Kataz aveva anche detto che il Ginkgo Biloba aumentava la memoria, anche se credo che la lecitina di soia(la uso come fonte di omega 3+colina), funga piuttosto bene.
A volte sento che ricordo meglio le cose, nulla di grandioso, non è mica ritalin
Ad ogni modo:
Leggendo su alcuni forum stranieri, 69ron(che Shiva lo benedica), aveva puntualizzato che l'ordenina(hordenine) è abbastanza un buon nootropo.
"Hordenine, or N,N-dimethyltyramine, is an alkaloid of the phenethylamine class that occurs naturally in a variety of plants, taking its name from one of the commonest, barley(Hordeum species). Chemically, hordenine is the N-methyl derivative of N-methyltyramine, and the N,N-dimethyl derivative of the well-known biogenic amine tyramine, from which it is biosynthetically derived and with which it shares some pharmacological properties (see below). Currently,[SUP][1][/SUP] hordenine is widely sold as an ingredient of nutritional supplements, with the claims that it is a stimulant of the central nervous system, and has the ability to promote weight loss by enhancing metabolism. In experimental animals, given sufficiently large doses parenterally (i.e. by injection), hordenine does produce an increase in blood pressure, as well as other disturbances of the cardio-vascular, respiratory and nervous systems. These effects are generally not reproduced by oral administration of the drug in test animals, and there are virtually no scientific reports of the effects of hordenine in human beings. More detailed discussions of hordenine pharmacology and toxicology are given below."
N,N-Dimethyltyramine = ORDENINA
N,N-Dimethyltryptamine = N,N DMT
Adesso che ci penso solo per la prima parte si somigliano, cambia poi il nucleo, mannaggiaaa XD