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Tobbaco in joints... eww...

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Jeniger a dit:
tabbacco only amplifies your nicotine rush, and the feeling you feel is the destroying of ur high, so u'll end up only need to smoke more and more,also the addiction of nicotine, makes u think u want another joint but in reality its just tabbacco

I can agree with this.

There are certain alternatives (e.g. Knaster) which is a herb mix that's smokeable and contains no nicotine. It does taste a bit weird in the beginning but you get used to it eventually.

If you live in Holland, you could get this from a smartshop. Prices can vary from 5 to 10 euros per package (which is about as much as a regular rolling tobacco pack).
I dont understand why anyone wants to spoil the high of cannabis , and i dont understand why anyone would want to dilute it . I also dont understand why anyone would want to waste cannabis by building joints that keep burning between hits for ages . I dont understand why anyone would want to ruin the taste of cannabis or poison themselves by mixing it with tabaco .
I must agree with god here..

is weed too strong for you? smok e less, or dont smoke at all... quite simple

cigarretes are shit, made by companies that couldnt care less about your health and in fact add stuff that they know is bad for your health and make you addicted and so on.

Even some of the pure tobacco (like american spirit) still is unhealthy, the combustion of pure tobacco itself generates several hundred chemicals some of which are toxic, radioactive and so on.

I mantain that if it doesnt burn properly then you didnt cure your weed enough, didnt break it small enough before rolling or didnt roll properly.. And anyways sure it maybe doesnt burn as perfect and steady as tobacco but it does burn well enough that you dont have to even think about this 'problem' if you did things right, and its IMO not worth to mix the poison just for this.

as for the wallet, if you want to get stoned and dont want to spend much.. then get a vaporizer, it will save you tons.
Jeniger a dit:
tabbacco only amplifies your nicotine rush, and the feeling you feel is the destroying of ur high
True, it's called being stoned and is the reason why a lot of people get paranoid when smoking a joint (also because of the fucked up amounts of THC in nowadays coffeeshop weed, batlling the nicotine)

Jeniger a dit:
so u'll end up only need to smoke more and more
joints are completly fucking up your tolerance level, and ur wallet
Well I don't completely agree on this, smoking lots of weed every day fucks up your tolerance
(or maybe this is what you meant, that the smoking more because of the nicotine fucks up your tolerance)
THC is in your system for up to 2 or 3 moths.

Jeniger a dit:
also the addiction of nicotine, makes u think u want another joint but in reality its just tabacco
Totally true. Unless you're one of the few people that can actually handle the nicotine craving.

Henkfloyd a dit:
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
I do however roll really thin hash joints with a bit of rolling tabacco
(like I already stated in the What ciggies do you like topic)
Some of my friends call em toothpicks :P

Yeah I still have to thank you for this. I tasted your toothpicks at last psychonaut meeting and really liked them! Thanks again!
No prob 8)
It's the way I like 'em! :D

GOD a dit:
I also dont understand why anyone would want to waste cannabis by building joints that keep burning between hits for ages.
Well, even the thick joints go out, also related to the type of papers used.
But I don't like the taste of joints with massive amounts of tabacco.
"THC is in your system for up to 2 or 3 months. "

More info please ?
GOD a dit:
I dont understand why anyone wants to spoil the high of cannabis , and i dont understand why anyone would want to dilute it . I also dont understand why anyone would want to waste cannabis by building joints that keep burning between hits for ages . I dont understand why anyone would want to ruin the taste of cannabis or poison themselves by mixing it with tabaco .

Mr.Smith a dit:
i dont like straight grass joints, sorry :shock:

i dont like too much tobacco in them either. here in the UK we smoke a lot of hash, i have made pure hash joints, but they arent very rewarding to smoke for several reasons

Not too many people in the UK smoke hash, the general quality is piss poor so most people go for the buds instead.
If you've got a good source for it it's all good though. ;)

I agree though, pure weed - bad, too much tobacco - bad.
It's all about finding the perfect balance.
GOD a dit:
"THC is in your system for up to 2 or 3 months. "
More info please ?
I was speaking from my situation where I have smoked MJ continuesly for 8 years and I don't work out.
I'm healthy though.
And go out cycling with my racebike.

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) can stay in a person's body for as long as 3 to 90 days after smoking or being ingested orally.

There are numerous determining factors for how long drug toxins stay in a persons body which vary from person to person, such as the analytical method used, your health, your body weight, metabolism, fluid intake, the type of drug toxin, and the degree of exposure to the drug toxin.

Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, one of nearly 400 chemicals in a cannabis plant, accounts for most of marijuana's psychoactive, or mind-altering, effects. The strength of the drug is determined by the amount of THC it contains which varies from plant to plant. Marijuana stays in your system for different amounts of time depending on how often you smoke it, how much you smoke, and the makeup of the individual (weight/height/etc.).

If you smoke it occasionally it will remain in your system for up to 10 days.

If you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it will stay in your system for as long as 45 days, and if you smoke marijuana at a constant pace, it can stay in the body for 90 days. Marijuana is fat soluble. It stores in the fat cells of the body, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, in other words the major organs.

also (might be helpful for some people here)

Delta-9-THC is detectable in the blood for a few hours,

but none of this active chemical is found in the urine or stored in the fatty tissues such as the liver and brain.

What is frequently described as THC's lingering in the body fluids and organs are metabolites of Delta-9-THC, the inert substances that the body disposes of in the urine and excrement, in much the same way as it disposes with Vitamin A. It is these that are detected in the body organs and urine, long after the effects of Delta-9-THC have worn off. These metabolites can linger more than 90 days in some cases. For occasional users, an average of 13 days was recorded. Some people had metabolites detectable for just three days; others found the substances still in the urine after up to 30 days

The best way to figure this for your own body is to set up a control for your own use. Smoke your average bowl or joint or marijuana at one sitting (if you smoke more than 2, go right ahead but make sure you smoke it all less than 1 hour) , and wait 3 days (no smoking any at all) then take a drug test bought from a drug store, if it turned out positive, you need to wait 3 more days and repeat the process.

Many people would think this would be a waste of time, but I have proven it for myself and saved my job many times (cannabis stays in my system for 15 days) and saved me money not buying detoxifying drinks. It is better to know for sure, than to guess. That way you can control your use in a better way and still have a good time!!
Thanks for the very good answer . I understand what you ment now and agree with it . I did lots of personal tests and came to the conclusion that smokeing sooner than 4 to 6 weeks after the last time is a total waste of time . Waiting longer is even better , after a year its like haveing a week trip on LSD .

For me most people who use drugs abuse them and themselves . They take to much and to often . For me sound knowledge , controle , patience and set and setting are the keys .
Yes, that's why I quit for a while.
Usually when I do spacecake or hash chocolates I'm totally tripping balls, even when I was smoking almost every day.
so I'm definitely looking forward to my next "eating adventure" :D
I've had long periods of abusing drugs, but I've come to terms with it and am improving 8)
(now for that damned nicotine...)
endlessness a dit:
1and if you're worried about using too much and want to save on weed, buy a vaporizer, a billion times better than smoking with tobacco


Yes, I can't figure out why anyone even smokes joints. They use a ton of herb and IME don't provide much of a high anyway. Vaporizer is best, but really ANY sort of pipe or bong is better than a joint conservation-wise.
i've always found that pure joints do go out a lot easier to be honest..specially if you're outside and its a bit windy or something

but im a dirty ciggerette-smoker anyway so whatever :roll:
BrainEater a dit:
you'd need to be a rich dude to smoke weed pure all the time ... however there's other stuff with which you can mix it like other herbs....
but well the combination of tobacco and weed is a unique one too and yes probably tobacco helps to burn the weed better / more evenly.

i agree though that it might be more pleasurable to smoke it always pure... but well as the shit is expensive you probably indeed might consider mixing it with stuff like the evil tobacco.

peace :weedman:

It's exactly that ! In France, Weed is quite rare and quite expensive (that's why smoking pure weed all time is difficult), the better way is to grow up his own weed. Moreover, as you said, tobacco helps to burn the weed better, and no need to use an entire cigaret.

If only I could smoke pure weed all the time ...
I once met a man from spain who tried rolling about 2 grams of tobacco into a spliff he was rolling, we had to stop him in confusion. I guess we just get higher here in the states. When I roll something with paper it usually weighs up to about 3.5-4 grams, with about 0 grams of tobacco. I quit smoking cigarettes about 7 months ago now.
st.bot.32 a dit:
ah maybe that's it too.. where i live fresh weed is quite cheap compared to some parts of the world. its not even half the price of what it is in the US, let alone europe where i hear it's even more expensive

Yeah, weed is really cheap here ($10 for ~1g in most parts of the country). Usually some good stuff too.

Maybe it's because marijuana IS so available here, but I try to never smoke tobacco. Not alone or with weed. It's not just that tobacco is so bad for you (so is being a chronic, I'm sure) it's mostly because I can't stand the smell/taste. I've smoked with people who do mix it in, and it's really not that enjoyable. In my opinion it just ruins the weed.
Smoking cannabis with tabacco is like drinking beer with piss :twisted:
I smoke almost exclusively spliffs. I smoke cigarettes too. If I smoke a pure weed joint, I smoke a cigarette after. If I smoke a spliff, I smoke a cigarette after.

I roll J's all day long when I have the money to smoke. For me, it's more about holding a burning stick than just getting high. The way I smoke is just as important as how much I smoke or even the fact that I am smoking.

I enjoy the different flavors, aromas and burning properties of the rolling, pipe tobaccos and cigars of my local smoke/tobacco shops. I read about smoking, I smoke. I smoke a cigarette with my coffee in the morning, sometimes two or three. I can smoke a pack in a day, two packs in a night of drinking or go a week without a cigarette and only be cranky when I'm drinking my coffee.

It's probably pretty safe to say I'm a smoker. :)

With that said I don't see how anyone could not enjoy the taste of, the burning qualities of, and experience of smoking a spliff. It's how I started smoking weed mind you, the first time I ever tasted marijuana was in a sweet sweet spliff rolled nice and skinny in pure hemp paper. Till this day that's still my favorite way to smoke. Sometimes I put keif in a hand rolled cig and enjoy that with a cup of tea.

Tobacco makes the joint burn slower. It makes it smoother and gives a little precursor buzz to high of marijuana. I love the combination of Nicotine and THC.

Because of the different burning temperatures of weed and tobacco it allows it smoke more evenly and (even though it's probably all in my head) allows less weed to be smoked in between hits and more THC left to the user. Last time I checked in a study a joint was the best way to get the least amount of tar to the greatest amount of THC smoke that wasn't being smoked through a vaporizer. A bong came in third, a pipe 4th... etc.. I won't bother pointing out the study, there are a few that all come around the same conclusion with plenty of other studies showing the exact opposite.

The point is I smoke a lot. Mostly tobacco but I have my moments with marijuana. You could say it's a pretty big hobby of mine. As for seeing smoke go in and out of my mouth, I like that too, sometimes I roll a spliff for that exact reason. Sometime I want to smoke in public... spliff answers the call. Sometimes I want a little extra flavor with some dutch or scottish blend tobacco, spliffing with those makes my beer/whiskey/coffee/tea taste better (something you have to be a smoker to understand).

I guess it's just the way I've been smoking since I started. And btw I have never craved a spliff in my life, a cigarette yes, a spliff... never. I know several habitual spliff smokers that do not turn to cigarettes when they run out of weed.

I don't know, I just prefer it this way, I wish we could all sit down in a room and test all of our ideas on each other.
haha you tobacco mixers are funny posing all these arguments like "it burns better" and "more even" and shit; how come we pure smokers then smoke just fine? hehe but yeah i love smoking too bro, there's something mystic about seeing the smoke going out and all that, we can't get over it, do we? i only smoke cigs because sometimes there's no weed! and i just want to smoke for the hell of it, it's a fulfilling activity in and of itself.

also you gotta enjoy all that arabesques that form when you release the smoke slowly and how you can watch it dissolve and get carried away by the breeze

