself in the dark by not inquiring a professional? It's nice that many people here think they have a clue (and maybe actually have, I don't presume I know thats for sure ;)) but let's be honest, no-one here is really qualified to say something about a maybe medical condition.
i aggree with heartcore, you should get yourself checked out man. your obviously alive a kicking right now, but not being able to feel one side of your body is pretty serious. and while your talking to your doc, mention the sleeping problems and he may be able to help with that too.

like darkwolf said, its because your body clock is on a weird time. i deal with this all the time and i usually go2 sleep around 4 or 5 just like you. if something comes up in my week that i know i need sleep for. ill skip a night of sleep 2 days b4, so that the day RIGHT b4 i need sleep, im completly exausted. its hard to tough it out till night time after pulling an all nighter, but if you can handel it...
body clock is reset. the next night you will probably fall asleep about 30 mins later, and the next night another 30 mins - an hour later. then eventually the process needs to be repeated. but it is a deffinat way of resetting the pesky clock

thats what i do atleast. but talk to a pro man, it cant do anything but help.
being scared of things that go bump in the night is just something you have to grow out of. stop smoking so much weed too.
Not really, my mom is that way, but she just deals with it.. I just go out and watch TV until I fall asleep haha And the weed.. Lol I cut down a lot actually, once every 3-4 days. Not because I don't want to smoke every day, just because I don't have any money =/ still though, its better I just feel more awake and less zombie like lol

Thanks for the help though guys! I would get it checked out, but if my blood is fine, what else would they even test? They really just tested it not even a month ago and they tested everything. But then my problem was sleeping too much =/ lol none of this even makes sense.. I really think it is some psychological weed withdrawl though(the no seeping) because I bought a 1/2 about a month ago right at the blood test and I smoked every night every day.. I always smoked a bowl right before bed too, because there is nothing better than that ;) haha, but now I am out and broke..

Can't completely attest to the paranoia but definitely can commit to the insomnia. It's basically your body conditioned to sleep odd hours. Have you had any traumatic trips/life events recently?
Haha actually, me and a friend decided to trip on a 500mg dose of diphenhydramine which I am never doing again.. Haha, with 250-300mg, it is still a lot of hallucinations, and you are dreamy and see dreams when you close your eyes but on 500mg.. It is way different, I was more delirious than any time ever before.. I was right in front of my door laying on a sleeping bag, and couldn't open it or find it. My hand went through the door knob and I was on the completely wrong wall. Just not fun, and the fact that I couldn't move without feeling like I was going to puke. No crazy life things went on, except I was extremely stressed out about a week ago, and just had that feelig of wanting to hit something 24/7...

Have you tried valerian? I remember kava helping me sleep, but apparently it is bad for your liver? Do you still feel drained on melatonin and valerian? I will try the meditating, I need to get back into that anyways so thanks for reminding me! lol

are those really the signs? Lol I doubt it had anything to do with stroke. But still it was just really really strange, I remember thinking "Damn, if this is what it feels like to die, its not that painful!" it was probably just sleep paralysis though, thats what I think. Won't hurt to get it checked out though
Nanosage a dit:
I remember kava helping me sleep, but apparently it is bad for your liver?
Only when you take preparations that include the leaves or stems. The traditional powdered root has been used for thousands of years with no ill effects when used in moderation. Avoid any extracts unless they explicitly state "root only" or something to that effect. Problems arose, as usual, when the ignorant western man came in to capitalize.

Your other questions have good answers already, and you seem to have realized the uselessness of diphenhydramine, so I won't reiterate that :D Delirium can be interesting or terrifying, but ultimately unproductive and dangerous.
If I couldn't feel half of my body, I would be a little concerned. I would have visited my doctor and may have even gone to the emergency room. As far as sleeping have you tried chamomille tea or Tylenol PM? Those usually help me get to sleep. -Lanna
Nanosage, the best advice on here is to go to a doctor. They may have tested your blood 1 month ago but there are sooooooo many conditions that will not show up on a blood test. GO TO A DOCTOR.

I am not a doctor. When I was 15 I had extreme trouble sleeping at night and I would feel drowsy and want to sleep during the day. My parents took me to a doctor and his opinion was that my biological clock was out of whack. The treatment he prescribed was to stay awake for 24 hours (i.e. don't go to bed at normal time (normal time for me was 9:30pm), stay awake all night (had to have my parents help stop me from falling asleep) and the following day and then go to sleep the normal time the next night - don't use drugs to help you stay awake it will just confuse your body more). This worked excellently for me and I didn't have the sleep problems again.

Regarding the mj, prolonged frequent use makes you dependant on its effects to get to sleep. When I give up the herb for a period of time I always have to take something to get me off to sleep because I just can't achieve it whilst not smoking the herb. My preference is tea made with Damiana followed by a glass of warm milk (warmed on the stove not in a microwave) because warmed cow's milk has a mild barbituate like effect and Damiana is a wonderful relaxant. I also find I don't wake up with the "hangover" effects of sleeping tabs.

Most importantly though, consult a doctor. :)
itsscience said what i was going to, although i never tried damiana... from everything i can gather you are far too dependent on MJ even though you might not feel so in comparison to whatever(other people?). smoking right before bed...

lay off the substances, and try to stay up a night so that you can reset yourself. trying to sleep in one day to "catch up on sleep" is not something that is backed by science, in fact, science has proven the opposite. there is no way to "catch up on sleep" other than to simply go to bed at the proper time and make it a habit so your body does gets tired by itself automatically...

if you are having problems with paranoia i mean i guess it cant hurt to go see a doctor, but i used to be afraid of ghosts too, until i realized that no matter what, whether ghosts exist or not, they will either leave you alone, or they will get you and nothing can stop either because they wouldn't be affected by things in our 3rd dimension. :lol: so what can you do? jack shit. and what have they done to me or you so far? jack shit. so why worry? try to stop worrying about the things that you cannot ever control because they will either happen, or they wont, and worrying wont do anything to prevent it...