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what is art for you

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion gogoyances
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daytripper a dit:

yeah... it could be, if you write in on a painting or something... :wink:

daytripper wrote:

yeah... it could be, if you write in on a painting or something... Wink


but my name is not marcel duchamp, my dear :shock:

i still use my toilet to pee.
A beautifull creation

3words :)
SWIK, why do you want to see some of my art ? the art i make is not for the eye. should art be only to the eye ? what about ears ? tongue ? nose ? touch ?
isn't that art as well ?
what about the art of thinking ?
perhaps the thing i said was a conceptualist art that just runned under your nose and you didn't even noticed it.
by the way, if i wrote that in a painting, would that make it art ? is everything on paintings art ? what about a blank canvas ? it is on a frame, it is a painting, right ? i just needed to sign it.
saying that this isn't art, is art, because i made it on purpose - i made the choice to turn a thought into a expression. many paintings/music/sculptures out there lack a thought, and (this is the important question) should they be considered art ?
they are, but, again, by whom ? who can define art from non-art ?
as you may find on my profile, i'm a musician, meaning that i live from music. that doesn't even mean i play an instrument, or that i am a composer. and, most importantly, that does not make me an artist. i have made many things one could consider art, but i know i haven't created a single one of them. i don't think i am an artist. it was a simple thread, i gave a simple answer.
i understand you want proof. but i am not french and i don't wear a funny hat. i spend the most of my day playing in the sea than thinking about art. but ok, i'll give you an honest answer (the previous one was a simple joke):

expression of thought

is that enough or do I need to sign some papers ?
art is freedom
art is an experience
art is love life
art is salvation
art is a therapy
art is the language of the universe
art is a meaning of life

art is a spoon put in a pile of shit.
daytripper a dit:
SWIK, why do you want to see some of my art ? the art i make is not for the eye. should art be only to the eye ? what about ears ? tongue ? nose ? touch ?
isn't that art as well ?
what about the art of thinking ?
perhaps the thing i said was a conceptualist art that just runned under your nose and you didn't even noticed it.
by the way, if i wrote that in a painting, would that make it art ? is everything on paintings art ? what about a blank canvas ? it is on a frame, it is a painting, right ? i just needed to sign it.
saying that this isn't art, is art, because i made it on purpose - i made the choice to turn a thought into a expression. many paintings/music/sculptures out there lack a thought, and (this is the important question) should they be considered art ?
they are, but, again, by whom ? who can define art from non-art ?
as you may find on my profile, i'm a musician, meaning that i live from music. that doesn't even mean i play an instrument, or that i am a composer. and, most importantly, that does not make me an artist. i have made many things one could consider art, but i know i haven't created a single one of them. i don't think i am an artist. it was a simple thread, i gave a simple answer.
i understand you want proof. but i am not french and i don't wear a funny hat. i spend the most of my day playing in the sea than thinking about art. but ok, i'll give you an honest answer (the previous one was a simple joke):

expression of thought

is that enough or do I need to sign some papers ?

WOW! That was quite the response. I didn't mean you had to prove anything to me. But since you chose to. I am sorry you shared it with me. Your words made me feel sad. Not the crying kind, the kind where my gut hurt. Strong I would call it. Art? Still undecided. Effective communication is art to me. Eloquent communicatioin is good art. And missunderstandings are the opposite of art.

Love is the best art.

vulnerability, beauty and being completely myself
art is a reflection of your deep inner thoughts.art is something that lives,you can look at it in infinite ways,you can relate it to your own inner thoughts,art is something that completes the soul knowing that you're not alone,that there are others that feel the same way.

art is infinite
Art is meaningless.

All around the world children are dying of hunger. Who the hell has time to be making music and pretty pictures?
brewmaster, in a way, i agree with you.

i've been reading a book by Boris Pasternak which speaks exactly about this: art is image (even when it's music or other non-imaged art), in a way that it means nothing. we like art because the images it recalls in our brains, because we prefer the image to the real world. we don't see everyday things as art, but a painting...ah, that's art! a sculpture made of garbage...ah, the movement and the void of contemporary civilization! then, you get home and yell at your kids that their writing and drawings should be "more perfect". you want perfection of image, and you think that their image is their personality. art should be the reflection of our way of living. cannot be perfected or enhanced. it is what it is.

Love is the best art.


why should love be the best art if it is the same energy than hate ?
Brewmaster a dit:
Art is meaningless.

All around the world children are dying of hunger. Who the hell has time to be making music and pretty pictures?
One is working in africa for the red cross and the other is making art so people can open the eyes and start caring about the problems.
Art doesnt have to be meaningless.. Arnt we alloud te be full of joy because others have sorrow? I think we must use our joy to help the others..

Music is a universal thing.. It helps to unite people. On a festival 1000's of people are full of joy and all feel connected because they like one band..

The meaning of art is the meaning you give to it..

In holland we have an anual thing called Dance for life.. children are collecting money in all kinds of way to help stop AIDS to raise money so the Facts about aids and hiv can be spread... Even DJ Tiesto helped last year.. that's one of the best way to use your possitive energy for something terrible.. If we only show how terrible this world if people get the feeling that the problems are soo big they can't possibly help to change. they get sick of the sick people... If you see wars going on everynight on tv you get the idea like well there are so many I cant possibly help.. But if you show ways how people CAN help you'll have many more people that think well if that's what we got to do than lets do it.

And I think art(the creation of things) is neccery to make a diffrence..
An interesting anthropological phenomenon that i have directly experienced in my life was, when i lived in Bali, that Balinese people have no concept of ART. Art as we mean it. as a matter of fact when a tourist goes there for the first time and is told something like this by a guide like me (what a bugger am i hu?) that Balinese art doesn't exhist they remain absolutely speechless and chickenfaced for at least 30 seconds and then, like chickens often do after the shock, with jerks and sounds they start expressing their disapproval. the truth is that in Bali people live with art and everyone is an artist...the disciplines of sculpture, painting, dancing, singing (for however out of tune they might be to occidental ears) are so deeply (and unless you have been there, you have no idea how deeply rooted art is in Balinese culture) rooted in the living tradition that it even fades the borders with religion. they don't have a word for art in the Bali language, at all! the closest translated word is "beautify" and the artist is called "beautifier" even a sculptor, a puppetteer, a dancer, a gamelan player a singer is given that title. when they create something they work to the minimum detail, is just amazing the amount of work, time and patience they put to it. they don't learn their job (because of that they live) on books or by going to school. what they do instead is go to a teacher who makes them work and corrects their method by interveining directly. A sculptor starts by making small sculptures and gradually moving to bigger ones and still he remains years under the influence and guide of their master. same goes for a puppetter where (since the puppets are made out of leather) the puppets are drawn first and then cut in the leather, treated and painted. With the dancer is not so different as well, though they don't have a raw material to work with, the body becomes the "raw material" for the actor (because dance and acting go along the same path and seldom split) to work on and often the master corrects all the small defects in positions by making full contact with the whole body of the pupil forcing him/her to assume the same position/pose he/she has. What is extremely fascinating about this is the spiritual side of the whole concept of art and at the same time it's materialistic availability. i shall explain soon what i mean, but i'd like to point out how many similarity this has with medieval, rinascimental and early 1800 art in europe.
the spirituality in this Balinese art i was saying is in that it is always expressing Hindu myths and anecdotes and philosophy (ofcourse that has been changed from the original hinduism of india through the millennia) and how it is constantly used in the temples and in the "secret" ceremonies in their traditional costumes. What is very interesting is that their reasoning towards art is that it has a purpose, even if for a brief period of time, that is either ritualistic or embellishing, considering that all is made of materials that can't endure time, just like artisans, they sell their products and allways find costumers...but however i try to explain this philosophy to someone who has never been there, it is impossible to make this someone understand how it really works, what they really think and feel...who knows, maybe someone will understand...i'll see
edit when i listed the disciplines i forgot many others they have a lot LOT
daytripper a dit:
brewmaster, in a way, i agree with you.

Love is the best art.


why should love be the best art if it is the same energy than hate ?
here is something for you that will make you think
there is an art for war
and they are used and appreciated by many many (two many :P ....gid it gid it?)