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Vegetarianism & Veganism

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Twilight
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As the climate cackastrophy is supposed to be largly caused by animals farting and breathing climate killer gasses out it would be more sensible to kill the bastards and eat them .
GOD a dit:
As the climate cacastrophy is supposed to be largly caused by animals farting and breathing climate killer gasses out it would be more sensible to kill the bastards and eat them .
Or to stop mass-producing them.
I actually found out that I should make myself small as an overall consumer rather than only focussing on specific 'popular' ethical issue's.

Never possess a car, hardly ever buy new clothes and shoes, never shower longer than 5 minutes, keep one simple mobile phone forever, hardly have any furniture. Not buying much electronics.

It's such an easy sum to realise that not eating meat at all is saving an animals life, 1 + 1 = 2. But it doesn't automatically mean at all that your overal consumption is in accordance with a balanced world and empathy for every organism on it. There are many more difficult sums which you should know if you want to give room for quality peaceful life.

There are many ways in where you contribute to suffering of many animals and humans. In Africa, many communities are slaughtered for our mobile phones and computers and we dump them in West Africa after use. What oil consumption does is obvious. Furniture in your house, god knows where it originally came from. As well as your clothes and shoes.

If we want to divide all the sources to fit everyone's needs and start streched out empathy, abandoning meat is just one of many sober states. We should just brush our natural beauty and elevate our minds rather than working on a cover. Comfort instead of luxury.

If we'd all consume in very moderation with all possible sources, there might be enough for everyone's need. And it doesn't mean abandoning everything at all, but only rare consumption of all goods. But I doubt there are lots of people who more or less want to look like a nomad, and to be known as one. I kinda like it myself.
My love for tripping has lead me to become a vegan. I will always want to trip and to do so I must keep my health in top condition to ensure a clean comfortable trip that will allow me to learn. I have done alot of research and paid attention to how my body reacted to everything that was consumed. I started changing my diet to cutting out red meat, then after I regularly smoked DMT for 3months I stopped smoking cigarettes and realized I didn't care much for alcohol anymore and became a vegetarian. A year later I did a 13day cleanse and became vegan. Now I just got done with a liver cleanse and passed a bunch of stones(some the size of my thumbnail) and look forward to cleansing my body more. Anyways my point is that I psychedelics have helped me listen to my body better and my body has told me to stop eating all animal product. I also have not been sick since I have been a vegetarian.

*Getting a juicer makes it a lot easier be vegan.

If anyone wants to know more about what animal product will do to your health check out a video called 'Eating' its pretty intense.
GhostlyOne17 exactly!

Vegan diet is more healthy than vegetarian. Ask a doctor (Caduceus is a lot of things but not a doctor, no offense).

Eating meat/dairy is just barbaric, unhealthy and the only reason for torturing all these animals is because of taste. Besides that, are bodies are not ok with it. No flimsy excuses is going to change that.
so a tiger is an unworthy animal?
restin a dit:
so a tiger is an unworthy animal?

Why because a tiger eats meat? Humans are not tigers, we digest food differently. For example, the intestines of a tiger are about three times as short as humans which is needed to digest meat. Since meat goes bad very quick, it's essential it is processed as quickly as possible. Humans don't have the internal machinery to efficiently process meat.

So a tiger eats meat because it needs it. Humans eat meat because of the taste and we choose it over food that really is good and healthy for us.

Anyway, everybody should make their own choice about it but I think it's fair to say that current bioindustry and mass torturing of animals, makes the human species way more unworthy, than you tiger can ever dream to be.
Ketter a dit:
Vegan diet is more healthy than vegetarian. Ask a doctor (Caduceus is a lot of things but not a doctor, no offense).
Doctors receive only a very rudimentary training in nutrition, usually outdated concepts from the '50s. Doctors are trained in physiology, pathology and medicine, not in the science of nutrition. Moreover, most of them are terribly biased.

My education focused on nutrition and the needs of the human body on all levels. I've read many, many arguments in favor of raw food, veganism, vegetarianism etc. Moreover I've been a lacto-vegetarian since I was 18, and for a couple of months in 1995 I was a vegan. Many of my (online) friends are vegan. I don't think I'm biased against veganism, and I do think I know the science of nutrition better than let's say 90% of all doctors. Suggesting doctors know more about nutrition than orthomolecular therapists is like saying DEA officers know more about psychedelics than people like you and me. Nutrition is not interesting to the medical world, as there is no profit in it.

By the way, I'm not saying you can't be a healthy vegan, just that if you want to be a vegan for life, you must do so very carefully, with particular attention to the fatty acids, derived from certain seeds and algea. And of course a little B12 every now and then. I think vegetarians have less need for supplementation, especially if they can afford organic products.
Anyway, everybody should make their own choice about it but I think it's fair to say that current bioindustry and mass torturing of animals, makes the human species way more unworthy, than you tiger can ever dream to be.
That's my point. Humans are by nature omnivores (just like pigs heh heh) and they have been since the history of humanity. I am actually not sure if humans ate meat before the invention of fire, nevertheless this is a quite old thing. From the hunter-gatherer era, to the agricultural era and the domestication of animals, to nowadays there is the use of meat. The problem I see is the destroyed relationship between hunter and animal but actually that is the same with vegetarian food, that you also buy and is mass-produced, too!
Ketter a dit:
Vegan diet is more healthy than vegetarian. Ask a doctor (Caduceus is a lot of things but not a doctor, no offense).

Eating meat/dairy is just barbaric, unhealthy and the only reason for torturing all these animals is because of taste. Besides that, are bodies are not ok with it. No flimsy excuses is going to change that.

I agree with Caduceus, your 2nd argument is completely valid to me. It's an ethical choice, but scientifically there are missing a lot of fundaments and not infrequently there are signs of even dangerous lacks which lead to an improper function of the endocrine gland.

The central nervous system works properly through sufficient ingestion of natrium, kalium, sodium, filaments, vitamins B1, B6, B12, omega-3, folic acid, calcium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, iron and many others. They all work synergetically in balanced amounts.

As a vegan, you're missing a lot of these micro nutritions and therefore, hormone regulation and the proper functions of your CNS may be affected in their function.

Remember that Albert eated every morning two eggs and Swiss Brinta. He know about plant and animal structures and had always signified the extreme importance of eggs, despite what all the scientist said untill 2005 when they shared Hofmann's believes.

Remember also that a wide VARIATION of all alkaloids transports all the nutrition better to the blood. (Vitamin) Pills are useless. Because one needs to eat solid food itself because the whole chain of alkaloids takes care of one's body. One supplied alkaloid misses co-operation.

I'm completely behind people becoming a vegaterian if they watch their iron and B12. But becoming a vegan is a totally different story since many nutritions and vital structures are missing.
I am a vegan and I do get all the nutrients that I need. If you say that vegans do not then you have not done your research and are speaking from ignorance. Do a little research and you will find its very easy to get what you need as a vegan. Do not be so brain washed to believe you have to eat animal product to survive.
Mara a dit:
Cutting that thing was one of the hardest things I had ever done. I had to use a big sharp knife.

I have a rule: no big sharp knives while tripping! ;)

Seriously, I tend to play around with shiny stuff when I'm tripping...

Personally I think milk products are worse than some fish, even worse than game. When I eat meat sometimes, I try to stick to either chicken or game. I know chicken are treated very badly in industrial production, but at least from an ecological standpoint eating chicken isn't as bad as eating cows or pigs. What I like about game is that it's not industrial production, but the animals live free until they're shot. That is acceptable once in a while, I think.

I would really like to get rid of all the milk products, but I just don't manage to do so. At least I switched to soy milk totally, so no milk for me anymore. But then, I haven't found any affordable substitutes for cheese, yoghurt, curd and so on. And I just can't get used to margarine, butter tastes so much better...
Karma is going to kill me, I know... ;)
yeah about that milk stuff, isn't it that way because mammals normally drink it when babies and then quit except us, spoiled ones?
???????? a dit:
yeah about that milk stuff, isn't it that way because mammals normally drink it when babies and then quit except us, spoiled ones?

allmost all other animals stop producing the enzymes necessary to digest milk at a young age. its cruel to give an adult cat (or polecat) milk because it goes right through them and can lead to dehdration.
milk is importaint to societies which are otherwise malnourished, as we all were in the past, but its not necessary in "developed" countries if their diets are otherwise balanced.

i noticed when diving a corelation between milk[products] and mucus. you have to be snot free to clear your middle ear and i quickly realised milk = ear pain on the way down and up.no milk = no snot IMO
Brugmansia writes:

Brugmansia a dit:
The central nervous system works properly through sufficient ingestion of natrium, kalium, sodium, filaments, vitamins B1, B6, B12, omega-3, folic acid, calcium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, iron and many others. They all work synergetically in balanced amounts. As a vegan, you're missing a lot of these micro nutritions and therefore, hormone regulation and the proper functions of your CNS may be affected in their function.

ODB answers:

ODB a dit:
I am a vegan and I do get all the nutrients that I need. If you say that vegans do not then you have not done your research and are speaking from ignorance. Do a little research and you will find its very easy to get what you need as a vegan. Do not be so brain washed to believe you have to eat animal product to survive.

Now, who of two seems to actually know about nutrition and physiology? Who is being scientific here? Counter Brugmansia's arguments with research, rather than calling him brain washed.
I personally think vegetarianism/veganism(?) is silly.

But two words: White Meat.

Even though we Hispanics consume quite a bit of reds, I have developed a distaste towards red meat. I mostly eat white meat or fish. I can't "live" without seafood. ^_^;
Miminari a dit:
I personally think vegetarianism/veganism(?) is silly.

But two words: White Meat.

Even though we Hispanics consume quite a bit of reds, I have developed a distaste towards red meat. I mostly eat white meat or fish. I can't "live" without seafood. ^_^;

Do you know what's silly? Killing thousands of animals for just the TASTE! And this all happen because people like you, like to chew on some death corpse. So if you don't have to say some something useful, then shut your mouth!