The philosopher's take on the criminalisation of drugs

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^of course it didn't drop out of the air, but the Shanghai convention was the first international treaty on the subject. The European countries were very much against controlling opium and cocaine btw, because they were making money by the boatload.
the topic poster is absolutely right:

that is a part of it, the whole of europe was using cocain coming from the usa.
For fun and medical uses.
The usa exported it on a large scale to germany, france and more european countries, as well as give their soldiers loads of it, and producing a drink, called COCA cola, which then was FILLED with the shit :)

There are more proven writings about how the usa fucked up the world with their coca :)
Coca became illegal in one day. The day the Harrison Act was signed.

These are proven facts.

Sorry to burst any bubbles, but hey...
we can't deny history.
^of course it didn't drop out of the air, but the Shanghai convention was the first international treaty on the subject. The European countries were very much against controlling opium and cocaine btw, because they were making money by the boatload.
I didn't say you did and yes, you are right, but there were social taboos long before that. Making money out of it and taking it are two very different things.

wikipedia a dit:
The first law outright prohibiting the use of a specific drug in the United States was a San Francisco ordinance which banned the smoking of opium in opium dens in 1875. The claimed inspiration was "many women and young girls, as well as young men of respectable family, were being induced to visit the Chinese opium-smoking dens, where they were ruined morally and otherwise," although there is no evidence to suggest this actually happened. This was followed by other laws throughout the country, and federal laws which barred Chinese people from trafficking in opium. Though the laws affected the use and distribution of opium by Chinese immigrants, no action was taken against the producers of such products as laudanum, a tincture of opium and alcohol, commonly taken as a panacea by white Americans. The distinction between its use by white Americans and Chinese immigrants was thus based on the form in which it was ingested: Chinese immigrants smoked it, while it was included in various kinds of generally liquid medicines for people of European descent. The laws targeted opium smoking, but not other methods of ingestion. [1] As a result of this discrepancy, modern commentators believe that these laws were racist in origin and intent.
" It was still available as laudanum and in painkillers. "

And in patent medicines , that means the ones traveling sales men sold . Look at coca-cola to and when they stoped putting coke in it .

It seems to always have been a big thing in the US to find groups to blame like the mexicans , the chinese , afro-americans , homosexuals , comunists and "drug" users .

"the whole of europe was using cocain coming from the usa. "

Not true . Not the whole of europe and not all coming from the USA .

"There are more proven writings about how the usa fucked up the world with their coca"

Not in the time we are talking about . What you say is true but it is the CIA and came much later . Read info from an US university profesor called "A.McCoy" .
This is a great site. I tried to find the main articles that explain reasons for war on drugs so as to keep profits high for covert gov./corp means....couldn't at this time but this article is great for the history of it@ "Drug War: Covert Money, Power & Policy: Inquisition

In Germany and Scotland, in the sixteenth century, midwives were burned alive for easing the pain of childbirth. The ostensible reason was that the pain was God's punishment for Original Sin, and so to interfere with it was heretical, causing great pain and hurt to Our Saviour (fascism is always maudlin). The real reason was that these shamans challenged the psycho-medical monopoly of the military-industrial theocracy. "