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This is what we call life?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion user_1919
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if the nature of man is to love, to know and to feel, why have humans built all this ? could we make up something that wasn't our nature ?
i hope one day earth will misteriously explode and end this bipolar disorder known as mankind, adding to the luck of the universe and another races that are out there.
This morning I read about John Sinclair in a dutch newspaper and he said the exact same things. Money is everything these days, almost every one of us humans is prone to avariciousness, you don't even have a choice because money is so important if you want to live in a society like ours.

I personally think capitalism is the beginning of the end, take global warming for example. Thank god there still is a choice, there still are parts of the world untouched by capitalism, but I fear that they will quite soon be dragged down with us.

I don't like this way of living at all, and I hate to think that I'm participating in it. It's a bloody shame that we can't do shit about it. The rest of the world won't realise how much we are violating the earth, well not before it's too late anyway.

Oh man, how much I wish I was born in 50's, hitting puberty when the hippie age began, how wonderful that would be.

Peace. :P
"Oh man, how much I wish I was born in 50's, hitting puberty when the hippie age began, how wonderful that would be. "

This is what we need again. Another age of the hippies.

Also thanks for all your comments. I still don't know what i'm going to do. I was thinking on just going to university for something I love. That something I truly love is mind-expanding substances which is usually not accepted in our society. I also came up with the idea of getting a job like everyone else, and use that money to get my house/car completly off the grid, so I have nothing to do with society other than my job needed to keep my hopefully future family alive.

sadly, it seems like not the hippies are coming up again, but the fascism...
just to kill my curiosity...what have the hippie generation achieved ? and why did so many of them ended working behind a desk from 9am to 5pm ?
would another wave have the same impact in today's world ? (i'm talking about the information, the media overdose and today's feeling "i've been there, done that")
i'd say it again: the only way to a flu to be cured is to destroy all it's virus!
The expectations of the counter-culture were too high and not patient enough at the time. It wasn't in line with other social movements that spend decades or even centuries trying to change their current system.

The 60s is really only dead in the sense that people became disilusioned with the whole thing because they didn't change the world and end all the wars in 10 years. The fact of the matter is that a reasonable alternate system must be proposed before any real progress can start being made.

But people that duck out of it all don't help this endeavour at all. People who go out into the woods or skip out of their countries or find suicide in imitation, they intensify that disillusionment.

If things are going to change and ours along with future generations want to put an end to the aspects of government which we view as repulsive, it needs to be a movement based closer on Gandhi's revolution and less on Leary's mad ravings.

But truthfully, our current system is explainable by the number of people it has to support. You need an economic model like capitalism when you are dealing with large infrastructure because it doesn't require an inordinate amount of natural enforcement, it has its own rules and can be left alone about as well as it can be readjusted to degrees.

Communalism is probably an answer to some point, but I just don't buy it when I hear that voice in my head that says "We can't do this", I think whenever this happens, it is the voice of the Powers That Be securing a seed of doubt for themselves.
if the nature of man is to love, to know and to feel, why have humans built all this ? could we make up something that wasn't our nature ?

Retrograde evolution; the contamination of our possibility through corrupted information, through the fallacy of deformed, prejudicial historical context and the oppressive totalitarian hierarchy that results, breeding an unnatural control matrix.
We have been moulded by millennia of tyrannical inequality and disdain, so to become a disease, within ourselves and for the larger organism that is the earth.

This is what evolution can become, either a detriment to the species or a salvation. Through evolution, the temporal intellect of experience becomes imprinted within the genetic cryptogram of an organism. Specific traits are shaped and nurtured to breed in or out certain aspects that make a race successful; or in our case, extensively detached, repressive and voracious for more control and affluence.

We are only inclined to greed because of our unintelligible psychotic mannerism from cultivation of these specific traits by dominating society, which crafts and uses these mutations to further ingrain and advance an agenda of malignant perpetuation and control. It is not an inherently human characteristic that we are bound to avaricious, ignorant, determinist, self preserving repression of our surroundings and peers; rather this has become so out of the enforcement and encouragement of this mentality, intended for the maintenance schematic of the depraved culture, and through this, a warped intellectual and biological system of control through which authoritarian constitution can be imposed and perpetuated.

You need an economic model like capitalism when you are dealing with large infrastructure because it doesn't require an inordinate amount of natural enforcement, it has its own rules and can be left alone about as well as it can be readjusted to degrees.

And when you talk about a new economic model, I have said that a meritocracy would be the candidate for this role; where the people themselves mediate their gain and prosperity through the enactment of their own talents and the direct trade with others for their needs. Also one can assume that self sufficiency would also become key, meaning all individuals or families would have their own source of food and sustenance, while things that they didn’t produce could be gained via direct trade for things that they did. Giving complete and equal power to all individuals and removing a hierarchy structure completely; that way no one can gain more or less than they themselves have the ability, means and talents of attaining. When inequality is observed, others with more apparent resource or attainability give direct support to the ones with less, which could also be mediated through conciliation, as to rebalance the equilibrium of society, economy, morality and infrastructure. There’s no faceless intermediary, thus no prospect of corruption.

Anyway, this needs more finetuning, and rather than complain about our currant system in this thread, why not put forward ideas for a new system, adding them to the bigger and richer tapestry from which we can construct a new way of life.

I'm finishing my first semester in college right now and I fucking hate it. Feels like a waste of time. I don't know what I want out of my life yet and the random courses that I'm taking aren't helping me find my path, they are only stressing me out. Add to this how depressing it is trying to map out my life. I mean if I am going to survive it seems like I will have to participate is some part of society which translates to a job and blah blah blah. This society I live in is stifiling my creative energies and happiness.
Necridous a dit:
I'm finishing my first semester in college right now and I fucking hate it. Feels like a waste of time. I don't know what I want out of my life yet and the random courses that I'm taking aren't helping me find my path, they are only stressing me out. Add to this how depressing it is trying to map out my life. I mean if I am going to survive it seems like I will have to participate is some part of society which translates to a job and blah blah blah. This society I live in is stifiling my creative energies and happiness.
so what have you thought to do either?
if you hate college, you might hate your job too. I believe this is one of the shittier things to happen to you. I wouldn't want to do a job I hate.
I’ve got the feeling that if you accept the world, the world will accept you. :wink: If you do things with a heart people will notice.

Searching for your place and peace in the world is a important quest for young people.
I am 26 and I still haven’t really found my place. I know I am on the right track.
For me People are more important than institutions. Making people feel accepted and happy makes me feel good. It is beautiful to sit together and enjoy the moment.
I am fortunate to have a job where I can help people in a direct way.
I haven't found my place or my track at all.
I'm lost in this alienworld.
I can't see when people point, i can't see in lightness nor darkness.

Lost with only a whisper to spare. :(
There is a lot of darkness and ugliness in this world. Confusion and alienation are the other side of the medallion. You can’t find inner peace without being confused first. It is all about finding balance.

Running away from society and dropping out (like the hippies) is sticking your head in the sand. In my opinion, turning your back on society is a chicken shit thing to do. It takes courage to be yourself, while living inside society.
For me staying close to one’s inner self is very important. You don’t need to change yourself for anyone.
If you accept yourself and if you accept your environment people will notice.
You can make society grow as a whole. Bringing more happiness and acceptance in the world.
If you don’t like certain aspects about the society you live in, speak up.
Don’t be afraid, you are a member of society and so you have a right to criticise it.
It is better to change society from the inside, than to criticise it from the outside.
Changing the world begins with yourself. Like Joseph Campbell sad. Follow your bliss and doors will open where you did not expected to be doors.
Another way to say this is: do not put energy in what you dislike, put energy in what you like.

We are all brothers and sisters. We are all one blood.
Yes .
WOW, very wise words indeed!!!!

This sounds like a defeatist attitude to me. Basically giving up and just accepting society in some dim hope that you will be able to change it if you are empathic toward the authoritarian institutions that prosecute your liberties for your un-abating conformity.
You can only make such a monetarily totalitarian society ‘grow’ if that constructivism is financially inclined to the basis of forming some kind of industrial incarceration of your freedom for the overall outcome of temporal income. Any attempts of constructively criticising or amending such a system based purely on the segregation and oppression of the people who both supply and consume its influence, will only end in your own discredit and an enforced endeavour to repudiate or contort your assertions toward positive reconstruction of a detrimentally malevolent, materially founded civilization.

Beseeching for discourse into alteration tangiest to the intent of the dominators will not amount to an affirmative change, from within or without the confines of such a system. Even if you have something to ‘contribute’ financially or laboriously toward their means, you are requisitioned within the social order and conformably accepted but not acknowledged, ideologically or in any other sense, for any philosophy toward revolutionary transformation or aspiration for the deconstruction of the tyrannical system to which you are now a part. Attempting a rebellion against staunch ideologies based around an indoctrinated principle of malevolent, inhumane avaricious intent can only give strength to the parties which implement this agenda because of the impertinent and indispensable grip they exert on the people they command and enslave.

The majority of the vindictively uninformed population now only cheerfully accept revolution or alteration that correlates to their own secular profit or supplies them with greater affluence toward their temporally acquisitive benefit, yet are complacent to continue ignoring larger, more mortally prominent issues of beneficial and liberal change to a structure that they have been conditioned to accept and indoctrinated to protect. Thus the only ‘growth’ in a malignant society such as this would only further deteriorate our position and liberties to the point of being self accepted slaves, even more so that is already apparent.
Change retrograde to the malicious intention of an overbearing, dictatorial world feudal directive that holds lease on all mankind through the power structure of material wealth, cannot be diplomatically or forcefully vanquished within a labyrinth of bureaucratic systemic limits created, enforced and regulated by the system itself. Through their own resources, the dominators emerge as untouchable, faceless men behind the curtain that cannot be deposed or altered in intent through the means of their own methodical iniquity.
If it were so simple to have an opinion beneficially acknowledged and consolidated within a society, why then has nothing propitiously changed and everything gotten worse to the fact of our synonymous oppression? That’s because any premise of dictation or assertion you think you have within such a society, other than to buy your way in, is simply a tyrannically auspicious lie and another aspect of your obligatory, irreparable domination within the system.

Power dominates the people,
Remove the power structure and return destiny to the people.
Then we will have basis for change.
We will then have peace.

But this does not seem like it will happen from within; it must happen from outside and then act as an example for those who are subjugated, destabilising the balance of monetary control so as that it ceases to exist and the people themselves have charge of their own destiny. Create a new world, live by example. Be as you want the future to be, and it will change. But this will not happen from within the cancerous husk of an ailing humanity; it must be superseded external to its tendrilous confines and thus arise anew.

you seem both wrong to me: the problem is not on the money or on the society. it is on the human being. the solution: a big, nice and cozy asteroid that would turn the earth into a barbecue-party. better yet: a gas that would only kill human beings and leave the rest alone. why can't we be sincere and admit that we have failed ? we are trying to be more than we are. let's be REAL grown-ups and leave the propagation of our species BS behind. before we wipe out life on earth and perhaps another planets, let's end this. let's stuff 5€ bills down our throats, lock ourselves in a cage and set the room on fire. that would be a mankind that i would be proud of. society and money are nothing more than mere inventions of the man, and are to be trated as such. money has the same meaning to wealth than 1Kg has to a scales.
Good idea Daytripper. You go first and we will follow.

Dear Buffachino.

I don’t understand what you’re aiming at? (my English is not that good by the way)
What do you mean by: cancerous husk of an ailing humanity. Aren’t we all humans?
Aren’t you human?
You talk about defeat. For me, running away means defeat. For me hate, anger and fear are the meanings of defeat.

Money does not control people. People control people.
Fear enslaves people. Freedom comes with responsibility. Running away from responsibility is giving up freedom.
I do not believe in changing people by force.
Saying that burning the money is the way to utopia is a bit easy.
Take the war on (some)drugs for example. Some people think that by banning drugs, drug related problems will vanish. This is the same as saying banning money is the solution to all our probleems.

There are lots of ways to make a difference.
You can always help people, without asking for money or anything else.
Support each other build a community.
There is art, music, and poetry.
I don’t say you have to accept everything about a certain culture or society.
There are a lot of things wrong in this world. Speak up about what you feel is wrong, do something about it.
What I am trying to put out is not a political point of view.
What I am trying to tell comes from a feeling of unity and love.
I do not see dominators anywhere. What I see are brothers and sisters who are having a hard time. What I feel is compassion.

We are all family, not only the humans but also the birds and the bees.
My feeling is that humanity is part of nature, not opposed to nature.
i believe in duality, the sum of everything is zero: for every negative thing there is a positive thing.

if you make a world than consists of only positive things you will find the less positive negative. (relativity)

try to keep balance without falling into patterns and try to gather as much knowledge as you can (school is a good tool for this you know).

carpe vitam :wink:
There is art, music, and poetry.
and i thought music and poetry were art! a misconception, maybe.
i am amazed to see that you belive that this can be saved. better yet: that this is worth being saved. perhaps you also belive that in a mystical and magic moment in history, all human beings wake up saying hello and singing, separating their gabages to recycle, trashing their cars and using public transportation, equal rights, unbiased groups, free and true information, an organized life where we can be happy, and above all, not repressing their animal instinct like they were taught generation after generation after generation. perhaps we will all belive in this, and why not talking rocks ? and what about tango-dancing ants ? the catholic church always seemed fair and righteous to me. i hope that for you too.
i am even more amazed that you rationalize things so much that you cannot longer differ the idea from the object. that you cannot see the sea without seeing it as such: the object that is REPRESENTED by the word. the thought is meant to serve the reality.
one thinks that money is the problem. the other things that with enough compreension, balance and compassion, the world will come (in that mystical and magical time) to be balanced and everyone will be happy ever after. why don't you both close that bed-time storybook and see with your own eyes the way the world is today ? go out and meet the poorest people in your town. have lunch with them, listen and talk to them. have you done this ? what about the most reckless and dangerous guys around ? have you told him that you find his mother a hottie ? have you masturbated in front of a priest ? what about in front of your grandmother ?
it is rather simple to be comfortably sitting in your mommy's house with no bills to pay, no responsability, and thinking that you are very intelligent because you have read some books, and you are sometimes amazed with the things that you create: nice worlds with nice people...never forgetting to talk about the world's problems, and how easy it is to solve them. meanwhile, you feed on the system, leeching him until your fat ass is sitting in front of the computer. and then, you put your hands on your kness, blink your eyes twice and you say, looking at an empty space, poetically, like a Hemingway paragraph, dripping in fake/casual disconfort with reality, rejoicing: "i have the solution to solve all the world's problems. and it fits in less than 10 words"