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What good ways are there to grow indoors safely?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion PrinceReborn
  • Date de début Date de début
thanks to both of you.
i dont personally... but quite a few friends use them growtents, for the indoor grows, get one that comes with charcoal filter, light etc (for simplicity).. read them books the guys suggested. chronic isnt too smelly (as far as strains go) but it does still stink.
try keep it simple, in fact do keep it simple, the grow technique until u get the hang of the plants life cycle.
id try 3-4 plants in a 1mx1m growtent in 15 litre pots in cannapro+ flowered @12-18 inch and be happy to get above .5gpw for first try. somewhere round about 10 0z.
go easy on the nutes. cannapro+ for example wont need any nutrients feeds added to it for quite a while, probably the full veg and first weeks of flower.
using too much feed and overwatering is probably the most common problems first time growers encounter.

growtents are expensive.. cheaper to do your own.
cannapro+ isnt {the best or cheapest} but its ok
3-4 plants is more of a simplicity and legal thing.
Always connect everything the way it should be connected.
For extra safety you can use a lumatek, it gives up 30% more light.
A regular ballast gives heat, but lumatek reduces the heat and changes it to more light. More light we like!



Other safe tips:
Carbon filter (20% more cuubs then your space is)
Never ever tell anyone, not even your closest friends, cuz they can turn their back at you for the slightest reasons.
Of course some of my friends know I'm cultivating the green, we exchance cuttings, seeds etc... But they are in the same position as I am. Even so, you still need to be careful. They can turn you in out of jealousy or whatever.
So don't tell anyone!
And If you shows pictures online, always show less then you have.
if you have ten plants outside, only show one!

Have a helicopter sweeping by your region every now and then?
Chance is fat it has a heatsensor. Use anti detection foil ! Read up on how to install it properly. So the heat sensors can't see your light and heat escaping your growspace.

Dont take my advice, don't take his advice, take experience as advice
People that advice books know shit themselfs; they only talk after what's written, never what's experienced
"take experience as advice "

Thats exactly what i`m saying . Thanks . Could you please stop having a go at me ?
Likewise God
That was unasked for Cannafarmer, you can express your opinion without saying others are idiots without experience, you don't know that, those books are well made and you can complete them with experience, IF needed.

I'm refraining from speaking my mind here, god... do you see me refraining ? I am making efforts ! It's very visual here...

You see me ...

You don't see me !

You see me ...

I express my meaning and I still add up: God is an idiot!
If he's not, then I am. Choice made: he's an idiot.
You have the right to your opinion, no need to argue with yourself about it.

But I would say that is an inflammatory comment only meant to annoy people and is against the forum rules, please be careful.
"do you see me refraining ?"

GOD forbid !!!! Wash your hands and make sure you havent got any stains on your trousers before you go out.......
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
You have the right to your opinion, no need to argue with yourself about it.

But I would say that is an inflammatory comment only meant to annoy people and is against the forum rules, please be careful.

He has his methods. I have mine ;)
No need to be careful. I respect every rule here.
It's not like they'd ban me right? They banned God once, not me.
I never had any ban, now did I?
Wouldn't know why in the world they'd ban me? I'm just coming up for my opinion and it is God lacking knowledge when it comes to weed.

Hijacking others threads, showing his plants without any sugar on them.
Not me lacking here, but saying it flat out.
Now why should I be careful?
"*rubs temples*"

You`ve got that DMSO and DMT on your fingers again havent you......

Listen sweety , i have never been banned anywhere , stop trying to cause trouble and stop trying to insult me . Imagine if i sank to your level and started calling you "Cack-a-pharma" ? You wouldnt like it would you ? I call my daughter sweety so dont get ofended .

What sugar are you refering to ? Where did you get your "Afghani" seeds from ? What is the brand name ?
I got something on my fingers alright,n not gonna lie about that!

All your questions have already been answered in the topic you asked for them!
2 hours ago!!!! Who is on what? I'm on something, yet have consiousness on time
You seem to me to be trying to play pocket billiards , i`d apreicate it if you are if you would play in your own pockets and not try to play in mine .

I`m confused again , it must be my IQ . Be a nice chap and tell me where you wrote what seeds ? The name ? And from where ?

Your starting to sound like aya-wotsit on one of his very bad days . Sorry wotsit that wasnt ment as an offence .
said i never would
can't bare it, really can't
maybe an erase here and in my mind can
i`ve been watching that on TV since it happened . I know how any father would feel . You have my sympathy .

About the research . Thats why i asked about the company and the name of the brand of seeds . So i could do some research . I`m sorry but i cant find anywhere where you have given that information thats why i asked you to point me at it . I`m always open to learning even though they say you cant teach an old dog new tricks i`m prepared to try if you can help me please .

As i dont want to trouble you and not make you feel any worse than you must now after hearing your circumstances i will shut up unless you want to carry on .

Take care of yourself and keep your head up its all over and wont happen again . Things like that , in a country like yours dont happen twice .

Love GOD .
too much painn too much drink
yup i erased all that was here origanally
after too much alcohol it hurts too deep
Take care of yourself and dont let it get you down .