CaduceusMercurius a dit:Brugmansia writes:
Brugmansia a dit:The central nervous system works properly through sufficient ingestion of natrium, kalium, sodium, filaments, vitamins B1, B6, B12, omega-3, folic acid, calcium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, iron and many others. They all work synergetically in balanced amounts. As a vegan, you're missing a lot of these micro nutritions and therefore, hormone regulation and the proper functions of your CNS may be affected in their function.
ODB answers:
ODB a dit:I am a vegan and I do get all the nutrients that I need. If you say that vegans do not then you have not done your research and are speaking from ignorance. Do a little research and you will find its very easy to get what you need as a vegan. Do not be so brain washed to believe you have to eat animal product to survive.
Now, who of two seems to actually know about nutrition and physiology? Who is being scientific here? Counter Brugmansia's arguments with research, rather than calling him brain washed.
'Do a little research and you will find its very easy to get what you need as a vegan.'
I already did the research myself. I do not care if they/you eat right, its not my problem if you want to harm your body. I was only expressing that I am healthy and do get what my body needs while being vegan.
When you do not think for yourself and regurgitate lies then you ARE brainwashed(TV/school). You do know that dairy farmers pay the FDA to tell you that animal product is good for your health only so they can turn a larger profit? I am not going to do the work for you because its more rewarding to find the information yourself, seek and you will find. I am a very healthy person and dont have to prove it to anyone. If you want to seek good health you will find it. Vegans live longer.
On another note, do you believe that LSD, DMT, and 4-ho-dmt are bad for you? Cause the same crowd that told you to eating aminals are healthy are the ones telling you 'facts' say these 'drugs' are of no use and are dangerous. You do not have to believe me, that is your choice to make. Just like I really dont feel like sourcing info for you. Find it yerself.