
it is far less complicated ....i wrote many many....then specified that it was TWO many...too many...a really cheesy joke
however the art of love is far, far apart from that of war...a great deal of literature talks about war and how beautiful an heightening for the human spirit it is, and even Leonardo, though it sounds cruel, being an artist partecipated in this "art" for a short period of time (being this a very economically convenient art) to allow his workshops to keep running. even MARTIAL ARTS are considered art, the precision and beauty, balance, gracefullness in the movement and touch of death is an acievement the martial artist looks for his whole life. a real martial artist (not any dude with a gi who pretends to be doing judo or juji-tsu) knows of anatomy as well as a doctor or, even a painter when it comes to anatomy, recognises symptoms of imminent death and can find energy pathways within a body to take or preserve life, to move that body to his own will, or to make it suffer the pains of the nine hells.
the art of love is not so different as art is but a way of knowledge through which we communicate love and hate.
however doing art is so subjective that each one of us percieves it in a different way often due to habit.
for me a Monet is a piece of art, while a canned piece of shit is just that...a canned piece of shit to others might seem :"oh the rebel! the genius! he wanted to say how he disagrees with modern society by calling this "Merda d'autore" (or whatever he called it...if you're eager to see it is at the Centre Pompidou in Paris...look for Piero Manzoni)!" i repeat, is just shit in a can with no artistic value whatsoever
art is what people make of it
i find discouraging the fact that no one has commented on the Balinese post yet