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the money system is evil

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BrainEater
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some good points everyone... well i think i have suggested some ideas, but i also hoped you were able to think a little bit also... one of the main problems is the distribution of money and hopefully you can see how the controllers of the system who have a lot of money are holding it back.
people who have millions on their bank account should be talked to and maybe they will understand, that they are holding the system back. such people should be exposed righteously. if enough people have seen such peoples' ugly smiles why don't they do something community based against such individuals?
however surely not everyone who is rich is a bad person, or everyone who is poor is a good person, but i am talking about the persons with exagerated amounts of money right now, because in big societies the concept of a system or many systems seems to be necessary. so if they hinder the progress with having millions on their bank accounts i want to know where is the healthy common sense? i don't want to take all that bullshit anymore at all.
i have seen it a lot that the people with little money are being attacked, but why are we not going against the big ones? isn't it a pattern that we can see all over the course of history? but now we have advanced as a civilisation somewhat, at least in some aspects like technology and hence potential for connecting and communcation. :x
i have noticed that i didn't see many rich people and celebrities as humans anymore, but maybe we could give them the chance to prove that they have the good of all humanity lying at their hearts. but without lies or all the fake shit!!!
if you ask me it is probably much more fun if the wealth is better distributed, if the majority of the world is healthy. more people would be able to party.
for example think about how and/or why we may need a revolution in tourism. what does it help to make all the people mad with the overwhelming and exagerated mass of products and services we have here in the west??? it's insanity of the culture, really...
i'm so sick of rich tourists going to beautiful and mostly relatively poor countries and showing nothing but ignorance to the culture, simply because they have money... :x :\\

furthermore, if you ask me, the people that do war for ressources should mostly be put in prison or so... man we could be so much more advanced already, if these idiots didn't spent billions and billions of money for war... maybe basically, people who benefit from others' suffering. sad to say, but i think such people are more like animals than human beings. think of the fact that many many countries could have totally be saved instead...
i'm asking why???????????????? :\\ :\\ :\\

also if you didn't know, regarding the golden age, there are people who have thought quite a while ago that it had begun, others think it's beginning now and others that think it will still take a while. maybe it means that it hasn't been so determined yet and that we as the population can make it happen. also why exactly did these people perceive it like that? maybe because abundance, to some extent seems to be a matter of perspective and their perception of reality is limited or at least certainly subjective.
the crazy thing is that a lot of people in the west are unhappy even though they have more than they need.

the problem with some "classes" or groups of people is that they feel too unworthy in their souls or in the core of their being or so. many have been made to believe that over time. it could be classes in the "classic society sense", like caste system or so, or school classes. it appears to me, the society school or so but also the caste system is in many places somewhat really retarded.
i say:" capitalism is the crisis"!!! where is the social revolution globally? so sick of all the lies, pretending and fake shit. :(
also what i don't like is poor people being played out against each other. i demand healthy common sense and real education, without inhumaneness now!!! i also demand peace and that there can be good communities that can enjoy themselves in adequate ways or so all over the world!!


my cards say we want at least something like terrence mc kenna healthy common sense for the advancement of the planetary civilisations!!! :idea: 8) :weed:
:x :x :x
he said for example that a bigger gap between rich and poor would lead to ever more brutal behaviour patterns.
and that shouldn't be acceptable, if the notion of healthy common sense should be included.

well i said "the money system is slavery"... i would say that's something potentially totally different at least in some sense... so i am not complaining simply about the existence but money..well a little bit that too ... but rather about the mostly undesired system aspect that can come with it and if you don't know how that can feel i wish you such an experience as well... :twisted: ;)
anyway lol... more evolution of healthy common sense please!!!!!!! now, if you haven't understood what my point or so is, maybe but only maybe the pointing towards the fact that we have way too much shit in the west and that we are wasting ressources, can hopefully give you a healthy common sense impulse. i just hate violence and in some sense especially when it becomes subliminal. the somewhat tragic aspect is civilsation vs domestication (vs something else? etc etc...), but i would say in that maybe also lies a lot of hidden potential...
so yeah... what else that is intelligent can i say?? so sick and tired!!!... :angry:
well alright... may all the stupid warmakers and idiots like that get their stupid energies back at last!!
something like that...

Money only has worth in a certain country. And when it comes right down to it, it's not worth anything at all. Gold, Silver, Water, Plants, Labs, Food, Animals, and Books and somewhere to live has worth. Money is fiat currency. The bad thing is that people who live in the forest with knowledge of all plants and semi-synthethics are pushed outside by governmental systems all the time. They destroy peaceful groups and tribes that are quote on quote "primitive" because they fear that people would realize they don't need a hate/fear fueling ruling system bent on keeping society just conforming enough to not put 2 + 2 together. They even turned the peace sign upside down. The right side up peace sign looks like a tree. http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae33/Julissa279/neon20peace20sign.jpg
yeah, exactly man... that's it, basically... i really hope that shit will change as the population will wake up. well just look at history.. almost always there have been times of cruelty, tyranny and slavery and so on and people woke up... the french revolution for example.. but well, unfortunately, i don't know very much about it lol... i would say if history repeats there is a lesson that hasn't been learned properly yet or maybe also for another reason and/or a more or less specific/unspecific reason?? maybe even a bit like a higher intelligence idea or so... it isn't always that simple, but from another perspective it could be. now perhaps there is more to be said about this, but i will probably better think a little bit more about it yet.
anyway... :roll:

as far as i can see, one deal/problem with money simply seems to be that it doesn't circulate enough and/or well enough.
i have said that before already, but not formulated it like that. i think it is a rather reasonable conclusion.
also i am convinced that what stands in the way of a better world and has been standing in the way of a better world in the past is wrong focus/concentration on the "real god". i hope that's a good way of saying it.. maybe in poker language it would be like saying it is or maybe should be a bit a no-brainer in some sense lol... but i also guess i have to say unfortunately i really don't know what would be a good way of saying that. because god is so indescribable.

yeah maybe at least sometimes it's better to honestly pity the government and authority control people instead of only hating and wasting time and energy like that... i figured masks of society are not always worth it at all... i dunno if it's the best time to say it, but i remember two ideas from some songs from the metal band in flames... i hope it's alright to write that here... so in flames please forgive me for that, because it has some truth in it... "...the leaders of our time ready for a downfall..." and ".. i see authority getting older every day..." well of course not all the leaders, but maybe this says it all or something in some sense a little bit?? the stupidoh so adult people etc etc... get me???
and what about the for example differentiation + combination between the idea that maybe the people simply have to either be able and/or want to imagine it differently. maybe it could be as simple as that!!!???
:Oo: :!:

like most things the illuminati have brought for us this is just one of them, its part of how they slowly integrate all their ideals into our world and disguise them as other things, such as how they're taking so much info from us under the pretense of security (even though terrorists use letters and word of mouth not internet) and they're pushing chips to be installed in people to make our lives easier
Yes it is slavery but are we ready for an alternative more evolved social system? If yes, let's move torward this direction!
I couldn't agree more with the great Alan Watts: Alan Watts on Money vs. Wealth | Brain Pickings I like listening to his smart speechs all the time:
They always say "follow the money".
Well where does it come from?

Let's take a loan for a house or a company.

The money is created out of "nothing".
They give it to you you buy your stuff.
You do the labour, pay off your debt + interest.
The interest is for the one that generated money out of nothing.

There are heavy debates going on now underground for a reset of all debts.
Not the simple debts, but the ones that bankers put nations in and interest free loans.
On top of that a basic income of €1500 for every Western citizen FROM BIRTH.
This is what the peace revolution is debating now at this instant.