zezt a dit:
Have YOU ever experienced losing someone you love in a road accident, or them being murdered in front of your eyes, etc etc etc.
This question isnt really relevant to the conversation, but yes i have lost a very good friend in a road accident a few years ago, and no i havent had anyone murdered in front of my eyes
The important point is, neither of these 2 experiences are mystical altered state experiences, the kinds of experiences you mention here ^ are both experiences you undergo while you are in the ordinary state of consciousness, they are 'ordinary state' experiences
zezt a dit:
Stop trying to make out only 'ego deather in a described Hoffman trip' are the only ones with any intense mystical experience. Every experience is unique. How come I know this you don't. it doesn't say much for 'ego death' does it, if you haven't the empathy to know what I mean?
The ordinary state of consciousness, and the intense mystical altered state of consciousness, are two entirely distinct realms of experiencing, - ie tripping and not-tripping are two entirely distinct types of experience. When you are not on drugs, you are in the ordinary state, when you take drugs, you enter the altered state until the drug wears off. Understanding this point has nothing to do with having 'empathy', it just involves understanding the distinction between tripping and not tripping, it is a very basic distinction
zezt a dit:
How do you know?! You sound very elitist and arrogant. IF someone, who is NOT your 'moron' which is very insulting to call anyone actually. does not agree with Einstein's theory of relativity for whatever reason that is their right. MAYbe they are right. Maybe they have an intuition that cannot be communicated in the scientific language Albert does it in---whatever, just because they disagree with some big shots THEORY does not mean you have the right to look down on them. And by the way, do you understand QM?
I do not understand QM, therefore I am in no position to say "i disagree with QM, all quantum mechanicists are idiots", if i did say such a thing, it would only indicate my own stupidity, it would say nothing at all about QM or the people who understand it or make theories about it
Understanding a theory is a prerequisite for agreeing OR disagreeing with it, you cannot agree or disagree with a theory that you dont understand, simply because you would not know what it was that you were agreeing or disagreeing with
You do not seem to have even a basic grasp of the ego death theory, therefore you are not in a position to agree or disagree with it, wait until you understand it first,
then make up your mind, read and learn :wink:
zezt a dit:
I am afraid maxfreakout your efforts of argument purporting todefend Hoffmans cybernetics, or whateveryou wanna calls it, is having more and more the OPPOSITE effect on me, the way your coming across
I have no intention of 'defending' the theory as it doesnt require being defended, all i am doing on this thread is
explaining it as clearly as i possibly can, for the benefit of people who genuinely want to understand it, and people who already understand it who are interested in reading about it as i am
what i write here is solely aimed at those people who are on a path of understanding and knowledge
zezt a dit:
No how you speak about 'nonordinary experience' and 'ordinary experience' does seem dualistic to me
that's because it is dualistic, there is an obvious difference between the kind of experience you have when you are on drugs, and the kind of experience you have when you arent on drugs, these are 2 distinct kinds of experience
the whole point of taking psychoactive drugs, is to alter your mode of experiencing from the ordinary mode to the altered mode
zezt a dit:
and it does matter what psychobabble you use, you try and make out that our ordinary mode of being is static, and I dont see it that way.
im not sure what you mean by 'static', the ordinary mode of experiencing could be described as 'static' in the specific sense that it
remains ordinary until you take drugs or go to sleep, but i dont think 'static' is a particularly useful or meaningful word to describe ordinary state experiencing.
zezt a dit:
I rather see a continuum. That ordinary experience is always changing, and that extraordinary experience can spontaneously happen, but that often oppressive conditionings and so on suppress it, and that yes true ecstatic experience with the aid of psychedelics is profound, but it still is in continuum with our ordinary life. So to repeat i see it all as continuum, and not dualistically
tripping is an entirely different kind of experience from ordinary life, for example, when you trip you see crazy geometric patterns crawling all over the place, when you dont take drugs, you dont see these patterns - therefore there is at least one fundamental difference between the ordinary state and the psychedelic state (ie the presence or abscence of spontaneous pattern formation)
zezt a dit:
Ohhh Max. You nor me KNOWS what is like for another to lose a loved one!
I know perfectly well what this is likebecause i have experienced it myself, if you havent yet experienced it yourself you will one day because at some point one of your parents or grandparents is going to die (hopefully before you do). This kind of experience is definitely not the same thing as a psychedelic trip - ie an experience of the intense mystical altered state of consciousness
zezt a dit:
There is no category 'losing a loved one' that you can use as some known factor to compare your 'ego death ego death ego death' with.
losing a loved one happens within the ordinary state of consciousness, it is an experience that occurs (albeit rarely for most people) during everyday life. Ego death by contrast does NOT happen during everyday life, it only happens during the intense mystical state when the ego comes face to face with the beautific vision of God (which is its own logical negation) and self-destructs
zezt a dit:
And I didn't say losing a loved one was 'lesser' than tripping
you introduced the word 'lesser' into the discussion, i dont think it is really 'lesser' or 'morer' than tripping (because it isnt clear what that means), but it is definitely
distinct from tripping, if you cant understand why this is the case, i cant help you, tripping and not tripping are two different kinds of experience
zezt a dit:
I was trying to paint out what you seem to be saying most of the time. That Hoffman's cartography of 'ego death' surpasses so-called ordinary experience.
this ^ is a category error, the ego death experience itself (not Hoffman's cartography of it) in some sense 'surpasses' ordinary experience, because ordinary experience lacks the potential to cause homeostatic state-shift to a radically new, religiously reconfigured level of consciousness
zezt a dit:
You say this is because of religious symbolism?
no it isnt 'because of' religious symbolism (that is another category error), rather, religious symbolism
symbolises this psychological transformation
zezt a dit:
So-called 'Bi polar' and other so-called 'mental illness' states can bring up all the archetypal imagery etc also.
bi polar disorder does not cause religious transformative regeneration as far as i know, it just causes a whole lot of stress and suffering
zezt a dit:
But again---HOW do you KNOW that. Has it ever happend to you? Do you know ANYONE that has happened to?
i have experienced shit, i know other people who have experienced shit, experiencing shit is just a part of life, but it is a different thing entirely from intense mystical altered-state cognitive fireworks
zezt a dit:
WHAT do you even mean by religious experience?
I have explained that very clearly several times, it is a kind of experience characterised by loosened associations, the kind of experience you have when you take a big dose of LSD on your own in a forest at night, for example
zezt a dit:
You seem to underestimate others' experience, and that is not good maxfreakout. I for example could talk to someone and they could tell me with words some bad shit they've been through. I could PRETEND I know what they are feeling because I am listening to their words, emotional state etc, but I can never really know what they are feeling.
im not uderestimating anybody's experience, i am just pointing out the obvious distinction between what you experience when you take entheogens compared to what you experience when you dont take entheogens
zezt a dit:
But it is HIS experience. And that does not mean he can impose his unique experience on all reality as though it is 'the truth', and from there others are 'lesser'. See?
It wasnt his experience, it was an allegory about a fictional person living in a fictional artificial reality inside a cave, who comes to discover that the shadow-world which he took to be 'real' is in fact just a superficial illusion on the wall of the cave. This allegory allegorises the experience of the entheogen initiate who undergoes regenerative psychological transformation and comes to see that the ordinary world of people and objects is in fact just a very detailed, very consistent and very convincing illusion
'The Matrix' does exactly the same thing as the cave allegory, Mr Anderson believes in the reality of the world he is embedded in, then he takes the red pill (the sacred entheogen), is transformed into 'Neo' and discovers that everything he thought was real throughout his whole life was actually a just computer generated artificial reality all along. This is an allegory of the ego death experience
zezt a dit:
Well like I keeps saying, this is inflation. IF the one 'coming down' goes around thinking that they are different and more advanced than the 'poor wretches' they come across then their trip has been an abysmal failure in my opinion!
it is a simple truism that the psychonaut is 'more advanced' than the entheogen-naive person, if you clearly define 'being more advanced' as 'knowing about the psychedelic experience'
when you know about the psychedelic experience, you are more advanced than someone who doesnt know about it in that specific sense of 'being more advanced', you have more knowledge than someone who doesnt know about this experience
zezt a dit:
Hmmmm, you know I found this podcast last night. Apparently it is a rare copy of Alan Watts talking about LSD. I just love the way he talks, and his sense of humour, but I was also listening knowing his future---that he was gonna die most likely from being an alcoholic, so this understanding tended to undermine a lot of what he was purporting to say. Irony and all that.
And I have been reflecting after why he did what he did. I am trying to figure out if there was some unaccepted contradiction going on. I heard him often in the talk seem to romanticize about gurus, and zen masters. Ie., that they could 'look right through you' etc , and that they had themselves seen through the game---the game of duality, and thus understood polarity. So I have been thinking about this, and this is where I am up to.
As you may know, in that period, the 1960s/70s, most of the younger generation were taking psychedelics and looked up especially to Alan Watts, Leary etc, and they were very into Eastern philosophy and mysticism! And thus you got this flight from psychedelics by many of the young who wanted to go to India and find a guru and find out how to get all-the-time-enlightenment! Remember the Beatles? They were doing the same and had their own guru lol
A common mantra from this set was 'when you get the message hang up the phone'. ie., many turned their backs on psychedelics, and because Buddhists, got a guru, joined a cult, became a yogi. get me?
I listened to a talk which included Ralph Metzner a couple of months ago, and he admitted that when he and Leary were doing their stuff in the 60s they didn't know much about the very anceint use, and shamnic use of psychedelics.
So whats my point?
I think the major contradiction with Watts was the idea that you must become somehow a 'god', and that from his knowledge and everything it was not acceptable to be 'normal', and thus would drink to 'ride the wind' so to speak, like he would often poeticise wine-drinking zennists and Taoists would do.
Also it came later just how dodgy many of the so-called gurus and zen masters actually were, and were just AS human as the rest of us, but using the gullibility of their followers to abuse them in various ways. I dont mean Alan did that, but the exposure and critique about it wasn't apparent when he was alive THIS is what I warn about!
this isnt really relevant to the conversation, but i agree it is wrong to put 'zen masters' or 'gurus' or whatever on a pedestal, because they are still just human beings
on the other hand, i certainly do put the entheogens on a pedestal, they are the sacred, hallowed teachers of religous insight, the keys to unlock the divine potential of the human mind. As Hoffman puts it, they are the origin, essence and ongoing wellspring of esoteric religion
zezt a dit:
thats a mouthfull, isn't it? and it begs a lot of other questions. '
Satanic delusion'? care to explain what you mean exactly by that?
yes it is a mouthful i got a bit carried away when i was typing that
'satanic delusion' refers to the naive unenlightened belief in the causal power of ego, ie the belief that i can control my future thoughts. This belief is monstrously illogical, a demonic, beastly mistake which is thoroughly exorsised by the ego death experience
zezt a dit:
" the enlightened ego" ? NOW your saying the ego does exist. This surely is The Madhatters Teaparty is it not?
this ^ quote demonstrates exactly why, as i said in my last post, it is not a good idea to think of anything in simplistic terms like 'x is real/x is unreal'
ego is real in a sense, and unreal in a sense, ego appears (convincingly) to be real, but it is not
ultimately real
ego basically consists of a claim of being more real than it actually is, it is a hollow mental construct which claims to be a concrete entity, it is causally impotent but it claims to have causal power
unenlightened ego believes in its own claim of being a sovereign control agent, enlightened ego is humbled in the face of the true, ultimate source of control which is the transcendental ground of being, 'the eternal tao which flows everywhere' which is entirely above and beyond the ego's control