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The Now

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Enivid
  • Date de début Date de début
Fork what about moving this one to the esoteric section..............
GOD a dit:
Fork what about moving this one to the esoteric section..............
nah man, Fork was just getting into a discussion on the semantics of the verb judge. That doesn't have to be esoteric! =O
I think Enivids message is good, though i must agree that i also don't like sometimes the way the message is conveyed....

I agree, he has something to tell. But it's how he tell's it.

Enivid a dit:
The problem mysticwarrior is that you think I am better then you, you and I are equal good. It depends on how you see on it, I don't judge, and you seem to judge. I see it all from free will, and the actions of free will. I say Im wrong but from my subjective perspective am I right. And what I know is based on science and empirical evidence. And I say we are all Neo, the point to the illusion is to realise we are all living in the same illusion but from a subjective point of view.

Hahaha, who do you think you are? So you know what i am thinking? Well your wrong, i would never think that you are better then me nor will i think that i am better then someone else. It's just an irritating feeling that i have when i read your posts. This feelings i have is because you tell things that we are god, neo's and chosen ones. It's just sounds so arrogant.

I know quantum physics, i understand what you are trying to tell us. But don't come with words like neo's or chosen ones. Because i can't take these words serious and its irritating people.....
Silv , i ment that Fork should move the whole thread again , this time to the esoteric thread.......... because it doesnt exist.......... = delete it .
GOD a dit:
Silv , i ment that Fork should move the whole thread again , this time to the esoteric thread.......... because it doesnt exist.......... = delete it .

Well, everybody's got the right to post what they think is important or things they want to share, as long as it's by the forum rules.

Maybe a good time again to adres that life is not a fairytale or some matrix existence (well, depends on how you look at "civilization" I guess)
If we want something to change, we need to work our ASSES OFF!
I was trying to be funny . I dont believe in censorship but sometimes the crap takes over and virtual stops all progress . WE dont want to be dragged back into the dark ages again by confused people do we .

"If we want something to change, we need to work our ASSES OFF! "

Politics, Legal issues & The Media Private Subforum to discuss legal/scientific issues (SPLIT)
Maybe there should be a subforum for discussion on relgion.

Peace. :weedman:
Jesus H baldheaded Christ! For the psychedelic bunch we are supposed to be, this kind of dissapointing. We all judge, we are all arrogant enough to built-up massive messiah-complexes, but most of all we are all prone to making mistakes.

We are manichaeistic super-ego-monkeys, we all know that right?

But that doesn't mean that 'we' the psychedelic elite, can't make mistakes. We see through the illusion of reality, but that doesn't change a thing. We are still the same as all people, even those who are deeply rooted in the illusion.

By discarding all that Inivid wrote, you yourself are acting arrogant. It may be wrong, it may be right, but for fucksakes keep it peaceful. The point of discussion is hearing eachother out, and perhaps commenting on it, but NOT trying to make the other believe your absolute truth.

To live is to observe.

(sorry for the utterly chaotic formulation)
^Isn't this like the pot calling the kettle black?
Yeah it is, and thank god you noticed. I'm not trying to say I am the one who's right, or that I know it all. I'm saying that I'm not/ I don't.

VerusDeus a dit:
By discarding all that Inivid wrote, you yourself are acting arrogant. It may be wrong, it may be right, but for fucksakes keep it peaceful. The point of discussion is hearing eachother out, and perhaps commenting on it, but NOT trying to make the other believe your absolute truth.

FFS, this is how he entered our community:

Warning: I make a case out of what I've come to understand. I've lived my life as a test, and I never realised it until know. I sit on information that could make you high by talking about it. I

New-age-oddball-evangelist is what came to my mind when I read that. Trying to get into a discussion only confirmed that feeling for me but hey, I guess I'm just getting old.
Well I didn't say he hasn't got a messiah-complex, but I don't hate him for that. And it's good to give him feedback on that, but he's still one of us.
^that's why I ask him hard questions and am honest in my doubts about his claims.
I didn't really mean you Fork. But there were people who reacted by judging, which is an inevitabillity, I judge too. But that doesn't mean we can't try to stop doing that, that was my observation.

Everything we do is based on judgements . For instance what you throw in the dustbin or if you cut gangreen out or let it grow and kill you . Somewhere we all have to draw lines when other people start draging things down with backward hokus pokus . And if a friend of mine was an absolute loony i would try to talk to him about it not ignore it .
Why is everybody so offended ?????
who is?