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Tobbaco in joints... eww...

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Well, depends on where you are.....
sometimes its way to expensive to make it pure.

Anyways, i just like the taste.....I also think it kicks in abit different.
Nicotine, gives it a smaller kick.....but you get high anyway so it doesnt really matter.
Like i said, im just used to the taste and i like it.
I hate when people use like BLENDS and shit like that....because they taste like shit lol....
Burns better or not, doesnt really matter does it? :P
???????? a dit:
haha you tobacco mixers are funny posing all these arguments like "it burns better" and "more even" and shit; how come we pure smokers then smoke just fine?

You're absolutely right, you can smoke just fine as is, and is the difference huge? No... Is it something you notice with time and habitual mixing. Yes, it's a very beautiful and delicious difference.
i would love to smoked my weed pure, but for that it is too expensive and i cant make my own plants without being paranoid so this sucks.

so i mix it with tobacco and smoke it in my bong, so that i don't have to smoke paper. i love smoking piece too with my pipe and well for piece you can't really smoke it pure can you??

peace :weedman:
FluidDruid a dit:
I once met a man from spain who tried rolling about 2 grams of tobacco into a spliff he was rolling, we had to stop him in confusion. I guess we just get higher here in the states. When I roll something with paper it usually weighs up to about 3.5-4 grams, with about 0 grams of tobacco. I quit smoking cigarettes about 7 months ago now.

I'd really like to see you smoke a joint of 3.5-4g Dutch super strain like Jack Herer or one of the different Haze's.

Most people here smoke with tobacco, too - first because there's a lot of hash around that you just can't smoke in a joint without something to mix it with, and second because if you are not a hardcore pot smoker, a joint of good Dutch weed (that we get here a lot, only a bit more expensive than in the Netherlands) would either be really small, more like a stick (you can smoke that, though) or you'd just send everybody on the journey of their lifetime.

However, there's also a bad tradition of smoking bong hits with 1/2 tobacco.
There were times when I was so hooked to smoking tobacco from the bong that I would not smoke a cigarette but a pure tobacco hit from the glass bong.
At that time I sometimes tried smoking pure weed from the bong, and it seemed just boring to me because it lacked the immediate hit of the nicotine.

I can tell you, smoking dried cigarette tobacco from a glass bong compared to smoking normal cigarettes is like smoking crack cocaine compared to snorting cocaine - you get totally hooked and you wanna do it every 15 minutes.

Good thing that I stopped it all. I haven't smoked any tobacco since last November and I have smoked weed twice since. Once with tobacco and I nearly coughed my lungs out because I wasn't used to it anymore. Didn't like it either...

btw. nice smoke picture, ????????. Did you make it yourself?
nope, i wish :)

found it using good 'ol google images. here's another one
Sorry, i didn't read all the message from the thread and my english is not the best on earth... but:

In france, 99% of smoker do put tobaco in their joint, first we have many hashish in france and it's impossible to roll pur-joint of hash, and when we have weed, it is really expensive, that's why we put tobacco in our joint, it is also less difficult to roll. And a pure weed joint burns throat while smoking.

To smoke pure weed, we use bong or pipe.
No idea, really. I can't smoke cigs when I'm high. I find the taste of tobacco in that state of mind just disgusting.
That and I've stopped smoking tobacco. :P
light-my-fire a dit:
it is really expensive, that's why we put tobacco in our joint

So because it's expensive u ruin cannabis? :lol:

I think that the effect that cannabis with tabacco can give u is really dangerous, in my experience it only feeds ur ego creating the feeling that u are free and openminded but in reality u get stuck in your own reality.Why should u want to ruin your cannabis with the most unhealhty capitalistic product on the planet, if u cannot understand that tabacco has u under control already.
lol thats exagerated. i mean tobacco has its right to exist as a drug too, and i mean yes the effect is different obviously, but i think it has somethin too.
it may be a bit unhealthier to smoke it in this combination but i mean smoke will harm your lugns anyways ??
also you should be free to choose whether you want to put it into your joint,

i mean well...l jeniger... you wanna get stoned but dont have so much money, i mean you almost have to mix it, if you dont get lucky getting good cheap weed. or do you think even then the cost should not be like relative to the decision of mixiing your weeds with tobacco?

i am not sure but i actually like mixing it tobacco, but thats maybe because i am addicted lol. :mrgreen:

i guess if i had the choice though, i would smoke it pure definately.

Synith i really agree. for example like the last few months been smoking almost every day weed, but no cigarettes at all.... if i dont smoke weed i smoke like 5 cigs a day or so. but well all depends... ;)

peace :weedman:
I have smoked cannabis with tabacco for about 5 years (Hooked to the bong thanks to my german friends) and was always thinking the same, always thinking that it was better to combine and it would save me money.... untill i came in touch with the beauty of smoking pure...

When the grave for tabacco is gone, smoking pure will reach even more higher places u can't imagine.

And for the money u spended on tabacco u can spend on cannabis too, so u can only get more high. Cannabis itself is not so addictive, the grave for smoking is a lot less. It all saves u a lot of money, and closedminded thoughts ;)

Also the tabacco of nowadays is just a bunch of chemicals, is like the bible that has been rewritten over and over, there almost nothing left of the real plant.

Besided all of this, i realise i am in a very lucky situation, with tons of coffeeshops over the place, why should you buy tabacco when its just as easy to buy the most inspiring plant in the world.
hehe alright mate... soudns as is you speak from experience... maybe i will try this but maybe i could switch to completely vaporizing too :P

i also think most tobacco is just shit so i smoke tobacco which is supposed to be natural or so... and i mean you can toast a cig too and some stuff will evaporate.

but well yeah bad bad tobacco :D
tryptonaut a dit:
[However, there's also a bad tradition of smoking bong hits with 1/2 tobacco.

The last time I tried that, about 6 months ago, I almost passed out.. hit the couch and more or less tripped out for a while. Also not to mention most people here use cigarette tobacco when they mix it with weed, so you have all those additives mixed in.. whew!

I pretty much only smoke tobacco sometimes when I'm on other substances like weed or psychedelics and even then in limited quantities. (Eg last time I took acid I had a cuban during the peak, it was so pleasant).. Tobacco is just too powerful of a drug, the effects stay with me long after the initial obvious effects are over. When I was smoking everyday it was exhausting, I was constantly edgy. Probably something to do with triggering a big dopamine rush 5 to 10 times per diem. Not to mention the addiction factor if you start smoking everyday, it's like inviting a whiny, demanding, 6-year-old kid who always wants candy to come into your brain and throw tantrums all day. :lol:
Years ago (1998-2000) I wasn't enthusiastic enough to buy a bong yet, but I would want to get stoned every now and then, so I'd buy me a pre-rolled joint from a coffeeshop. It was ewww :puke: and I'd get dizzy :retard:, and would generally extinguish the joint with a drop of water after just a few hits.

Eventually I surrendered to a long term commitment and bought myself a pipe, a bong and then a vaporizer. Now it's not ewww but mmmmmmm!! :tonqe:
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Years ago (1998-2000) I wasn't enthusiastic enough to buy a bong yet, but I would want to get stoned every now and then, so I'd buy me a pre-rolled joint from a coffeeshop. It was ewww :puke: and I'd get dizzy :retard:, and would generally extinguish the joint with a drop of water after just a few hits.

Eventually I surrendered to a long term commitment and bought myself a pipe, a bong and then a vaporizer. Now it's not ewww but mmmmmmm!! :tonqe:

Yeah, I've had similar experiences. Joints for me are horrible. They make me cough and throw up phlegm. With pipes I can control how much smoke I want in my lungs and such.