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What is a good ayahuasca preparation?

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cockknocker a dit:
I didnt want to start a new topic, so ill just stick it on the end if this one if I may:

How long could aya be stored after making the concoction? Should I put it in a bottle and store it in the fridge?


Yes. Probably a few months or a few weeks. They are fairly stable in cold temps.
GOD a dit:
That is not a way to make ayahuasca . That is a way to kill your mixture . Who ever wrote that "recepy" is an absolute idiot .

Although the exact methods differ substantially the outcome does not sound very different from what the Cofan in Ecuador/Colombia prepare. I don't think they are idiots. They boil it down to goo and make little balls that you ingest and have an experience that lasts for many hours. In the region they are considered very powerful and their preparation equally.

In general there is no such thing as the one way to prepare ayahuasca - all families, shamans and communities have their own way.

The big difference between how people in the Amazon prepare ayahuasca and how foreigners tend to do it, is that in the Amazon it is an energetic exercise - a relationship between you and the plants - while for foreigners it is often a relationship with abstract, rational pharmacological science. The plant magic is backgrounded in favour of the scientific mind searching for exact measure, precise method and calculable output.

How you perform your energetic relations with the plants during preparations cannot be prescribed - you have to find your own way or learn from doing it with people who have a sustainable, energetic relationship.

Here are some pix from the traditional setting:
http://colonos.wordpress.com/2007/10/09 ... ayahuasca/
I have been to Peru and discover their special tea called Ayahuasca. Before I am also curios about this tea and I search it in search engines to know more about this product. This tea helps the patient experience "a visionary formula that unlocks emotional memory; causing life-changing catharsis in those who drink it." Many people can really benifit of this tea like people that experience depression but PTSD, and other mental problems.
I plan on trying the dmt/ayahuasca brew as well. Unsure of what ingredients would be best still. With some reading, I think I've decided on white B. Cappi vine and obviously Mimosa bark. Would shredded vine and powdered bark be more ideal? Or the whole bark and vine being crushed up from scratch?
Keep them separate and prepare more than what is needed, so it'll be easier to dose them. Try to decant the mimosa otherwise you'll puke it straight away!
Hi, sorry for writing here but i coulnd't find where can i open a new thread. My question will be about ayahuasca recipe i did try once but it didn't work so i need help.I have 50gr banisteriopsis caapi and 25 grams chacruna dry leaf and 3.5 grams of powdered mimosa. Can someone help me with the recipe. Thank you.
about chacruana dry leaf (I used GoogleTranslate, if you dont understand, ask =D ):

"Their mix ratio is 1:1 by weight, of course, you may begin
to take 50 g and 50 g of caapi chacruna.

The caapi, as you may have noticed, is a liana very hard, almost like wood,
never be able to pulverize it, it is not necessary, with the help of pliers is
unable to sfibrarla well.

The chacruna are dry leaves, you can, with a little 'patience, crumble
as much as possible with your hands, even here it is not necessary to pulverize.

Put the 2 products processed in 2 separate pots of stainless steel,
ABSOLUTELY NOT ALUMINUM and add in all of them 2 liters of water

Add lemon juice to the water acidifcare (makes it more soluble the
tryptamine), about half a lemon to the pot.
Boil the contents of the two pots for 2 hours, after 2 hours, with
the help of a cotton T-shirt, filter solutions, preserves both the
liquids that the solid part.

Repeat for other 2/3 times for a total of at least 6 hours,
after the last extraction can throw the solids and put the 2 liquids
always in separate pots and heated to reduce it to about 100 ml,
quantity must be a drinkable.

Let cool 2 potions and put them in separate containers, you can
keep the liquid in the refrigerator for up to 2 days even if it is better
consume immediately.

When you decide to consume ayahuasca you will need to drink before the drink
obtained from the caapi to give time to Mao inhibitors act and after
20 minutes drink the other.

If nothing happens try increasing the dose, the preparation is correct.

Let me know."

and over this, we have a preparation and diet: https://translate.google.it/transla...onia-di-ayahuasca-e-san-pedro.html&edit-text=
I have had great success using 'pure alkaloid caapi extracts" (just google to find). Usually use around 1 whole vine extract with 1/5th of a blossom leaf extract for a total of 330mg or so. The 280mg caapi extracts swim has used last forever in a sealed container at ambient temp, and they run less than six dollars a piece, can feel the vine strongly for most of day, highly recommend.
Hello Guy,

We are try to prepare Ayahuasca. Before buy indegrants we want to understand process. We live in turkey and these material expensive and custom problems also. In that case we have to fix problem. I read all threat and i have question. P. Viridis, B. Caapi and Peganum Harmala are indegrant. i saw doctument about ayahuasca they cook viridis and caapi in same plant. my english doesnt well so much and i lost middle of process.

For one person : 25 gram viridis and 25 gram caapi in same pot. Right ? Then put water in pot then cook one hour. ( How much later 1 lt ? 2 lt ? ) then drain the water another jar ( use thirst or something like that. ) Then put new water in same pot same plants ( do not need to put new plants right ? ) then cook one hour, drain the water another jar. Then put new water same pot. Then drain the water.

End of the one hour how much on pot ? because all water will be steam and there is a very less water. And how much lt for one person ? 0.2lt ? or 0.1 lt ? or 35ml ?

end of the process i'll have 3 pot. then i'll put all luqiud in same pot then should i cook again one hour ? until ?

if i'm put 2 lt water at the begining because i want more ayahuasca is it work ? Give me detaily with basic english words because sometimes i lost. i'll buy plants and i dont have chance to fcked up :)

Thanks for help.

By the way i'm meditating about 1 year with yoga, it'll so important to me.


Buy the way i have Peganum harmala so much i can buy in turkey ( cheap ) i thought its same affect with B. Caapi ( MAOI ) so i only need P. viridis it means DMT source.

And also Diplopterys cabreana leaf much more dmt, can i use it also ? because its same price but 30 gram viridis equal 10-15 gram Diplopterys cabreana.
25 grams it's ok. it's ok to start, and after that maybe....

about Diplopterys cabreana chaliponga, I dont' know to much, wait for other opinions, and you can read here
- http://www.psychonaut.com/ayahuasca-dmt/36819-what-better-traditional-analog.html
-and here, https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=31146, preparations in which in traditionals recipes is been used chaliponga, capii and viridis in the same pot

anyway, you can read another time this thread, and why not, http://www.psychonaut.com/ayahuasca-dmt/54113-preparing-ceremony-ayahuasca-san-pedro.html

(very good about yoga and meditation my friend!!)

(after that: https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=38826)

Thank you for your attention. In turkey we have very special climates but i don't know which plant have dmt. Phalaris aquatica types everywhere. But they say it have dangerous ingredients for brain and health. i'll check your links


And also where i can find P. viridis leaf or mimosa roots ? ebay is a expensive but protectet buyers ( sometimes custom problems )
(in fact it would be very nice do a searching in which there are plants with dmt, and ecc ecc!)

anyway, read a lot, it is the best thing, no?!

and, about what you are finding, leaf or roots, search in the web, we can't share retailers (we have some retailers in the homepage who pay for this, no?!)
[h=3]Important part of the Ayahuasca retreat preparation is to undertake a diet intended to reduce excessive sugar, salt, oils, pork, fat, and spicy food in the body in
preparation to be in communion with the spirit of Ayahuasca.[/h]
The Easiest Ayahuasca Recipe

You will need a stainless steel pressure cooker, 25g of whole Acacia Confusa Root Bark, 50g of Syrian Rue, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and at least a half-gallon of distilled water. The Acacia Confusa should be rinsed off and then cut into small half-inch or smaller pieces. There is no need to shred the Acacia Confusa. Harbor Freight sells large cutters that will cut the Acacia Confusa. True root bark is extremely hard to cut through and that is one way you will know that your vendor did not sell you tree branch bark.

Combine ingredients into the pressure cooker and heat on high until a full boil starts. Then reduce the heat to medium-low so the weight on the top of the pressure cooker slowly rocks back and forth. Cook the mixture for 2 to 3 hours and make sure your pressure cooker doesn’t go dry.

When you are finished cooking the mixture strain it through cheese cloth and then reduce the liquid between 70ml to 100ml. Please plan on hallucinating for at least eight hours. Because of how powerful this recipe is, the ingredients can be proportionately reduced except for the two tablespoons of vinegar, and distilled water that must be at least a half-gallon because it is what pulls out the DMT.

Success for any recipe no matter what plants you use is to have a 2:1 ratio of a MAOI plant and a plant with DMT, use 2 tablespoons of vinegar and lots of distilled water. The hotter and longer you boil the mixture the more powerful it will be. Always reduce the final product so that it takes two shots to drink.

This is not a recreational drug. The experience can be both terrifying and revealing. Expect to vomit and to experience diarrhea; both of which are quite disturbing because you will be hallucinating during these events.

Please don’t attempt to extract DMT with chemicals such as Lye and Naphtha. These substances are cancerous and poisonous to the body. Just use water and heat.

May much love and light follow you through your journey.

I would like to try this and have some questions. Please help me.

Chacrunashop a dit:
The Easiest Ayahuasca Recipe

You will need a stainless steel pressure cooker, 25g of whole Acacia Confusa Root Bark, 50g of Syrian Rue, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and at least a half-gallon of distilled water. The Acacia Confusa should be rinsed off and then cut into small half-inch or smaller pieces. There is no need to shred the Acacia Confusa. Harbor Freight sells large cutters that will cut the Acacia Confusa. True root bark is extremely hard to cut through and that is one way you will know that your vendor did not sell you tree branch bark.

Combine ingredients into the pressure cooker and heat on high until a full boil starts. Then reduce the heat to medium-low so the weight on the top of the pressure cooker slowly rocks back and forth.

2 Questions about this. Other posts recommend separating the ingredients and cooking separately. Help me understand the benefit of combining them into one? Also, please tell me what you mean by the weight of the top of the pressure cooker?

Cook the mixture for 2 to 3 hours and make sure your pressure cooker doesn’t go dry.

is the point of the cooking to simmer the water off until there is no more water inside?

When you are finished cooking the mixture strain it through cheese cloth and then reduce the liquid between 70ml to 100ml.

I don't understand - if we are cooking the liquid away there should be little water left inside, right? Does this mean that after straining it through the cheese cloth, we add more liquid so that it can be drank as tea?

Please plan on hallucinating for at least eight hours. Because of how powerful this recipe is, the ingredients can be proportionately reduced except for the two tablespoons of vinegar, and distilled water that must be at least a half-gallon because it is what pulls out the DMT.

How many times do I repeat this cooking and straining? When I read other posts they recommend doing it 2-3 times. Do you recommend doing it only once?

Success for any recipe no matter what plants you use is to have a 2:1 ratio of a MAOI plant and a plant with DMT, use 2 tablespoons of vinegar and lots of distilled water. The hotter and longer you boil the mixture the more powerful it will be. Always reduce the final product so that it takes two shots to drink.

What is a MAOI plant?

This is not a recreational drug. The experience can be both terrifying and revealing. Expect to vomit and to experience diarrhea; both of which are quite disturbing because you will be hallucinating during these events.

Please don’t attempt to extract DMT with chemicals such as Lye and Naphtha. These substances are cancerous and poisonous to the body. Just use water and heat.

I am glad you recommend the healthy way of preparing this. This is why I am responding to you - I don't trust other posters especially when they use hard core chemicals.

Please help me with this. I work in psychology and would love to experience this journey.
I waited till I was having a good day, thinking positively and everything. Not sad or in an upsetting mood. On the day I did it I started out in a very calm, seemingly normal mode. Through the hours I prepped myself and stayed positive, listened to music, smoke like I like, enjoyed being outside in sun, etc.. Eventually I found myself in a very positive mode, if I sat and rested I could easily get to a meditative state without being stressed or taking too long. I prepped the room, insense, pillows, a blanket, etc. I even sat and rested a bit before taking the hit, relaxing as much as I could. Then it began...
is thiw enough for 2 person ? 50g Banisteriopsis caapi
- 15g mimosa hostilis

https://justgetflux.com/ highly recommend this if you are on your computer during any eye sensitive activities, i might of heard from this OP Goddess named SSZura, that it can be helpful while tripping.

Decocting wise , 1 person I Think Shura Recomends

Aya - Rainbow Rue Style

15g Acacica confusia rootbark powder

for MAOI 20x extract syrian rue ( 180mg) plus 50 mg for the final Decoction

Distilled white vinegar

1-2 egg whites

1 stainless steel pot ( acid plus aluminum can cause toxic metal poisoning, which could make you sick )

four 33-44 Minute decoctions . using just enough filtered or distilled water to cover the powdered bark, and add few tbsps of vinegar

dont boil bring to just under a simmer ( ~175f or ~80c )
after first cook , strain it into a container covered with face cloth or cheese cloth .

do that a total of 4 times. kindly discard bark or do w/e you want with it lol .

now put finished product back in pot heat it up , and add egg whites . ( remove the egg whites once they turn a redish purple color and are fully cooked ( also make sure the temp of the liquid is over 165f / 74c . its needed to kill the samonella in the egg whites. )

reduce to drinkable amount ( like a 1/4 cup or 60 ml ish )

once its at the drinkable amount, add 50mg of the 20x syrian rue . stir until it mixes in.

consume the 180mg of syrian rue ( capsules arnt needed u can just put in mouth swallow with tiny amount of water.

weight about 25-30 mins, then drink

Aya- Rainbow Rue Style.

Edit. Diet wise

MAOI Diet Facts
http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/documents/neurology/files/Tyramine Menu Book 06227101.pdf

Masterbate, or have sex with someone you love ( sig other or just a good friend etc) and go for mild run or walk about hr or 2 b4 drinking ( nothing too intense. ), to ensure the physical body is not gonna get in way. getting messages sent to the r core, can make the trip go from beyond godly to sigh human body chill i aint leaving ya yet m8 lmao .

also one other note, once the trip gets fairly intense, some concentration on the inhale and exhale is magnificent, at least possibly according to SSZura.
I made tea but I did not succeed. 50 gr banisteriopsis caapi I first bought it. I bought the plant and 25 g chacruna. according to the recipe in the store where I bought all the plants along with distilled pure water I've boiled for 4 hours on a very low flame. I added 3 more lemon juice. but how many liters of water put I didn't know. so random I added water. I had to add extra water to evaporate the water. At the end of 4 hours I took about one and a half cups of water. the remaining plant material by adding new water again the next day I boiled it for 3 hours, and 3 I added lemon juice. the water that I pulled. I mixed them up. I kept it in the fridge for 2 days and I had. in total, I had 3 cups, but I had a glass and a half. the effect only dizziness, mild nausea, mild headaches, tingling in my stomach and brain. except him no other visual effects I didn't feel. what are the mistakes I've made while preparing?
Hi Guys,

I post here because someone already mentioned this situation but I would like to know more.
I prepared the brew using Vinegar, the end result was perfect and the brew is very potent but.... I have a very strong taste and smell of vinegar.

I read in different places so many different version about the boiling temperature and evaporation of the DMT.
Someone suggested to boil again the brew for about 2 hours covered with a lid and that would get rid of the Vinegar.
But other says that DMT shouldn't boil cause it will evaporate.

Can someone help please.

Thank you!