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Two hours and counting for departing into hyperspace

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 284
Hey all,

Its been an interesting week for me which is actually quite an understatement. My life has been put on fullstop sinds last saturdaynight. Its been a week of confusemen and selfpity at the start, but at this moment while I write this, I actually feel very awake and at ease with all that comes or not.

Most of you know my passion for mushrooms but most of you dont know, that my last solo trip has been three years ago. So I'm really up since a long time. I feel the time is perfect, I have the house for myself, totally cleaned it up today, and I'm really in need of some deep letting go.

This is the strain:

Psilocybe cubensis "Ban Hua Thanon"

I grew them myself from spores on ryeflower cakes. Dose will be around 12 grams dried in thee.

Departure in t minus 120 minutes

/salutes psychonaut.com
12 grams !!! :o

Sure that you will meet interresting entities.
Good trip !

I'm curious to know how long it takes to come down.
Normal comedown, the comup is what I'm a little worried about since I take it all at once with thee. Still 40 minutes left, I may go for 10 instead after having read this is a more potent cubensis strain :)
excellent timing ...
A trip on my b-day has to become a great success :)
wish you a nice trip too :)
Yo H! I hope you're tripping your balls off right now, in a good way ofcourse ;)
If you read this: Good morning.
OMG THIS was THE trip of my LIFE!

I dont know how to start this but I've truly become something new this night.

*deeep breath*

My old life ended last night, literally, this was the trip that mattered. I've seen no UFO', no vistas, no nothing. Only ME and my brother David who guided me towards this moment of selfrealisation since the past years.

Let me describe the trip first

I had been contemplating all day on who I wanted to be, how unhappy I was, and how I wanted to solve that and really become at PEACE with everything. At 10 I drank the tea and just lay down on the couch and waited for it to start. The trip came on in a very unusual way, I was landing in some entertaining trip which would usually do it for me. But this time it didnt, I didnt attach to anytinng I saw and just kept focused on my true wish of finding myself back.

Then I became the Buddha, perfectly centered in the SELF, being in the matrix of all being with a complete loving acceptance of ALL. I was allowed to stay there long enough to learn/see/KNOW how I create EVERYTHING in my life, fears, doubt, worry, mistrust.... I all faded away, not just faded, it BLEW AWAY.

I felt happiness coming up, TRUE FUCKING HAPPINESS, love, peace, acceptance, life, love life, embrace life and then I manifested David my brother in the chair in front of me. He was there, lookling at me, smiling and I recognized the place where he is for a long time alread. And I then knew and choose, that I want to express my life in the same way. Period. Done.

ZEN hmmmmmmm smiles smiles SMILES!!!!!

I was so clear, not trippy, crystal fucking clear, and I still am, this is an everlasting shift in consiousness. I have no other choice than completely go with it, accept, love, laugh etc... I made a honest choice for a healthy life, no meat, no bullshit, only life foods, real etc...

Its soo simple, and it all became clear, and I will always remain clear

Cries from happiness

In the trip I have been grateful for each and everyone I ever met, I've understood and fellt completely how I created each and everyone of them. When I became budda, I recognized how literally all I encounter here, is a reflection of myself. And that my friends, made me realize that the world can only be, what I make of it.

I had the opportunity to choose how I want to express life and I made the choice to express life in celebration of it. HUmor HUMOR, nothing else, matters, what you reflect is what you get, BE love, and love is what you will reflect, and it will multiply, grow untill you laugh soo hard, soo deep so FUCKING true, that there can be NO other choice.

So this has been one hell of a week, I lost nothing but won ALL. There is no need to attach o anyuthing, there is no need to need to be loved, there is not need to talk my ex into getting back to me .



David brought it like this:

"its the most attractive thing: BE love and not NEED and then SEE who BEGS you to be CLOSE and who runs away"

There is no compromise anymore, no clouded mind, no misperception, no mistrust, no hate, no doubt, no insecurity, no neurosis, no FEAR.



Love you all !!
Finally I got to read it! I saw the first few lines today, but swiftly at work and I've been looking out for this all day!

Congratulations H, I'm really truly happy for you :D
It sounds like one of the most profound things someone could ever experience in this life.
I've been sending some positive vibes to you spread over the evening/night :roll:

Haha, I've actually nothing more to say except that I'm so glad to read this!

Love and Light!
WOW!!! Allah-u akbar !!!

The hairs stood up on my arm as i read what you wrote . You have been blessed . You have seen and become the truth . This is what life is all about . What i mean when i talk about god . Why i get so anoyed and agressive at hokus pokus . THANK YOU . Please acept a long distance psychelogical HUG . I dont feel so alone in the garden of eden anymore .

GOD a dit:
WOW!!! Allah-u akbar !!!

The hairs stood up on my arm as i read what you wrote . You have been blessed . You have seen and become the truth . This is what life is all about . What i mean when i talk about god . Why i get so anoyed and agressive at hokus pokus . THANK YOU . Please acept a long distance psychelogical HUG . I dont feel so alone in the garden of eden anymore .

I doubt he ran into allah.
Faust a dit:
GOD a dit:
WOW!!! Allah-u akbar !!!

The hairs stood up on my arm as i read what you wrote . You have been blessed . You have seen and become the truth . This is what life is all about . What i mean when i talk about god . Why i get so anoyed and agressive at hokus pokus . THANK YOU . Please acept a long distance psychelogical HUG . I dont feel so alone in the garden of eden anymore .

I doubt he ran into allah.

Actually I did, and it was Jesus as well, and Buddha, and still more :)

Thank you GOD :D
"Actually I did, and it was Jesus as well, and Buddha, and still more"

WOW !!! YOU ARE FUCKING AMAZING . At least you understand .

God has been given many names . Allah is not a name it means god in arabic(?)

What a lovely day it is today .

Bless an' love HC!

If spirituality is everywhere and could be measured, I'm sure this thread as an above average dose of it!
HeartCore a dit:
Faust a dit:
GOD a dit:
WOW!!! Allah-u akbar !!!

The hairs stood up on my arm as i read what you wrote . You have been blessed . You have seen and become the truth . This is what life is all about . What i mean when i talk about god . Why i get so anoyed and agressive at hokus pokus . THANK YOU . Please acept a long distance psychelogical HUG . I dont feel so alone in the garden of eden anymore .

I doubt he ran into allah.

Actually I did, and it was Jesus as well, and Buddha, and still more :)

Thank you GOD :D

Oh righ, but you know what I meant....
"Oh righ, but you know what I meant...."

Yes . "I" and "I" understand "I" and "I" , and "I" and "I" love "I" and "I" .

"I" am you as you are me as we are all together .

Arent we nice ! Isnt life fun ! Its certainly more fun / rewarding than slaging each other off . International brotherly love without church or government permission . = WOW ! we dont need them , = lets get rid of churches and governments , save the planet , go back to the garden of eden and BE FREE .


HeartCore a dit:
Oh righ, but you know what I meant....

I can only guess what you meant by that remark :)

I was talking about the muslim idea of Allah, not your free-thinking idea of a God. So basically we're on the same side ;).